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Show 8 THE WILLIT BE TAFT? some a Trip Will to Panama : : " i William 7.- "Will. Peb. Washington, c be a candidate for the RepubH. Taft : : Hier next nomination presidential jean yea aoe : Z oie and 4 statesmen counthe Is puzzling question Nhat throughout politicians Secretary Taft himself f will makec i T: Secretary try . No friend of his has | to jt, no answer i him. | for speak to authorized sugges-| off any laughs secretary has] He ‘he be ta candidate. that as ; i i could} he that to say as far so been The tion ; gone however, Fae what ik Peery of his one-half } hi in a sympathetic vocal solo, Mrs : With Meeting . Famous of graps i had he paintings a several el Ww power WHE made sis and a French the of the artist, Italian for capital 7 anxious a0 oO not said, he 2 eee to ions oung, s Gir he move aw'| And the judge to catch left of request a of money} a lot baat "gis pea otientin do thik; ae pe iat EO TI woulé most , impassable. :et > 5 BP Estate eal she as girl" Nesbit "little with girl the about made ments rds. honest|' millions] P. H. Candland | to. ,Caroline intention who married several 5; Pair said it was of: ot - son, 21said] as en i in search not she ngwas ory D. when Stanford White first saw the pic-|D. H. Pe rry. to ‘feral "ues In the said, he magazine the} question ? eternal The 1?" "Wo York New a tine in |. 7x10 rds. hw. =. aN: Co, se. fr. 59 1, c hristie ve e afte ‘all, owing iny, »€ few a. and them somethin who ee or son is a she thinks pee ar nking lady. 3 theatre, Square architect successful fortune, met "the according tried to see who ic adi- é that White, g Tho se ame ene ae so, young, the educate the been had sueh and If her of after she | had and,| man from Pittsburg," to the statement of one of] ® left the playhouse She oldsmobile." vig-| had 700 9,500) Peteree ; es & ‘ 100 Last call. Blks' club, only $22.00 Tickets The pee for rush day's bould, See now © » ". « a es who ennui! man any ax when per oe eee = chance trip. tickets. really girl who wants to save the life of one man who played square with her.) Evelyn Nesbit was too good a girl' the trigger when in anc, eave, Har- that < that . . believe he leancd| me, to next whisper,| trembling true." true. is is story story | a great before Britain ter i h . ineres , ane for bid first: had thos ee others are sole local cight the fNeet-or for old Cornell, six the are oe for 0! "cost. t sant. <6 he more Ve Uitte. shell placesz.-'Th to-other ld son y e< , eee ee7 { conbmakey ‘littl a snug is fast which side, the be th cf Ssnere was snpposed-to : : Tl with mantiseript -a -of 1355 date ne eaea Hoyle, conduc ting is skill, on made Of teaneane "fifteenth | eure pen , shicht, SLD A Joht RI 1 is) fat boats these ef fame The line. lreaching, At present he Is engaged li shells, two ol. whic! HEasiiaines four new are: for Cornel) and te aT Anmbale be found) as genuinetheto sixteenth be regarded in. Great cent SHELLMAKEF aiways always has $ es| 6 cornell many but that) the boats, wine . . few ater |'fo There Rurdpe: AB Yr oe JE. inserip tions fra can GOOD Boats for Cornell and Othe ' . 7 Crews. University aaaition ae trade j mee ‘eo pa taking gu a intee to andmat ag required to rior fe bb shenaty ac F 1 in| Enrope in Century. Pwelfth It has been.a matter.for discussic displ: oe first numerals Arabic when eee "Romar ‘cuuibersome more the these.ri ce Pied nee Peat ate ™ 2985 fon % gZood\ showing ied sic Arabic numerals, but Sir Janres Picton "housin Make a, large of ‘exper namber musually the in is an-account there says..that 5, Which is} enced nen ons the erew, the onty miss record office of (he year \<* that : . with indorsed merchant. . Itallan| by oe an ‘date } sm - Foo . . ex-Commodore being. men: in Lee Forrest Barton and oe Oe ury | oe university Cambridge the In re- Munich plate sixth and in.the| Cor- to 1167 may, ee ge there-| st . al au the J beyond dispute of in Europe numerals ---- 8-line. classified ad in A waiting armed muff, her a for with train; a pistol at appeared upon intent 2 Central Cranes Pour 5From|isserte ne Pace ye moved the cork from the first bottle of change It-costs insertion, wine she tasted, her from pursuit of = but nearly officials in stock | or ownership the of 'tell the Coal LAMP Owl may _ Normal, Jary: of and. ot voleanoes and) must| tae| at and stole. Mrs.|pable cone -eal-| thus the s owe vevemar his invention by |wave forcing | form of a giving of million a second, eta tone a practically energy. of electricity, While which and over for "spark", the After month, in » Feb. WIs., residents of Winnebago this have, ' 4 _ vibrat-|en until tumbled ncentey wirelen sly, | Ara | first windows rattled, dishes In" from. shelves"and' places "there woodpiles wild were The : f . \ - * we Or . wt n ° pe usiness, our . ae . ie in" j i Scientific Collectors Ploor Commercial Sg eae FRANCIS "So ea P G. = Debts, SALT LAKE of Honest Gank Bldg., LUKE. General Manager. TP enee wtaecs ‘Don' t Like Us." i] of an shak- oes At an ‘ There tok 1! "have sev- natural that is aa 1 9 Is Wai. » Invisible Nc 7; ! Bifocal Bifoen! Cement chi Sears as Half Other No dre, eee Sole: Baebes T i} i} ney | od Goi orescus [ Soar Curves Round u A Pamous i} Sees tores Denver COLUMBIAN ‘ OPTICAL 259 Main Street Salt Lake City CO. ; t ‘ > SG f Special Tens the Eye Eye Comfort a S Omaha : ee | ° ; i =----SS-------_-=_= aaa -= ;f hg ee i < --= aN? = Hh . £ é ; Fifth near over fell of stories 5 CERTAINLY! . ' cattaed the Re-|wireless telegraphy by abealutely per-|jarring of the earth in the vicinity of For a time there were wild | the lake. feet "tuning" and the impossibility of a.) the shaking was possibly that | Stories Mr. Poulsen also claims that ex- ‘tapping. Rent Ion x1 by a volcano at the hotign of 10 cts. for each |/it will solve the problem.of a wireless |} lt oe lake. | telephone. in y Please re-mit to - day? experi- those been a bed : to several living been a ‘being and ie Aas ask « body' May - Guatemala city ntice not shocks liken- | encing be new) earthquake. - Houses: have the continuously how showed Poulsen Mr, be-| and lamps could be lighted Gleason.|cent . : oon days. ‘ 4 2 HQUSES SHAKE CRACKS SHA ; And fail to get prompt pay; ee bg a po | s QUERY a-body a body. trust PE If eT : time the earthquake at Jamaica took with lava forth poured place, and ae natives tha i ae [such force days after several | Sr eees. SISEMee | eruption, and as there were no serlresults, the natives became calm. | Poulsen | Lake. the i . tn Central started flames a voleano Maria ;Santa wae an audi- to demonstrated Janu departure, ¢ activity. steamer a ever such uM j wdich. since been quiet hasdectruction and ago, yehatars disturbance, the about awoke ICE jence of England's le: ott ocala oh This new form of electricity is ca i = Now orma .54; peo . . forth into company's y ae I Salvador, San smoke the|inactive WITH tollows:, : as 2 7.-The earthsuch deyasta- on have caussupposedof to Jamaica 15the is island extinet America to burst Pacific Mail The ae . - majority | spout the Creek companies. 1.44; - CRE DITOR'S ga tempera~ Salt» Lak "J:Janui oe departure, 1.64; each | Normal, for is et anOw OL bare Slowly with great ferting: to|Acajutla, J called c be abo. was ~ Cine hes) -De OMe Pree Ipite pred Ex- pn = : = was ice the in opened have cracks that his threats to. shoot Gleason| was applied to a copper wire swinging | huge and | : The the lake, Jake.is. thirty7 milese i for the purpose of| from an induetion eoil in the darkened | on were only idle and frightening him so that he would leave! room, when it appe fla are al like a w aving 'jce | long is and and: The ene thick. inchesvide thirty miles abouttweive of violet lscimiter town. the of the floes has caused improve | movement will poate Poulsen The | ee er ee ad Re were for the month ace leat ture ah 5.. departure, : departure, City . cts. 10 but It--costs America. Francisco, Feb. brought which the }ed calling issued been have knew that his wife} current is like a He and by a quick movement) ing tuning fork. A 3-line classified {Ml Sell It nie temperature" in Long-Extinct Craters : | / month: the mean frozen s not was. ground the Se aie afheeve summary normal of for precipitation and ure ie 33; Re-|28; The It-or It-Rent Sel. will ublican Streams of . Lava The valleys Reg- the and 1276 of MS. Chronicle aie of ¢ onsidered eee ensburge be fore, : for conditions of}. is-a-Chronicle library state, < la during ‘the except normal, is cific inlly deserib-| the Regensburg which oo pall aby "when is ed as the oldest: MS. containing Arabic | decade, : ans cloudiness, considerable } We i s orals pa e ral: ae aus ane eee Pere n betwe no precipitation was above. thepape norma vears le TheyearsVati ae the|In the extreme al southern districts Ae th 1247 of : mary tgs Bee ees ee Placa 24, ivory atican le Cambridge e ; IVE A VOLCANGES porate Indictments. out.) Northwestern came he gone, evidently ‘ \ a with and, .the . most but Harper now claims that the pistol/and lit' a lamp by a current p Ssed | ourthquake, phenomena the ied ‘theory of Copper loaded with blank cartridges only| through his own body. oe he first met and thought "kind of" the little sixteen year old girl. pulled reg unters HOYLE, DIGITS NINE OF NI imples Arabic may will supersede, to obey the order to leave the} system Gleason to a series of explosions, upon|ed Harper appeared Suddenly at|city. aos He tnat'} trials} dex ae de - : z Used Wen Nashernis: Teel crying rying almost almost nse Pointing Steps Nenad: and, hia. trist.set! LIGHTS per ana a en this, Ties depied. n-.7Gleason Harper warned him that he tion, for most of the males she met In New] pose for a firm of photographers who] a worse| made have could she York; had made her a good offer, and Thaw] spent considerable good Pittsburg! choice than when she permitted Thaw] con-} White Stanford her. marry she|/to What her. following in money his life said to him when he asked her to be-| structed the bullet that ended ful wipe] writers eriminal were sitting man, . Taking Government Burlington an| cen feag assured was pistol the Ray-|snatehed gan his spectacular W. wit connection in guid the by done do be will nicht s today, here arrived which Juan, in consultation | °@h the day spent 'O'Brien 5 the on leaving that news the brought Washing-| of the representatives ruined his| with volthe countries American departments. | Central Justice and Interior | ton but eruption, active in were s cfinoe | individual several that declared was It : this for sailing her of time the to up expected,| are perjury for "emall /indictments tn Mrs. of a lifetime}the scene. mow Satur-| was armed . Pitz-) dare. { FRAUDS LAND Emmett! for the attendance of certain material, man, all. Witnesses, "ney 2g Attorney} States United Assistant that he} leave town to avoid trouble This afternoon Gleason was ed sale a a ed ae panes af eae eo, Lee Builds of Engineers.| | the on appears 1247 was|date eye every while and. did, Christiano, * "Museo ef the well groom-] a stern, white-hatred, but wet, of)cd tower ' from!Snbpoenas pistol to Be ee eaeeaa Gleason nad dadl ? nana rena uate tar tee WEeKE Two, eouble or ae Harper, on Judge With) oe ; oa ‘mothe HISTORY arabic: century, F pate. | edriest. story his f Hechheasrai Sake i i as thet al! among wol each, divided of elt bounty btn ean aE ee pe To rmpd | ¥ vill he yetige, oe dl no repert of loss of indictments | port there as corporative well off the waiting room, after lead-'ys ee }life or prope eee eae el ging subornation of perjury ee t Pre here by brought Pormorbh The now | railway is Burlington The of wa Banik, arid'c foned. ata Helden the that states Juan San steamer the!the tap' to line a branch oe i rr i h le 'H = Spor, while Hanper ee onrieed t and | valuable coal section in Wyoming, and | lzalco yoleano, which is located near station ‘ c sin years bat her ete grew > didn't federal %3.-The Feb. York, New | | government Thursday will resume the iinquiry as to how the Owl Creek Min. ' = : 2 | , San the Northwestern and was 4)ing company secured ownership ‘of}quake station) Coal company Ther snatched Harper, fina nena dt 55,000 Excursion: will reporters'| wash told) P and gwirl this¢ friil soe . men.shuddered ypecent jn and} that purlittle} nim4 inictsed strong, some. Atte i ; planned: | in, had pe: of Grew Pale, seat by the writer and women Distinguished all great been'in Raye aj what case, the monument e 7 Feb. oY te pat peter -___-_ ++ Angeles Los in Thaw's "Merrywent to Paris to come his wife is now a matter of court records, wrung from the lips of a tear- zi up. shaking own his the attaches of the theatre, cursed that she found he when oerously . a maar : : maid |; Beraiads of} away, to| over be would garden Square | said to the city. to visitors iI White enStanford is where Madison out point "There PROBING | Uf Feb. 7.-There Y., - Y N. dramatic scene at the railroad ste cut by noe Flee Wicca. Sea ce oa iniuped. nevond teat ay Stanford - Is|nmong Japanese; large a pierced YOUns : feet on hung. umbrella heard it you. tower, that ‘ ability | Ww hen i j the 6 : cel ald ite RE With 21}s tibe. noe. econ a ahea ae eee the School horn to join -_-- -_ +. ais Ssoul us that< AE ‘ ave heard have every you pulling. very Shnuddered and the in P re Stanford where dainty) their (ill ay swingsr i et . : be autiful haphean * hite his of White's. . 7 little. girl told. That Tower as this,.pale When. re-| she Delmas, Town. Leave N.-Y., Bath, and some of aethe . pas- not,| were smashed ‘ were who in the manner of their sex, had ee ae thing to say about would stez e no byN Be lookedwat ; mankind ‘to : whe wh Lode given my an , make jta le to another erent een SOE eens eA a the ned Miss Nesbi srwards AERIAL E ELECTRICITY he ied a oe claims br eres Auto Runs Into King's Rig. oe Fairs sicaie? seers tei Brussels, Feb, 7,-While King Top: Wite and sworn to before a notary, that | haps it wasn't her fault that a special Apa <i sd : 5 § 1e|pold was driving in a carriage today 2 ppointed t igs = London that Py ca creas riitige \ latter's! the in. visited Gleason... eléctric|S0° into. by ofan the the vehicle Rea trai SOgirls/in teate Several east ge ele phi ac; a jis at on a n mt : "has a abpenee ot ee car Beme oe The runwindows car. was com-|tram the erent entrance... re he ees : kill would 300 | home Gleas oo 509 McGiffin, as believe will almost You shudder. Stanford White built it for the it, and used he which for pose overtook I Is erime that wonder ant ind it elahor- ge to i cnough that, s perso crafty Sais belicved a 1en ih A I tb o ian' an such ef a = was w animal realize Federal S ie children. was that jut be aEw Wie A ‘ thermometer! the " ‘obt 'to® yd broke -h¢ in order' purpose, that it aw has beer it amount and wolf, total the "each that Was) hounty)on her) suggested beer aac notcandor tell he dic Aad. Oe but commended, ou laid be snow, of secure to -Is There fall heavy. a Following" a : possible quite be iy eh lwould® wolves. numberof Maree om. Hither re hei Fert ae the lpy a in Axed: up transmitter PQAMLeLve house Oe hac BE SEEN the) jina Succeeded' experiment if the s¢ n and} gunshot, a fire to was gardener reached | organ report. the of noise the when LIPS HER little to lands in|tion of valuable |January ofcoal Wyoming. whenof Samuel basin BigacresHorn here today Davit-the the firm N. of Harper,}9,500 member junior A. Short, Giighics. Aa short, to Blien . ? pt. e.. oy LB ey SOd Karan cenesceonse I should say. Pootlights' Glare. White jthe pee « } LOE See -----s son Td, - oecacecessse NO 9 fr ny. t clase' ' ate _ = Ht. W idrds : sorceress eae sein ela gore aatn hel tertained. f mem-| CO sped 2a FP Or: Story such by trap at| beautiful when words, her DMIRER E * ane 5 chompeon to poser of so, 7, 120, A. eeuaeet Ae pliza english ‘to of; j have sti pees fe ES BS || Transfers. F Joseph to Harding D. Charles 15, 7, ft. 40x115% trustee, Smith, scnvseggedectouaipccom Retcpdk) 5-a So, Se eh 1d. Tr. ‘Co. to James, Mar5xX196.68._ ft. 3, 20, 5-acre Ans. actor It may artist "The E herng question." if it is not, it. may] not be true, but be added to tite welght of misstate-| offer rv story girl could so ry,aia, a ste at . lif e; nocent {othe listen upon} eagerly turned Mr. Middlesex Ann Holmberg his wife's muff and pursued : esex Bke eae get ok to aned, was known, became wide spread, and|*-e, a young business a | "iw. q6 8,"eo eng | H Gleason, shortly afterwards she was asked by] deelaring about the station, W. Nibley to Joseph I. Smignh, Charles Dana Gibson to pose for-him.|G@ 6f the pictures that this famous| Some Miss by from: poses made illustrator but Nesbit have never been published, is faone with which every American miliar is the profile face called by the if any: Eteiihane Harry) told had she story the gave she reasons in Paris-the eated Tha w the a. verv reports river of Blaine county. Sewers ever eS Couns rich strike, the rushing are The contractors Main from work on the sidewalks is none however, which, sireeet south all is about too soon, asthe. snow. gone and the roads will soon be al- the his first sorrec true a like3 sa ie goz| g0-| dew, with, of F Te oh ill V F ; ; et 1 ; : you ceiling OFF A the satise 2 " BEDORD of ; a is a Latin version there gloud. you' _ceiling ete a country school. !"°. 276, in whi¢h 1 pale and nervous] °" the astrolabe, dated 44. gerome was.as bene-| this fine imagine her|COU!d look over not aweet did as She ical was as a 17, voiceand could <nk-Cieils volent almost man who had taken so much Ee naa the Arabic' numerals are' aquite : freely] .ee ; ; a day ni . . used aw Moisture°C r of ‘ Wi as Share a the| Extra rt young girls' in F writing . ? Axon Mr. But firstst day of the the Thaw trial is Harry dein interest fatherly her and quiekened eyes Ter ; . re, = j ; : B i pee ~ tee Utalr. caving f Weather for . still earlier| mentions some | Antiquary, lo eee ae where a‘ tower Speech trembled a little as she tola| C2¥/8 ¢ eth, fixingand up enjoy . = publishe a} XIIT Leo Pope oxy; imples, in a court] was such a moment Never their dolls; come could they Stantoct shooting husband her ¢ bu.Ww weather monthly a work 2 illustrating 2 the 7 artisti¢ - collec-} eve The national > | | rooti cont rt cea as a kind-hearted keep, house play land i write c o a re As bys ¥ OY alent ic: rh charrette : LO: Ji LIULEY' a I Railiffs (ried ta not show emotion,} tions of papal palace, in, which the | ing eorolog mi gentleman whose delight was to amuse Uiah on report Judge Listens Intently. of young; . apparently,| She--‘was* th not} seventeen, about young, very much more than that, with an aban-| don of grace-and. movement, that IN| innocence. | suggested young so one Before' 1 left. with the coveted repro-| ductions that the artist had promised| beauty refused I doubt anefel you tale wie a , and Cranium! . mand: That Former Friend goodiooking, what @o you think of | ining company. Copper . she Sounded not} man; The odel acknowledged ‘th intro- | ze 18 leave f DeTOFfor thereereoon theaI e2 20th TesOo of this Ss Husband Seeks to Enforce getye [roe and interrupted AUCHOK, Rit AcMUGN, month. ° Word from the C "He tells me I am Giacomellf sth Se ine a hie 1OF . + oe oe aie ret pe ne ane es BS , irse morning." him>each= for : ver ig co aS a h es ene om es oe B nates "8 be will drive the dn succeeded: ey ee es 1 ae ‘ ke each ‘The sleeping ho use *| bell in the garde ner's a ringing FROM TALE HEARD WHO such orized svitts aa Was! ate on = Nesbit heavy : a in field some of citi- number large pros| who hae bee to be best. & 7 = 1 hunt b and ives bucks with pena tzun b tac : | ee en th possible) barely < .(whtiel lves make epi ; 1a Pe much on|. they of vanity the as ce it. fess | ee MAIN\ © it He ‘that eee a ce ee eee oe Soo Ee nes and Ni a teachorus|swings a ON eS f Sriaainnd rik children's dinners and en-| girl and a velyn dancer NesbitShe was never had) tertalnments : spéaking parts and the story she told ah nae an oe ne Seeieey oct |} is was ‘ashs carelessly un-| hair Her romped] that girl a school as home. kempt and|his in there family his <A future. near i ee then, Ke What; Ze auditorium > Academy joc week returned Dewsnup has ed f Irom ¥. . king @ Mayor preparaHe is ; ma California. * will have-you in-| agreed with him. the said irl."".| troduced to the issignorina,'"" rs ver she gi good ea - = artist, "'lae artist, a? : i "bee . ir i ts wat : : Pitts burg ee not.s0 and 260 a fantasti \"cntenceos thes unded ‘instance Hi +1 thas in s¢cem con-} rl oearco {j in: a mucl auyepreDet In-ils usé yen {ter : a 4 af| avantdiscovering de 4 Ke te forme og: in ae is thie chang elintimated That . this . a att i his trade of allc hist There As ie in nature oY morning len wilich: to: has: adie eae Re ; Ke Ee Si took the stand, with her veil lifted.) if | a a girl could such beautiful thow protected. at| properly che: had been t le the gives "Principal Dalby lecnext tne night es ture of ‘his series e Thursday in one, the Second ward hall Pate } ing pe Jo has Jeffry spht been playing ; , hall Deffry ephine Plamm's in) houses has. to crowded. ghts. pas e F ee .M. Driver of eee John Dr. eee Chicago is to lecture in the to the studio led me then He you." 00 o r pointed and cried, he‘ look!" "Look! ata half finished A portrait, : "there will to will - talk that girl a beautiful be ys ou I qe i arte é length a half started had you, » pat . A girl ms looking at_he of a young study= ing 2over shoulder.t her . ue tips : that finger ai ra th Is it not beautifu he asked, and I as thought, I n house. effect artistie the nance a , = Evelyn ma oq elected] oak heavy "hie = he Ay @ ' relief, p when i years, inning Seay be able body} ont! an of s Jentist the floored What passed. reve: t is therefor spec I eens nt| te eee oy nmediatelyy wae . eos house, i Bil : that el ir ar no is It princess'. q1 y ammunition stead ) men reach. | chance ; ee christened Child hoe Rar ae almost died at as e e GE We ae Ee i tS See e knew one astonish nate ee of defense nis' Platowewtiin ‘cal ‘he aid attention never' and. suffer, lke pil) sae ‘ < girl) bike aof lt Madixon) xteen See : of such academy was 4 with a ther chance } emotions. one's aha: "Maven the st she. ot tragedy rab are of Thavy..told, tower, quare geross MY| Ges : Stee The student); today. to ‘ i t toate one interests THOSE Davenport.) a moved Ss of Idaho and also ve 5 to. do all im théir| assistants Yeu) ceate have ihejust beennF . Sie eee the meeting ward cont F 0 aS to speak. not did: they. "but Par : . Marie, Mich., Feb. &-Tt prt Unter { carry acent of , he he wilda' Ce aehunt $8 abil ea The Owin ‘immydiately. baptized Sears oe be and prepared. himself. In' months|the Jerome preparation - M1 for allowed books and when Ex tart many has read Dp\ : stand: ANE] Jer®ne My the took Wilew equalias his quite ;you it an ‘ Post an vi "expe Mi Besides which from joutset, "the bagh "On n? se ra a noe : Ne nowiedge. drift the CE what It was a pity to waste such| ; she speak. F But I have never seen a court room}a sermon on such an audience. If} have! could ghastliness' dramatic room|itS court the was as affected so oe girls of pi Blt een ea Evelyn Florence when morning, this til until a i . ; ve of yes," pretty, ure done have I ' ree on He to this 2 country.= portraits of: several girls in the summer of 1902, American with his work Dut seemed-dissatisfied "Those Tomer . . that trials résolu-| aw. efor thé assage sécure "e the 2 passage oO sec Kieka the' sladontsof' einieel xo‘se £6 jollification "Del my that . Writer. Says setback is lt is, a the: Pe adr pee lany Sye jtriais) Le penaltyABE: where afo0demany Was death-trials that involved men} | "onearization was completed, and reeuennae Pvthe er e€xcite-| aacse late tonight late ig ns did) i pence: > excite~lec"Ase ot yee st ne~ heb tion that years, ' ‘ « é Neel a to find | 24,40), William D. Nels 6 2 express to beauty of type new come canvas had ¥ had painted the s a ad had In Italy, Giaco-.)) of. American ;.girls.. of as a. master. melli. was thought beauty: graced the Italian Feminine Z salons hneorout 1 working in-its s g a fan stumbled had' butth rat repr esentatives in haprey, county's to ‘will which resolutions drawn : this and sept Italto the photothe. gone I had get to studio square, artist's and/a child. "that#1 Not the: wrongs : Cooks," Many Thaw \. (th Ne well," ends ee 5 hes iran' a 2s a have recovered health . from St rome. DEK he Lia. Ott. teat (By er met have ihemont: ‘county of this part the studio of Arturo Giaco- | benefit of léetale e ae bon eroreipage ae 25k t "the | ask avenue, near WashingFifth jn on 1962. melli ton jan estiny destiny excan Hales| Mr. ee eno pom eethte. oe York New 5 1e ca ons Meaied leeisinvion to September, | makers in of Chase. in hh, Ac i 8, Oh f bs Sault Ste ent iT "plans ee 5 gives; = dispateh London. reeent Ay s eal PadisSup eatin? mn FFs bbe jel Part | | AN Faith to . |a ,Briefs 'Commercial Rexburg Porne Web. Resbuce Nesbit: Evelyn met ; part latter the in I city IN ONTARE WLS ‘Princess del Drago, Remark- ‘Sportsmen From American anc able Medium, Wins Him | Canadian Cities to Take Let. ay nee least was, that well | dwindle|as} ; te SHE oad eg There playing|the Insisted.on BY 0 0a Bt. Jobnson.) Evan (By ‘ ! | GREAT WOLF DRIVE _ '® SPIRITUALISM TERRIBLE STORY OF EVELYN THAW BELIEVED 12 children widow, a erent grand. by his survived grandchildren, clubs | a "Too to due. was. error. He withst i athlete a aera ire of He-is but the track in this... most] The of circumstances... ict dificult children. Artist . |MARCONI CONVERT RY LEWIS.) hs IN that they had lost! blunds rings. ason through was Mr.) the change first Che having: been hasis He an out havingbeen i Jerome Mr.| Mr...Gleason ing work must he Against. that Delmaswith. he found that} under born. not Auoned of role usual his Gleason Mr. demanded rare is Se Th dar Winters of} color , was Gleason. [, Am, As Indian the the Angeles was-delayed, funeral is | Beauty li allan Hl It oO udgio in > ! Or mW a i th PB ale management, er to Mr.|mas betrayed) the) to ; down ; ‘ Dreyfus as-lf from > in ino A Captain ‘hana oe pasted pinta i. ae : Sn . se ) * me ers Ss fi ftamlyY! i lowest 5y ; rs oF als murderer. I have heard passon account of their widely separated isome ‘ of , thost ,| ‘ ridenc ages ; rane 9 5 in evidence of of] -| 48es the date reason for . that homesme and the di St & be the Iike much so posse i 10 great) c big.) It takes himss lf js, a and| he how-small of knowledge know to man Wagon victim rendered beautiful to lea jis: - he the LOE Gleason that us it ‘ty Mr. of rest That. himself. Thaw de- the conducted] of friends many were services Said fal Indian Black Hawk asc) theoveterans' ‘ of ‘ans' as mombéors! oven today's} at present were ociation a b Oa a SS are the from' Satins himse M Gleason aption, «Mr. the] byafter-| George g vard ward. jand n NESBIT 1D: r opposed. 4° th an" has. Mr. : Thi y By quick,| : Is cool,; : ve He\)| agains: adversary Knowledge of TWimself. should "why you, say No "But." for the] Moore, the two last troops|and the first speaker FLL FVELYN 8, 1907. evidence{the destiny that finds f(s source in a)shoula be the broth; Rr wonat SX crowd on & heeincto séven ‘ ‘ 1 a -lack|'and*even. It (‘means gold. com-| cradle ' } f kitehen the to derequired need ‘ ase ae fe "why reasons (het one.ot: makes Thy morally,| a-man Peerne By too Pmental physically iMr Jerome ad MrG ¢ appeared mrvan ! bine n ie Pe are They brilliant nivyanlage colli-!to such upon: depends growth tad ; Man's ~just number they "many; too not: any | enough. him bring work. battle, 7)" expression he must} of the -Topossible } full ghey | most the of one was Hales Mr. visit he may that It is not unlikely Spanish of citizens respected |highly the to return his" to prior Japan member - of valued a was and to carrying | Fork United States, with a view in Nauvoo, born was He |society. country this from greetings friendly to came He 1844 19, March Ill., government mikado's to the Spanish in settled in 1852, and Utah -_-_-_-- So in 1856, where he has resided x‘ork ever since. He was a veteran of the (IF FEBRUARY a8 excellently. interest maw HALES this house attended "Just sang, Nave Mary ? and Plea," One Ww ithout before probably year, the "When sang Taft | war veterans Secretary of summer, ARTIST 7.-When ‘ Gleason, Mr. advantage Thaw Delmas Mr. Gleason. : ae perilous trenchant-a TE ule Gta acer a a een LOCAL Feb. began ©! In-) be Will ceedings Beck.| Morgan Councilor bishop's by C.| John Bishop were speakers Tne ind Cre O.. W. Markham, porary American administration of the | Springville jisland's affairs by the first of next!} manner a , July. in Later the middle York, AL Tie van the in rode chief, in mander Miamehniss Tod: defense. the Thaw i : Gleason Mr. position. that occupled reat to the been relegated having to preat-| the place . e heldSi att a Mf. WR Delmas .| po ng a toe him Ae, and The relatives ceased. the - tem- | of ie relinquishment teh had and oe the New lel takitis during ight sigs gt th over Ss room and bed his wardwasmeeting largely and of} noon to} Third nited confer} pos-| if arrangements the American sible, conclude of retirement (BY Honor | Friends and Respected Citizen. I os funeral) 7.-The Feb. Fork, the} in held was Hales R. Spanish | lof George en they to return his Before to Cuba visit will States he and, Magoon, Governor with us Relatives of Memory ¢ ; ‘ Many some-| & on Panama trip extendedof working isthmus the as 0 1 Gl leason allow ad- session go will the present of journment Taft Secretary congress and 1088 GEORGE OF GEC FUNERAL oe ae eens ie Ge OR os . a ‘ time presentA - ab Cuba. and Panama o Visit the after immediate ly ; Almost ORR i@ morning} he awoke this | watch va ‘ and money ; misshav- QS that he the intimation with Statement compliit as a notable regard would however believe, does ; not He so ae a man should be an avowed c noa night, intoxicated ie 7 eine aaieated ine Se Pease aligns ti to Fine if it snould Se be - accep would he that hi his nomi- Zabout t directly, very said has He wanted | he* if nomination a get not doubt xpressed has it, t, é ¢ and :should he if even election nated. . . FRIDAY, in-)| -celebrated the that' "of Marconi, jit.ventor. ee wate a Jerome | become Mr. that: too, add, me Armstrong. L. O. ranged by his he found : would an ads Aadvoente ts better ret it. is sate er th than inhis repu) accusedMi Mr.poh Stranger ing and ne aes esis Pac ofatin at ah loLanythine /owit ihelamules otA ae spindle it F muscular nothingness | tation Justice - has not been done the )/ecess D'Antunnl aah l lian Paeifie ratirond of a ‘ 4 inadia cee rates eal Ranier Pali | Belt a1 eae thee j ene more ho of guilty 1@ were ii a Das : Som tart : will x Fi inddaalprajected expe Z The E \ ‘ ium. ‘ i t.remark; ‘ Folk re gard it : | bea in Iving just than with] does Frenehman a that lene ©! and| producer sleep a Wyatt handed 6f.Sal é 4 fi atlte il are relate she which |lences perhaps habit, 'b : : he} wrist, eye and and Ioeot the foils. in Wyatt by required the during .Sau of: , a east. j igelit mile "ES its : . ‘ ts, twenty b anni . psyehiea! ; study ‘ vy< y him, | to all who 5 condemning , f I Resources, Require Must or-par-| thrusts and wi fencer drive The finished 9 & 15 | reb. Ont, stranger the senses "Ti Ste.oMarie; says to she coming childhood," my "Since «a attainments hi for much so nat 3 | address and athe swiftness hunters wolf equal old of with charge ries in pe .umn) possessed) J . ; that felt alway get-away his made a politi- | have as his dexterity and a. lawyer she away: nothing throws Nature was clum-}, whole, the on Gleason, Mr. eel eens re i tl a¢company. will guide of a Toree after! shortly and power fashion | éxtraordinary off-and-on, inHaving to Tosier | Chan spe ndthrift squandering 15 sloy-| and in guard weak sv, uncertain, w dition expe the) inawakened I was marringe my + days, - I should call Mr. for ten watehed great} rk Y "a y maintain en will Sy c She ast« a club]!! with yokel , assault-a . enlyin pe alo Se ¥ ve TRAINWRECKER fiw fri mn New + * YOUNG Sportam 3 1} s LW i I $ and night, the of middle | Mr. of equal table trial the to Jeron courage and of brains army brilliantly. | standing as performed have would 2 singin eae UOC W e M ©Mmesso, the; "all. tn distinctly. quite I opine to be the last | woman and that Delmas, no} of favor in to *? d- omental part, according: "too lan: il take to decide can isnot c one vel. And. 1 limit N they be required less resolution harsnly "concerning Mr Gleason jjanan unless they by the] /irno or cormpliment smallest details of ftyzure, features and Ml E A t ind Canada will ssuppl anads x Sstre ‘ = " > ‘ a . 7 ' ' | " ‘ humnte the For a Arm: : vue, and bed my over dress, bending Wiley] Expert. the fall ofwas Great is Also-it: lite Soreiisy Method | Gaus: weit torievia Tee SOM Bioline ; ? yayth __ se . t mn r { P wll : an oucfit not so provided are who -*T-am sald; and spoke figure The of The cross-examination ot Pittsburg, Url the sailors. m ike that storms, trial) He, to. the ne comes . pookssandthat Swartfager, R 7 Web. becom ia to tL subsequently ies d, e . \ furni déad)) ‘ y Tam we *« wife. 4 \ | first 4 husband's . your outlike| S \ inside o him turned at Jerome Mr only| meant life of voyage everybodys A himself. disparage to only table "s ea : trains ca aa vousRtal we up made men, the of you) the. property that to télb-you come am I lo swear|and came Wiley Expert [a glove: sky and gentle, smooth sea, a smiling Mar-}* a like Jaw the may a know, man c again } ores ain a i } aE Soy oa I afan Jes Seale shallor Kent and still' forensicalls | flattering winds: If there Ww: no suca} that. Thaw -wa erazy and before hel shall have a son. but he and will sodie. ‘ving, Give] follows: nd ee ney te Sis, yur pairs ‘Two husband," to your this hel stand witness the from escaped segs} head commodities tté recking win mat he Men theo: Ciith® = ape ort or a ee oO 1 co re t ae < " x ; : . . -- "ie < 7 2 a Il o aX cf ee nibte 3 a 7 e rd ‘ 9 fa ret e haus oO of nove a Jock e me ig handed figure (he himself. crazy nearly Was alb| should we anes, eee ae ‘ ve 5 +e sparword that and asking stion | that ae ‘eat as wrded. oe is sheriff pee (t ec: Prince. came} neck The 1\round-the S she halt an . Prince aloud,.Th « ried> likenes the¢ and. never and boys rn! Mark. cabin © Rasy Mad Jerome 3 to. the . Nee ene nes that t ‘ turned ‘ ve Blk AS nee in Bs 2 ae de-| inevitable belong ring be yet may man young the co snow-shoeing aver | wer picked and room: adjoining the from ra . 54 y é hea , aoe » ee f . } j RE‘ 2 Tu Ti . know | | 0! yet and Mitigation 1 ) > cD mot tall of every speci bucksk!n . boy y is 1s under the a age Tho coy sweater, loose. > « it) pskimo S age compared We hair. of lock the for it that}/up feeling goes poplar ‘ The disthe Kb As ikening was that. And herself necessity. than law MOLSe TAO for} limit the as statutes the in flied (in cade of ins a. .dil-|withy that which he worein, a:locket) casins ‘proved himself Wiley Expert: He-had| Meee Ratan Nee aa 1s Gleason. Mr; that pair say five Should one 6? | "felt.andcounty al "Morgan In thaw), offender iden-| juvenile two were the that found anid) hie a that-in remember, Is|lare. wi cleatOne ' should he Wherefore B no fo "work but £0!d, hown| . ha shoes and « ce ¥ because he lawyer a t ‘ a poor Loft ? wool th: t s c Aer il juverenile n Oe is s the ere i < so co and a-counselbetween witnes -Lilt. Cve nts and ow OFSt a we lIenerot. as advocate.| bad an as weak be to himself before »tal be) ee ay warts age ger Swe on ot. ak ‘en Ain sae matty ‘foes trial wan was mise((25,e Judge of. men Thus he. pitched | witness the advantage of position res W lien the prinee's Son was born she} woolen I wind guard, an ;munition hilt tmunition ife "S fieure aga rime a eourt before he is released Unless ; upon . "* lead r when the with' of}alwavs to Gleason Mr. will be paid ‘to tl ce aray attention wifes) first . ot figure of the saw: the that © again Tt' is " "es £ i placed, That error has-been correctformer." ; ask than Ls to the. answer who pleaded the phils noe BS ‘ ‘ there. may be } all about nim that gentleman of stiff; to questions, Fes 3 !a hitch occurs jin the poiapiiyok, a 4 the] serve ‘will he -hereafter and _|ed . Sk Baal Gens : e " Return His on Moves last Mourning When bed eunnounceniatire d IF een Hal hE room \ iand 2allowed HONOR TAKE are Arranges mndnehne during 1 < to share fraternity him ‘ with ve at said Wyatt -__- ' : S Secretary resu he became a 120 Foot. GLADLY WOULD time a resulthe ix mourningthe Joss of his "ipeared a t the 1e police police statio station thiiisto evenjug and told a pitiful tale as haw AreI S UTAH, RECEIVES THE ATTENTION OF A MASTER HAND | BIGMAN JUSTGRINS .2".:,. 2%] On REPUBLICAN, SALT LAKE CITY, -""cerswrstrscnwmras | WITH DELMAS AT HELM, THAW'S DEFENSE Ria lese an comieurneice caren dering Q What Plans INTER-MOUNTAIN Kansas city. ci 4 |