Show MITRE LOSES IN STRETCH t Thing sil nt Oakland Out by Duke hule of or Orleans San Sun Francsco FrancIsco Feb 7 The Thc Tho feature of the day lay at Oakland today was the tho tie defeat 1 of Mitre Mire In the second race after ater I one ono of the h heaviest plunges of ot the tho week Mitro Mitre Mire was as good as 2 2 2 to 1 at atthe atthe atthe the opening but thousands of ot dollars pounded the price down to 7 to S 6 at post time Duko Duke of Orleans w wn u n from the tho good thing timing however by halt half hat a 0 length after Mitre led into tho time stretch b by five lengths Dr backed l from G C down lown to toIs 18 Is 1 to 5 6 romped homo In the first race race I |