Show WITH DELMAS AT AI HELM THAWS THAW'S DEFENSE RECEIVES THE ATTENTION OF A MASTER HAND HANDBY BY ny ALFRED J lF IY IS Now New W 1011 York Feb 7 7 hn When evidence taking began Mr tr Gleason as mis comman com com- man mander r in chief h ler rode ode In t the h van of th the Thaw haw Today Mr Mi II Delman occupied that position Mr 11 Glea Glenson on I having ho been boen n relegated to the tho rear Mr Mf Delmas DelmaR held the tho to I place greater great groat- gloat gloat- I er 1 Thaw ac advantage than ha has lias Mr Gleason M 1 Mr Delmas DelmaN Is IH cool quirk quick trenchant a a perilous adversary adverT He lie le lecan i can do anything with the tIme rules ruleR of or evidence that a Frenchman does with wih tho time foils fois Foot and eye eyt and anil wrist h ime he I Is lM a 0 finished fencer antI ami ane thrusts or parries parries par par- rl ries with wih equal and address addres Mr 11 Gleason on th the whole was vas clumsy cumin clum sy RY uncertain 31 weak In guard and anti slovenly enly I in iii assault a a a yokel 1 with v a a. a club would have performed as s brilliantly Irl Ian ty And yet t. t one one Is not to decide too harshly concerning Mr Cleason GIN I should say MY now nor that his forte is with wih hooks books and that ho lie comes to time llio trial table thle only to disparage himself A Aman Aman Aman I man may know time the lw law like lee a a Marshall Mar Mar- shall shah or a n Kent Situ find still sti forensically On the other hand ho lie may shine at ut question queston asking and ant that thai word sparring sparring spar spar- ring rinK that lelon belongs to the tho Inevitable detail de do- lc- lc tall tail tal of ofen every en litigation anti and yet know I no more law than necessity herself No one ono should say st st. that Mr lr Gleason Is Isa Isa isa a a poor lawyer awyer because he has shown himself to b be weak weal as ns an advocate Mr Gleason In the trial van an was wa mis mis- placed That error has hns been corrected correct correct- ed eti and hereafter he will wi serve th the tho Thaw ha Interest e excellently from the rear No Xo Knowledge no l of or Himself But Dut say you rou wh why should Mr Air G Gleason son allow alow himself to be betrayed Into taking the tlC lead leall Mir Iii Gleason Is so much like the ther r rest st of us that he possesses no great knowledge of or himself It tal takes es a 3 big bigman man mami ma i to know how small smal he lie Is Is an and Mr Ir Gle Gleason son was not born under that c caption That Gleason error eror was duo to Thaw himself He tie Te Insisted on playing his liis usual role of or spoiled child and demanded Mr r. r Gleason Not that I Il blame laino l Thaw for following the wrong wa wagon on track in this lie He is but the th victim of or circumstances circumstances The rhe most destiny In its Is working out is hs I the Ilme tIl destiny tny Il that finds Us its HI source ROlCO In a I cra cradle l full 11 of gold It I means a lack of that thal driving tIded need nc d required ll to develop de tie- plop and strengthen a man morally ally mentally physically Man growth depends dr upon collision coll- coll colli ciolli- sion slon battle hatte work worl ro To bring him him an any full expression lon of the tIme possible ho he must bo be opposed wIh contended against The Thc athlete would dwindle anti and spindle Into muscular nothingness If he lie wore VOLO guilty guly of or no more moro energy than just J lying In in bed Must i mm Require Ht Resources Nature e throws nothing away she sheh Is Ii no squandering ering spendthrift t foster waste She will wil maintain a n threat great Klat standing army of or brains bm an and courage and mental J resolution In iii favor of or no noman noman man unless R they be he required m ti by hy th time the dally method of or his If life Also It if im if the storms ms that make ma 1 1 the sailors If I everybody's vo voyage ago o of I life fc meant only a r smooth sea a smiling sky Iy and gentle gente flattering winds wind If th there ittS vaR no SU such wrecking commodities as ns head seas and sweeping hurricanes w we should all allbe allbe 01 be lc cabin hO boys and never the 1 likeness nes of or a a ful full He Hedged ted seaman among us And that was wa the weakening disaster ls- ls dis aster ater In the lie Instance of ot Thaw lie He had I gold but no work worl Wherefore he ho Is 13 bad as n. n a 0 of or events evel anti and worse vorse as aR a Judge of or men Thus ho he pitched flUchel upon 1 Mr Mm Gleason to lead lend whon when of nil all 01 about him that gentleman genteman of ot stiff sUI nn and narrow nn angularities was least leat fitted fite fit fit- fitt e ed for the work V However alls all's als al's well wel that ends well weH and the Thaw prospects under a Delma Delmas Del Del- inns mas ma management have recovered that color of or health that they had lo lost t through the G leason Gleason bl has The first to feel the change was wa fur Mr Jerome He lie has boon beon having an nn outIng outing out- out Ing Ins with wih Mr 11 leason pason Against Mr Ir Delmas palmas ho he round found that he must work worl Too Mummy In n Cooks Cook Cooks Says SUJ's Writer r I cr There Thero Is one setback from flom which the Thaw interests suffer Ur I and amI never nevera nevera a a chance of or relief That is tho change of or counsel counsel he has retained There is room at a n trial table for tor two lawyers lawer I no more Three mal makes es an Instance of too many cooks and the broth brothis I is IR sure sur of being spoiled polet What then I should be 10 lP the outlook when six Ix anti and even t l seven cooks begin to crowd th ho This makes Out one of or the thc reasons rason why Mr Mi- 11 Jerome and 11 Mr Garvan appeared to such stick brilliant brilant advantage They arc alo not too many they number Just justen en enough h Let Tet m me amid add too that Mr Jerome as an advocate Is 19 better beter his tt tation ion J Justice usi ice has not l been n done lomme one the lie district attorney In that regard Folk have fallen Into the tho habit perhaps by his hil own fault faul of hr condemning him him not miot so much for or his attainments as asa asa asa a lawyer l' l and his dexterity a as a cian olan In fashion Having on oil on of-ani-on watched for ten days daY I should call cail ni Mr I J Jerome rome to the trial table tahle equal of or Mr MI D Delmas anti and ant that I opine to be the time last laft limit of ur compliment Groat Giat vas waa Wa the UtA fall aU of or Expert rt IY or of lurg The rhe examination cross of mit Ir Mr Jerome Jeronie turned him lo Inside out lk lka like a glove Expert Wiley carno caine caro to swe swear Rwei m mIhal i hat Ihal Thaw was wn crazy crary Ia anti h for lie he from th the witness stand h he hC was wa nearly crazy himself t. t Jerome Had Hns Easy Max Mark The popular feeling feng goes for tor it I that Export Expert Vie Wiley proved provet himself I a minI dul lard One should remember m that In a I witness tilt tt between n a counsel anti and a Q t witness lie tho advantage of position rests always with th the former It I i Is hc easier to ask ash than to answer fU questions tons and I therein Mr 11 Jerome from Crom the outset with the export held the high ground Neither should Air Mr Jerome's technical technIcal technical cal knowledge astonish one He le knew what the drift of or defense events would be and prepared himself elf In months allowed for preparation Mr Ir Jerome Jerme has read end many books an and when Expert Wiley ley took the stand Mr ne was vas quite quie his equal as nn an err expert rt Besides Mr AIr Jerome has ha not read his Plato Pinto for fun un and Is a past master mastel at question queston asking It I I is no marvel that tha Mr r. r Jerome Jorome floored the lie scientist from Pittsburg As intimated In a former article this trade of or alienist huts has nothing In nature atm on which to base Itself It I is arUn artificial tI fanta fantastic tlc and founded not so 80 much on science as the vanity Of they who profess pro pro- pro fess tess esq it |