Show Hj 1 it SENATE DISCUSSES t ft MU it Callister Calister Believes Loaning ol a of States State's Fund Would Aid Agriculture p jy SUM OF NOW IDLE A i t I n H Presents Objections anti and ul the t Men rc re Ib I lo 10 lie IJ Ht 1 f 2 Brought ht Up Ull Frda Friday Senator Canisters Canister's bill creating roser S hi i bOh 01 land grant sites anti and providing I pir for t the loaning of o the present fund funt I of o 1 to private parties for Ir Irrigation 1 I purposes raised a discussion lon t- t In the senate yesterday that thUl lust lasted 1 I 1 over ivor r two hours Senator lor L Lawrence I 1 leJ J the the fight against the bill 1111 bi on fl th the ground that it I did not provide adeS ad ade adequate I I for zno state Although Although Al Al- S quate securities 1 outside senator though nearly every o eQ talked in hi II favor avor of the bill bi It i was and will bo be brought up ur recommitted wil lo be he heA undoubtedly and will again today wi A 5 t passed ee without serious amendment lt Senator bill hl provides IHo that thai I thc slate tatu may designate under th the S supervision of or the state Mate tat land board boar J the tho disposition of ot th the n reservoir land laud S' S grant fim fund upon loan PIo providing proper roper securities ar ai- obtained Tho money mOH may bo be be loaned to private corporations corr cor cor- r and amI 1 individuals anti and mil there is isa If a f provision lon In the tho bill 1111 hi that thai the Ow loan will become first lien n on the tho property r l tl wl The Tho stat slaty now no has OOOO in this fund mul and It is lying Idle l lc Tho The lather r of Ot th the bill hi predicted lct d that thit by lW loaning It upon prop proper securities It ii would not nol proportions but oll only grow to greater It t would Insure Injure In l' l a rapid development ll iS of or f lilt he HI arid tracts of oC tho thit tl anti and re reclaim 10 ye- ye claim thousands o of acres non's of ot land lanil now 1 lying hUl and anh open oln to farmers vast aM of fertile arming farming country areas areas S Says s Security Is Un UI ife In his attack atack on the bill hi Senator lwrence said ald it I would woul open tho the door 1100 V to a n tang rous proposition l rO o llon In that lt It woul endanger er the f fund b by permUting permitting per per- mUting it to be le loaned loafed to private parties par par- v ties who wish to establish re reservoir sites tO Ulle Unless tho thE state Is back of or tho reservoir companies he said hl the thc securities se- se se se- would not be bo safe aCe lie said le S c ho hu h. h knew know of live l e or six r reservoir oh companies com coin and failures panics that had hI been hicen all named the tho lw Boar River and Mt I I. I Nebo companies s as Its lS Iu illustrations tr tons We Ve are aie making a mistake b by loan loan- Jug this fund to private enterprises where whelo there thelo I is no state stale i supervision lol The Tho huLl fund ought to be he kept intact I If I the tIe rc reservoir J is destroyed said j Senator the tho state hn has lias no 1 oc security rJ an and l under tinder the pr present elt law luw S. S loses entirely t rei as us the state tate lan land board is authorized to con construct lEer reservoirs The state stati has no recourse unless the S I reservoir is rebuilt By y this tills bill hi the state has double the 1 protection it now flow enjoys eljo It I is more amply amp provided ed edwith s 's with security The state lan land board 5 t will cIll insist on n a mortgage on tho the land hand lana wi before loaning the tho money mone i 1 It becomes a first lien len on the land hand I r 1 t h Senator John Y Smith i Danger From Drouth Supposing there Is a long period of dry years lars said sI Senator Lawrence S 11 the thu state could not recover A great S mun many projects fall fail fal that t W way I thousands of ut acres aen's of or land S Many lan If can not bo 10 H reclaimed except through private to corporations said al Senator S f Smith n again aln and toe the mono money should be loaned to them for fUl or that purpose S Senator Johnson said Il a reservoir project had hall hel been n started stalled in Piute Pluto county and that tho the company wanted wante l to borrow bonow As It is Is ae 1 ne said ald I th thu company compan could coul not borrow horrow at a alow of if Interest low rate rate- rte Gardner and Walton Valton talk talk- p Senators UHl Yalon od 1 1 in favor a or of or the 11 bill bi but Lut It I was laid final action over o until today for acton j. f. f tota |