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Show CAPITALISTS Reports by GET Ixperts Give Ithyolite, Nev. Feb. excitement over the rich in Settlements ens reported bullion yesterday as by McC nal = & (Cary were as Tollows: », $32,000; bullion Seo O00: Silver was quoted at 68 1-4c; copper, 24 3-Sc; lead, $6, + + that is as have eaten eee Lee es Lee of is on rich eve ry tons sue strikes grow and the through Goes Blanty ren tition, "althoug hehe enough fountlation of truth im the ported the strikes ‘stamp and Thomas Within Schw W. the fully fifty Rhyovlite, new to interest of outfits Beatty camp Lee, Guggenhe twenty-four and the brokers upon ae of Lee, California. up on ment zo company to the lto work big the are in-|¢o, the Edna He will Develop- Marysvale _ % is. crater of and Franklin which property Veg | me nt for the ing a town Nevada at In bore The the Gold driven Develop- company is perhaps as interestone as could be found anywhere a young man seekine © practical extreme, work in. The is rugged in its formations are a val- but a month) yaple study and it presents great the camp,/jems for the mining engineer to restaurants | come ¢very hand will tunnel, being 1lots| knowledge of mining to and| Gold ¢ Mountain country the In Lee, Nevada, where ago seven tentS marked tent stores, saloons and are springing oti poe S| have left Las and Bullfrog creasing the price in both the towns S| be capitalis ie Sf rb, Lawson. past tain experience in ficld work. enter the employ of the Gold Somo years ago a shaft probover- was sunk Oswald Stein returned . from Lee} this morning and reported that he had} passed 25° outfits on the road south-} {n the crater of an extinct volcano, yhijich was found upon one of the loftjest peaks of that section. Good val- bound ues and that signs of active opera-} were encountered in the sinking o tions were in eyidence on every hand.| hut the place js so nearly inaccessible The Lee district Nes 25 miles south|that it was found | impraticable to of Rhyolite, in the direct path of the| mine in the shaft. A tunnel site was "Borax" Smith extension of the Santa] found about one mile from the crater Fe, and the country already has been|and the work of driving the tunnel carefully examined ahd. reported by! is well under wa the mining experts sent in by the It Is expected ‘to reach a yroint diSchwab:and: Guggenheim interests. rectly underneath the crater next July, vhen a vertical depth of 1,000 feet or Reports Command Attention. ; nore will have been attained. is believed, frowever, that the vein will Until these reports were received litencountered some time before the tle ‘attention was paid to. the district) t x» objective point is reached and unless as there is little showing upon the surreasonable calculations fail there face, and even after the big companies] all had made ‘their investigations and had| wil be interesting developments in the begun to buy property the rank and|tunnel during the next few months. Dr. Gilbert J. Palen, general manafile of the mining public was not aware ger of the Gold Development:company, of the existerice of this rich district unhas gone to Philadelphia for a month's Ul the report of Prof. Aughey, of the time Following -his: return his United. States .-Geologieal survey, the}-¥ isic. will be. divided between Denver and Smithsonian institution and the UniSalt Lake, the company having large versity of Nebraska, was made public. Then the rush to the district took} Eee h, place. : Lack of. water-and the reticence of mine owners has kept back the growth The Lead reports Aura continue district, in to come which Og- ae the freight service at. being, greatly improved Grande's Sky Ifne went the camp. The into rr probably be of 1,200 tons 1, when brought a day. up the plant ‘will to its among companies in the which 's Consolidated DEVELOP SUNFLOWER Company to Start Portion Allotted to Work It. on Another sult has been filed in the long-drawn litigation over the Snowflake mine at Gold Springs, In this suit F. R.- McNamee, as administrator of, the estate of the date Robert »C, Lund, demands of R.. KR: Johnson: a one-half interest in Johnson's onethird interest in the property. It is alleged that when Johnson was holding a power. of attorney from Lund, in' 1902,, he abandoned the property -_kpown us the Comstock group and Ing Lund out of the though he Sree: 8 in the original on The Jennie Gola haying been owner of new location, alone-sixth ae Mining adjudged Unlisted Copper rich Stocks Glance was as the court the prop- of on the porthat Jenntle's 'Change. the most active of the unlisted stocks on the exchange yesterday, 1,000 shares having sold at 28e and hands at several 271-2c. capacity per found thousand Thompson buyers a changing was also 20 $1.22'1-2,. and United Bingham acme {d, 10c asked. Ely Witch stood $1.65 bid with $1.75 asked, and 9$2c was asked with 18e pah 25c for was Federal bid asked. and Ely. and For Keystone here so of which is on in being attained to the and the quartz 100- unusually specimen ore, vertical pushed. three shifts met and with the Seven Troughs lode at depth in | Seven double-compartment shaft one Mining the workings and Nev., as yesterday at. a body stvong of far Troughs cutting vein mine levelin large Seven the the .Previous County, hailed date down penetrated the in the lowest district, manner proving in a splendid outerops of rich the wonderfully mere surface are not in this district impregnations While one corner of the shaft rested on the vein three days ago and exae See some of which would assi least $100,000 a ton in gold, the Parts significance of the strike and its vital connection with the history of the district did not dawn upon the inhabitants of Vernon until today, when the penetration of the ledge was completed, revealing four feet of vein matter at this point fairly saturated with free gold with an additional zone of gold impregnation of still greater width Signifies Permanency. camp and it and has a break for new ing larger on this Increase. level than have along STRIKE Ore IN the in- is Superintendent FElliPresident Friedman : WEST Found Rhyolite, Nev., Feb. 7.-The Extension has made one of the in the history of the in West ere Returns From Promising of New his Nature. Reports of Hana- closed render them more so, than of the the remunerative, if eat large ones In other country, - He visited nearly all of the more active producers and admits that he was highly instructed, peat his visit as remoyed, study that surface He soon he may promises to reas the snow 1s be permilted conditions. Under Be Se | | i | 6) {" ‘8.00. 2.384} j | 2.00 1} | Ww P- 1.80 .80° |} 2.75 1,75. | 58.51| sya souanho | 5 { 7B | w | 1.80 |. :66.<'1' -. 0 | 0 } > <6 Gentury being the snaft $31.40 in ounces. | Good ORE BODY Veln to IN UTAITL APEX. of Milling Grade venue Tunnel. in Par- Important developments have been made in the Parvenue tunnel being driven by the Utah Apex Mining company of Bingham. Manager Walter Cc. Orem was advised yesterday morning that vein of milling ore had been encountered and that the entire face was in mineral, The vein appears to be following fhe strike of the tunnel, Dut no effort has been made to cross-cut it lo ascertain the width, Orem says the existence of this yein« is llot indicated on the surface by croppings: hence its appearance was entirely unexpected, Tt was found v.200° feet in from the portal. The Values run principally in lead. The new tramway has been in commission for two or three days und is giving fair satisfaction Judge KR. N. EX'TENDING Baskin Should LEASE. Believes Work Its Miller Mine. New York, Feb. 7.-Judge R. N, taskin, formerly of the supreme court of Utah and one of the originators of the Miller Mining company, operating properties itt American Fork canyon. isin New York, conferring with his associates. Since the reopening of these old possessions they. have = operated profitably by lessees. cently the lease expired, and the sadne came to Nev v York to antagonize any cffort to rene it' He* is convinced the company itself will find it possible lo begin the earning of dividends the present year, and that it will find it more profitable to dispense with the lessee. At this ime ho reports at the sur- face as many as 10,000 sacks of high- grade silver-lead ores, hese ane snowed in, howeyer. ‘There will be outlet for them to the smelters eat the reopening of the roads in June. Ely. A. who is of acres This Kyle, of is Says estimate OUR RADIANT GR ATE Is working a Grate Revolution in in Ss alt Laks City. domestic comfort Chi-| the de- signing of the steel frame work of the cluster of big buildings which are to go} up at the smelter site he concern | represented by Mr. ,i<¥le has the con-, tract for furnishing the frame of the buflidine, and: his duty here is to put} tt designs dyawhn at the smelter} draughting » rooms in shape for the workmen at the foundry of his com-| pany | Designs. for the. frat iit of ,. the} concentrator have alres Saige been finish-| i ed and sent to this foundty. The first unit will cover eight acres, There will} be three units of equal s so that the | concentrator, when ditichere Will alone cover 24 acres Thebins and other} structures required In the operating of| the smelter will swell the acreage coyv-| ered by buildings to about 40 acres The smelter warehouse is about com pleted; and eraders are : work upon the foundations of the othe rr Much of this grading is contract. Flias Morris & Sons 60. 21-27 W. So. Temple St. Francisco H.: P. B.Cosgriff o5 President. OPEN AN ACCOUNT Quotations, 4 wae dR We, tM RN" | 7 ix | 4} aspen ho Jt J. Daly, Ww. P. Noble, Viee-Presidents, Peabody, Asst. Cashier. A. ¥H.: McCornick & Co. BANKERS SA eS " Transact.a ee Ger 22. ' | | Salt Lake City, Utah. | | 5.00 2,0004 ut $2. doforaic ne Columbus. Conso Lic ated, caw at Daly Judge, 400-at $1i 12 Ingot, 1,000 at fc May Day, »2,500 at. 2c. New: York, 1 aty 2c. Silver Shield, at1z Trou ghs, 1,700 Co Jumbus.. Pr Sua sty : af ireat Bend siteaddess veel aoniaa Nd Dats y . reat Bend Annex. oeeent Golan ld Cons se at dx... 1 Great Bend, xt sion Gri inns ; " tle Jump a hag k Jumbo Jumbo xte1is TOT ans a nd: vd 1"3 5 1.0 2.455: ZH. S:50- Wi 1.02% |.:2,50 | a | > 8.62% dy adiieias: 100 at 27,956 eee "$15,695. Sales, Lower Mammoth, 200 at $2.20. May Day,500 at © tat South Swansea, 100 South Columbus consolidated, 200 at Mat 1S, Colorado Mining, 300 at a Yankee € oe 400 at "0c. Shares sold, 11.3 Value of shares, NEMA. Walter C. Orem of the canyon. showing The stock of the Utah Copper company is to be listed on «the New York stock exchange in -the next few days, according to ad vipgs received yesterday by Pollock & The meeting of ot cnolaers of the Utah Copper company to authorize the proposed issue of 60,000 shares of New capital stock and. their sale to stockholders at $25 a share is to be held in New York Feb. 19. The right of stockholders to subscribe for the new ock will expire about March Hureka-swansea Extension Mining company will hold its annual meeting In this city on March 4,» 4 proposition to remove the: company's headquarters to Proyo is to be voted upon. SQM ees 'Si° Salt 2s Meeks ane oo Bali. "THE queen Manhatta Matha tan Consolidated = SP Deine Con oie Maytlo wa l-GEy Slilaiiie a wieleuie aah aye ay dle cD Woes ectvckvecsecdly Montana neat ee 40 Mextean To fuavel J sdashen Montgome ry Mountain ae Mohawk stadee Muctane New "York Consolidated Nug ae eva wud ses Canvas revi Oe Norere SS iv. National Bank North Star .... 7% Cashier Cashier Asst. LAGOON Lake & ROAD" Ogden imon and nt President Vice-President ieee etek ere Ae Ratlway. Gamberger General Manager. Utah ‘2 Loading Wusio. ~ $99-11-18 South Mein Street, GALT J. New Copper H. and Newhouse Curb Ss. 1544 é DR. J.B. | ST., 10 2 7 6% 44 5% SiR leased City. RK, BOTH BOSTON AND TELEPHONES SAN 575. -_--- WM. H. TIBBALS' WEEKLY MARKET LETTER Gives valuable pce Cal 1 20 information interests for in Utah and re "gardl ding Nevada, copy. HERALD =-"O BUILDING, Telephones CITY: 1081 JOHN C. CUTLER JR. INVESTMENT Cs EUG BONDS. Oth er High Low.Close BANKER, TK93. | gy : t STOCKS, aSTOCKS. Grade Investmente Bought and 'Phones 127 Both 2 Sold. i 36 Main te -- oo el Ree 2 7 sna, EAT DPT] KEYSOR, DEN (Over Dayis' Shoe When you come RS Store.) here rin 1 ‘ oe over LOGAN 18% Range, ee Lake AND BRYAN sys yrders Sane axecaia don NEW YC FRANCISCO Stock Exchanges and New York and Boston CURB -markets. Liberal adyances made on all listed securities. ao 16%, mo amd I) 400 1,000 ¥ 1,000 2,00 Brokers, SOUTH 1 B% 2% 234 12 Kings Peigara pace Nevada Douglas Dominion ©CORPS r Ne WE co ecnence Nevada Mine 8 Utah: Copper -.i..csis and SECOND Salt brokers: Ss: Mi ...... 143 Main Street. Bankers 18% .... OM. KNICKERBOCKER. Location. & W. Quotations on New York curb, reported by James A. Pollock & Co., bankers 0 IAMES A. POLLOCK & CO., Market. Newhouse York ; Used in-all kinds of light- at work, at study, by reading and late nights. "No-wonder they pain and .annoy. you, Proper glasses give-relief. Steinway .. aa nee Tonopah Nevada pononey Extension Triang dena Tramp C onsolidated eee Chit EG mncoorse ns West nd os Yankee Girl New LARE ‘ 3 Your Poor, Overworked Eyes, Red top i xtension Re o on Re ie Sh ae eee :Sands tor Seyler Hurphre y Silver Bie Cec ieem nes Sunset went to Binginspection trip in this -~property In the next -few months. Bert Jenkins went to Alta ke day on mining business. . ‘the i. a-0.5 Hatcher. SS Private Former Secreta A. Amsden of the Yankee ovieeliddted Mining company expects to leave for Los Angeles in a few days; where he will remain several months. manager of the mes D, Sword, Crescent, Nev., is Big Tiger mine at in the city, William Thornton, manager of the Imperial Columbus Mining company, came from Alta yesterday...He reports the letting of a contract for tunnel work by his company in ils property southwest of the Coliimbus Consoli- dated, in Little Cottonwood He expects to make a good EAS: BE) for Rent Time Table in Effect Sept. 4. 1906. eave Salt aS Mag a m, an 1:30, 4:30 and 80 Leave Layton "for Psalt Lake J, a and 10:15 a. m., 2:45, 6:00 and 7:45 p Roston Apex company yesterday on an S.. Moses Preside MINING NOTES. James A, oe & Co., bankers and st Second South street furnish the foliow!ie: received over Vv. J. Lawrence will leave today for their private wire, yesterday afterCaliente to look after his mining Innoon: terests in that section. oer High. Low oe The recent assessment on the stock ee irs 314 of the Scottish Chief company has bs oD % 30M 2M been virtually all paid in and it is tne Butt e Coalit le mM -- 12,490 38% 37% 3S, intention to resume work in the mine Butte and London. . 2 214 before the 15th of the month. <ApCon. proximately, ane is realized from the assessmen The Pichéer: sampler yesterday released eight carloads of oe a Utah ca imps and one from Nev Taylor & Brunton released Phiten for Utah ea six. from Nevada. U ee Copper ..... 6a 70% G. R. Woodbridge, vice-president of common . 1020" Gf my 64 the Taylor & Brunton Sampling comoe preforrec : ae a a pany, has returned from Los Angeles. Mitehecoleies sce ee 59 = =-73} 724 7 Cal nd Arizona... 1.170 195 192 1a31 John MeChrystal left yesterday for Balaklala ae 12 12% New York on mining business. Manager 6.8 ware ee Pe $500,000.00 $250,000.00 Bdgar' $4.85. , Soniy "Judge, 80 at $11.12 Utah ham os wis rplus 2 | ety Deposit Boxes Sales. Ajax, 40 at ai Carisa, WO at 56e, 200 at 5ie Lower M: ammoth, 100 at $220 Nevada Hills t $3.85; 1-100: at: $3.8215. Stray Dog, 100 at Ble, Wat aut S South Swansea, : 1,000 at 104. Mountain Lake, NewYork, 500-it- 22, 100 at eeueh Columbus Consolidated, S1.¢ WV: ibash, 1M at 274e, seller sixty days Shares sold, 4.8%. Value of shares, $5,591.30. OPEN BOARD. Fee Tunnel, 100 at $1.7744, seller sixty Seven South Banking Business U. S. DEPOSITORY | 1h 81 40 5.0) ie : I mae ve = | |fleseret National Bank 13 i . Clark, eee WITHY Commercial National Bank | Capital Voreneon and | of assist in New WooD MANTELS Just Being Unloaded. of} company to Bright, Hundred Bei putifal one Ely's} pk int | the | | from | the land, representative: Bridge here Deyiver hone Dexier : Tt imondtie ld Dixie coh Afternoon returned of American cago, 40 Crescen May Day, 500 at 23c, 100 at 2c, buyer That gold and silver are. "every-], sixty days; 2,000 at 22%4c, 2,000 at 23c, where" in at least some of the proper- buyer sixty days. : South Swansea, 1,000 at 10%ée, ties. in the Rosebud district is' indiBlack Jack, 100 nue Tse. cated by assay returns received yesCc ene 600 at -3& Cc us ado hMining, "500‘at $2.2246. terday by W. J. Lawrence from a lot ork, 50 at. 2ic of samples from the Rosebud Nevada's Seven Troughs, 100 at Sic, 100 at Sic, 16) at SSc, buyer aa days. Gelden Anchor group. Shares sold, 8,5 Of these samples one from the botValue of area, $2,441.50. tom of the discovery haft on OPEN oe Golden Anchor, now enn 20 feet in ce Sn : ‘onsolidated, 00 at M&S, Ww depth, gave values of $140 in gold and = , 100at $41.95, seller thirty pers 20 14 ounces in silver; one from cropping of News Charles the of magnitude be obtained buildings at) oT | Bid. JAs ikea Adams sy tlanta XL Reimont > AP 1G Blue Bell rinstadeccs soa | 2h Blaecl Rock . , 10 Black Butte Isxtension.... VM Blue Bul wees ~ 5 BoOtla Sr. Ab wee S7 Bonanza Je= 12 | Bullfrog Dalsy . ‘ 1 | Bullfrog: Mining: is...) ah | Bullfrog 1GtOr: 3564 ‘Sh devia ce S| m1] Cash Boy 3 wt 5 i | 12 | Caledonia ere aI | 5 »| Columbia Mountain ... 1.) LS Conquere fs 24 Consolidated Viigiala } wh | Cow, Be | 10 Shares sold, Value of gold and six ounces in silver, aac one from the hanging wall o shaft gave in gold and done ounces in silver. Two others from nearby properties gave values of 110 ounces in silver and $4.20 in gold, and 209 ounces in silver and $17 in gold. In the letter transmitting these returns the ‘assayer told of a new property being opened up which had jus had three samples turned out giving the following values: Gold, $100; silver, 1,315 ounces: gold $65; silver, 482 ounces; gold, $17.29; silver, 208 the can the about Plant J. a back of that ACRES. of James A. Pollock & Co., bankers and | t rs, recelved by. private wire the} following Nevada mining stock quotaons: Bowers installed, Samples of iden 10 Magnitude cover San J, Cover. Precious Metals. Company * York, Feb. 7.-With the result observations at Cobalt, Sidney Kk. Bowoberger, who has long meen one of the prominent figures in diggings of Utah, has eet ian favorably impressed, Mr. mberger says he can see nothing to. indicate other than that the wealth of the extraordinary camp is to be relied upon fo depth as great as that which characterizes the occurrence of ores in other portions of the country. While the fissures are conet cated the quality of their filllng is such as t camps is OPPOSES JS IMPRESSED. Cobalt With hoist NEW Bull- frog district. Len P. McGarry eG Judge V. T..Hoggatt went out to the property recently and while they were on the ground tae miners struck into a quantity of ore belonging to the jewelry class strike was made in the dritt which is being run to connect the old development shaft with the main working shaft being sunk on the _hillside at a point 250 feet in. The gold appears free and the assay returns from the specimens roves down from the property runs $5.5 ae fact that the strike is ¢ oe be readily shown when. it ite Ehdern, that the entire face of the Jft is in high grade ore that will run wll into the hundreds. The same vich stuff also is appearing mn the bottom of the new shaft whie being run on the Ethel Jann ‘pelonging to the same company. BAMBERGER Mill Mr. Lawrence received word that Parkaurst and Case of ‘Tonopah had begun active development work en the Brown Palace group and were already meeting with most encouraging results. Every indication is that the district is going to make good, with some to spare, EXTENSION. Assaying $5,500 a Ton Bullfrog Mine, est strikes the nearer suddenly Ww. the report that thorpe wired to yesterday. | se Give Handsome Values in. Over in Seven Troughs canyon, at the twin marvel of the Seven Troughs pins. the Kindergarten, conditions on he Sixty-foot level, the lowest depth in the mine, amount practically to a new strike. Here drifting and ore stoping operations have opened up a bo at breaks all past reeords. Not only is the ore body showcourse of the vein surface, but values at Feet. Assays From Random steadily f event in Con nboton with ‘Troughs ‘mine' that has Values T AvMe iI "P.M. | Bid. |Asked. i Bid eer GET GOOD VALUES IN ROSEBUD DISTRICT caused an bentuetn stir in the camp is he advent of the agents of Hayes & Monnette of Mohawk fame, and also the representative of Mr. Truett and other well known Goldfield lessees, to negotiate leases on the Seven Troughs were brought Thesepeople here by the recent announcement of the company management that it would grant a few lenees under certain restrictions. Sev leases will be let on th even Troughs lode and the activity that will follow, coupled with the Increasing activity of the Seven Troughs Mining company Itself, will mean much for the infant mining camp. Kindergarten Kuns will permit of largely - increased shipments of the high grade 1 Mr. Short has no doubt nines as goad' as the J opened at Gold Springs « line, where several good strikes. have is not lately been made. And if there greatly increased activity in the entire Stateline district he is positive that those interested in mining are passing up some great opportunities. is believed en 100 Values the Ci COVER of sincitel fact will mark of the day before. Seven sold at from Mec to 8c, Nevada eae hands at $2.85 and. $3.8244, olumbus Consolidated brous chit olonivle Mining went at $2.22'4 and , Day he ld around 23e. The. total sales of the. day epee Le to 62,770 phate s, Whieh. brought the gregate aum-of $41,651.65. aN day's aes tations and sale a follo 3 FAST Surface Some the TO Idea ereat Those interested in the Jennie mine bearing up under the disappointwith as.mueh fortitude The new 20-ton mill is cover and all of > machinery stalled with the exception of the gine and crusher which will be live red at the property in a few All the mining has thus. far done with an ordinary whim, that no prior happening will stimulate the development of the camp like this latest event. he Superintendent Ellithorpe and K. QO. Johnson brought specimens to town, from this latest strike that occasioned an epidemic of excitement. Some of the Bpcey ee were large ahd the gold was'so fectly and thoroughly fused with the quartz that the latter was fairly yellow with it. This last . strike has proved a body of ore that began at iother Séeyen Shipping New The vein is showing up. so much stronger in quantity ane quality on the hundred-foot lev than nearer the surf ace SORE the is taken to i anency ore de- posits at SMELTER Gives the high Troughs Cc. A. Short of the Jennie mine at Gold Springs, who is in the eity for a few days, not only confirms the good reports which have coming from the Jennie mine, if the whole rt showing were there those who would oe gard tale-because the property is i "Were the Jennie mine in y alley, or Alaska, or some ry of extreme heat. or conake Mr. rather facetiously, » story of its resources would be beand enlarged upon until would be a genuine stampede scene of the ‘fabulous find.' in conservative Utah and we must be conservative in out state ments re Bi arding it or be falsifying The plain about the Jennie is that its owners opened it with the idea of developing large bodies of low grade ore and they are finding that they have a high grade proposition on their hands) The ore bodies, with no diminution in size, are Increasing in values at depth at a rate that is surprising. While they will alWays have great quantities of milling ore-around the $25 grade-they are uncovering on- the 115 level enough of the $50 to $7 5 class to make Sap uNig a very important feature. The had at the start counted upon about a $10 average, Bodies. important the was Troughs The eorapany by two-thirds of of foot Ore Ore 8, 1907. QUIET, Trading was not especially active yosterday on the mining stock eXchange and none of the stocks showed marked advances Columbus Consolidated continued strong, sales having been made at Trom -.85 to $5.05, or Se higher than ie Permanency event most today relocated jt as the Chicago group, leav- is active, 30c being paid for 8,000 shares. One thousand shares of Standard op: also materially improved, particularly ut the Cactus mine, in Beaver county, where the shortage was the most keen- day until March The unique Wevada the ground ts as original estate. Bingsince fuel situation and stock. erty, will proceed to develop the tion allotted to it. It is believed commission is the cheering news which Lafayette Hanchett, general manager of. the Boston Consolidated brings from has Stock its capitalization, the the history Any Humboldt 7.-An district the = south. FREIGHT SERVICE AND FUEL'SUPPLY IMPROVES Rio list mining and he the Vernon, Feb. without company Lake to somewhat its WILL The ore dies are quartz, gold values eri Retin and. are free mill ng. The Aura King mill_is in successful operation and is rapidly Sp ND the owners Wealthy. In the springa num ber of claim holders intend miiling ore at various mills throughout the county,-and are now, during the inclement weather, stoping and removing ore for that purpose. That ham is of Jennie Quite a settlement of progressive people has sprung up below the mines, and is growing daily! "The camp is connected Tuscarora by telephone 2nd stage Ine; and om. the latter place with Elio on the Southern 50 Mining Salt Than in Proving the surface cofapany ‘Ss great Ely smelter is bein built in almost a stone's throw frafe the mine Developments are also proving that the lead deposits in the company's ground are not only very rich t are arge in extent, drifts in almost every direction in the property being in the ere once almost despised, but now of great value, None of the company's stock has sold recently for less than 25 cents a share, ant Is confidently believe that with shipping well under way a good advance will be eae. Tne compz2zny is now hauling to the railroad its first shipment since real development was begun. from many is day matter den people are interested." The Aura correspondent of the Beatty Miner is enthusiastic over the mineral outlook in that portion of Nevada and predicts great things for Pee og camp that started producing during the bid war, and turned $40,000, bab into the channels of commerce. ura is located in a mountain range where every canyon tlows a stream. of water ine. year. through. Timber. studs. the hillsides, and is a country "especially recommended for summer prospect- Pacific, Farther $10 MAKE T Con, Continues Strong-Trading Is Listless, an = Good / in only for 200,000 shares of the par value of ten cents each. The ¢ompany was formed some years ago when its property, far out on the desert, although known to contain remarkably rich lead ore, was, on account of the long haul to. railroad, of doubtful value. tecently, however, the situation has materially changed. railrons, passes within a mile of the prop- by of as 5 Qa Glowing Accounts Property. the King erty Cheered the exchange present DISTRICT eople Are King to: Mining 2 gden Lead applied' p Ne well Company Is Unique in Having Capitalization of Only $30,000. : 0 as TO G0 ON 'CHANGE GOOD REPORTS FROM AURA Colorado LEAD KING STOCK of=the district. Water has ‘been developed within elgit miles of the district, however, and: Prof. Aughey's-report "hes beenmade public and as a recult the stampede is on. Li Augherbach of Boston, managing director of the Trinidad Copper any, of which Thomas W. Lawson is president, has purchased five properties in the Echo Canyon district for his interests and will begin developments work at once. Three big strikes have been reported an assays: shown within the past week ajid those have brought the excitement to a fever John Tammany Jack, Cox returned to Rhyolite yesterday with a wagon load of rock cut from the face oftheir prospect shaft. which. assays $800 to the ton, and the corresponding strike on the Combination mine of an elght-inch streak of ore that assays the same amount has set southern Nevada by the ears. THE in of 100 CAMP FOR Rich of stor-| oa Body Ore - SIGNIFICANT been} INCREASE Into Large Vein of High-Grade Is Cut on 100-Foot Level. - made in the new Lee district during | Edgar H. Wells of Grand Forks, N the past two weeks as there was on the | ID., a junior in the University of North coast during the rush to Klondike and | Dakota who is taking the mining enNome when the Alaska gold flelds were | first Opened. gineering course, Is now in Ulah to objes Big + Gold Development Tunnel Has Attractions for North Dakota Student. Nevada VALUES + + Columbus, Went After Low Grade, Have High Grade Proposition on Hands. SPECIMEN ROCK IN SEVEN TROUGHS MINE Event 7.-There southern strikes + + and- Public First Tip. much aa ores FINDS GOOD PLACE TO STUDY MINING IN Schwab-Guegenheim-Law- son + BULIION. STOCK ae BIG AND ++ Excitement Over Rich Strikes Made in New District. ORES + FRIDAY, FEBRUARY MINING ® + +Ht et et ee ose Much t+ette +e tr+rttt JENNIE MINE PROVES SURPRISE TG OWNERS MILLS AND PROSPECTS FURNACES AND LEE CAMP EXCITES OOUTHERN NEVADA REPUBLICAN, SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH, ao MINES INTER-MOUNTAIN 7 THE phone 1199-7, oe hae TOOTH TROU. Bes ay have at NGuSereaethe RMOST PERFECT IN CHARGE OF FUL OPERATORS. Good Set of Teeth. .$5.00 Teeth Cleaned oe mite wine 4 Amalgam or Silver Fillings® . -§1.00 Bridge Work, Gold Fillings..$1 and up Tooth TEETH EXTRACTED Sore Ww PAIN 9 TUS LATEST METH e make teeth that fit the mouth, : She ae - treptilet ae am \ Es 1 ; ‘i 2 |