Show J Ii and Ull Maiden Name Mrs Jess A Richardson was decreed de mb- creed a n ess divorce from rota Elwood A. A Rich Richardson ardson In Iii Judge George 6 G. G Armstrong's Armstrongs Armstrongs Armstrong's Arm Arm- strongs strong's court on the time grounds of de de- de- de They hey were sere married on January Jan Jail ellon uary 1 13 ii 1900 1000 and ane within a year car Richardson on disappeared and anti has failed failed Cail fail fail- Cai- Cai ed to provide for his in any un way tva wa l His appearance was tas entered b by default deCaul default de de- de- de fault the summons ot or service being Caul made o by l publication Mrs In Richardson's Richardsons Richardsons Richard Richard- la sons son maiden name Jessie ic Lockwood was wat restored to her |