Show S HEAD OF SCHOOLS I BEATS SHEEPHERDER Bill Passes House Raising Salary Salary Salary Sal Sal- ary of 01 Superintendent to 2000 I i S. S f TOLTON TON CLIPS OFF 1000 NA NAr r S S on n Says So I Bricklayer Is Worth t J N More Than Educator and nud Fifteen j I t teen Vote That Vay nr 8 Considerable opposition developed z 1 In the thc house houe-c toda today loday to house bill bm No 37 b by Richards providing pro pro- 71 viding riding for a raise In salary salar for tor time the superintendent of public Instruction tf rhe The bill hm pro l provides s that the pay ot of I c I time the state stale superintendent be S from 1800 a year yeam ear to 2 t Tolton folton proposed ed an aim amendment amend l- l ment that became part of th the bill as asIt t It was passed providing that the I Salary be fixed at 2000 t i The majority Ity report report presented to the time house hou favored the bill In Ms Its original form A minority report asked that thal time the bill be he killed A After I considerable argument ni the minority I 9 lenort failed railed to lo be adopted When hen S lh tf majority report came camo up uP for Cor or dl discussion Representative Richards tj S Sarose arose to explain his ii hill bill III He Herold said raid At At the time a n man intuit looking after a n. herd of oC sheep receives recel more moie pa pay than does the state superintendent super o of Instruction oC of our state Would Voul you ou have the heep herder re receive rO- rO U calve more pay that thai the man who I Is ir at the head of our public school i p. I tern lem 7 I 11 At the present pre ent time line the time superintendent S dent 0 of the cl cl schools receives cs a a. a. a s salary lary of a n. month while i lie l 0 l monthly 11 allowance co of our tate state superintendent sup I la Is only e ln I I J Jackson spoke ola against t the of the majority report In Inthe inthe lh the course of his remarks he said ah th t ho lie thought n a brIck mason should should- more monc money than a a. state stale slaton In n He lie said alt that he thought ho he worked harder I believe that thoman tho time I mann man who works Is time the man maim who should receive o the pa pay I. I he said Which do du you OU consider con ider the time Ino most t Important tant asked 11 Mr lr ou our children cht or ot our out artesian welts wells 11 ime hA ft majority report iva vo waa adopted n Representative tun Io off re t n amendment that the tho salary nrY r or t the lie I state altah R n it t. t be Q nAt from fromI rom I l I 18 8 8 0 no 1 0 J o J l wn M lo h t tt nt t on bU i I emil limo Teg I t n and wont roe tor l i-l S r o Richards tHud ti th i beIng Jon hy by UHf rM i the they hey WHO were In Lii session wan walt a not mint Iho UI orl u-orK u time iliaC they did dill tom for a a. livelihood It Jf It Is he lie cJ It 8 to limo mo- that mit f iv umi havo missed our oum calling S Is ls I speak speak- lag Ing from experience asbed i I 8 J Jensen I I was only mu- speak speak- 1 lag Iner of or myself and Representative S I Jensen returned tho the oilier Westphal explained his opposition c- c to 0 the time bill and anti Rt pI e r uch- uch 11 er ci spoke in ill favor o a I of or It It Mr Kuchler Kuch ler er Saul said I do not nol believe c that IUt too lon I m much nUCh uch care dIn clin mn be taken h In time tho training train I ing wg of or our OUI children I um m in favor ol n of the thc measure A man who l la is Cal Cal- able ablo of ot looking after tho time education S of or the lie public school children 1 of t 3 tale should be 11 paid patti well for or hi S work tt-om-k The bill a as its amended passed seil by a n. vote of 28 S 8 to 15 Committees Ke Ht On Tu Tuesday the the speaker er warned the hum members of ot the tho house houe unless the Iho S tho ho bill bills committees reported some of or I out of committee that had boon been re referred re- re I I to lo them thai hat they would bo ho piling up a n. lot Jot of work tar for themselves S for the time lost last Ia t of the session Thursday Thurs 5 S 1 I da day the time committees es by lIy giving their opinions of or a dozen meas- meas S J 1 ure ures reported I The judiciary j committee 4 favorably upon Representative Tolton's Tol- Tol 1 I tons ton's bill prohibiting theatres anti and other othel oth- oth I er el amusements on Sunday One S member of tho the committee who was vi I not present when tho the bill was discussed dis- dis cussed said that he would have hae aceti I S beon In S for or a minority report had he I when whoa the measUre was walf i cussed S Representative Tolton's measure IL U. B U. U No Go i repealing the law Jaw th that t al allows al al- 5 lows district Judges and district utter utter- I ne s 's mileage e was ivas reported favorably S by the salaries and fees fecs committee c S S Another mci School Measure t. t Representative e R Larsen's La ens en's bill requiring requiring S ing that children bo lIo compelled ll to attend attend at- at I s miles of oC a n hm tend school within four 1 schoolhouse instead of two miles and anda I S a n half hulf ns as provided at ot pre proem received re ru- the tho approval al of or the time judiciary s commIttee Representative o Crofts Croft's S bill suppressing the sale Ie of it wan reported favorably ably by b the tha inu- inu I 1 of the judiciary committee i v t minority report signed by S Stives lives tives Westphal and D Dyreng Teng S was read rend H. H B. B No 11 b by Representative S J i e Bensen was reconstructed 4 b by the committee and amI thc they asked the approval al of oC the house in iii sub submitting nl a n I substitute measure S House Joint memorial as amended l b by the senate was read and pla placed on onnie rue file House petition No S. S h by o ne I S Cottam asking that a a. bridge I I be lIo constructed over the Rio Ulo Virgin S S bill No Ko C river was read Senate t by Senator Benner Denner X N. Smith ing jag for or the revision of or the laws Jaws of the state slate was vas reported favorably ta anda and amid a few rew amendments suggested IJ by Iho ho judiciary commIttee The committee S f on Oh mining an and smelting fa favorably fa- fa a- a on omm senate senale bill No ID 1 19 by Sena- Sena j S I lor tor or I ix IN THI TIU I r S-S S i Thursdays Thursday's session of or tho time senate e I 1 visitor I 01 dull beastly dull ull as ns an aim expressed it It for beyond the consideration rn- rn S S hill bin S tion lion of ot Senator vole reset of or note No bills lIllIs' there thore was no nothing were ero introduced d two o were r reported S SI I favorably by one was pase- pase t tad S ed ell and another recommitted S Tho The board of oC count county commissioners t- t S oC of Washington county n u petition S for COI a state stata appropriation pf of GOO Gao fat tor m I I I 5 S. S i I I S 1 S SI I 1 S A f v iY 1 ta 1 i lf r t the construction o of a bridge In Wasl p Ington county counts It I was a as referred ec to th the th committee on highways and ant bridges es The committee on manufactures am an and 1 comm commerce approved Senator Seely Seely's tely t t. t I i butter buttor r bi bill and atil the commIttee nu oh fl fi-d fi kt- kt 7 J eral relations reported l favor favorably II o on TI T bill 1111 legall hi 11 I. I 3 transfer of the Fort FOt Crittenden sit Il from ti the thi state slate to the government Th rue V r some Same Committee al also aIo o reported favor favor- favorably favol- favol n ably ly nn on t r thu he h house Joint nu a Jt- Jt r 4 tIL IK congress to lo na war veteran f 1 |