Show MINiNG NING X NOrES W. W J. J Lawrence will wi leave toda today tOlay for foi Calente to look hook after his his' mining Interest in interests In- In crests terest in iii that section Time Tho recent assessment on the time stock of oC tho Scottish Chief company has been virtually all al paid in and amid It I is the Intention to resume work worl in tIme the mine before the tho of the month Approximately Approximately Ap Ap- proximately is realized from the time assessment nt Tho The Pj neer sampler yesterday re released re- re leased eight carl carloads ds of or ore from Utah Ulah camps and antI ono one from Nevada Nc Taylor Brunton released thirteen from om Utah Ulah and sl six from Nevada G. G R. R c. c vice president vicc of or orthe the tIme T Taylor tylor Brunton Sampling company com coin pany pamY has returned from Los Ios Angeles John left heft yesterday esterday for New York on mining business Muna Manager cr Walter Waiter C. C Orem of oC the thc lie Utah Ulah Apex company went to 10 Bingham Bing- Bing inspection trip ham baum yesterday on nil Cil an thi tri Former lormer Secretary L. L A. A Amsden of ur tho time Yankee Consolidated Mining company corn com com I pany puny expects to leave for Los Ios An Angeles cles In a n few Cow days das where ho lie will i remain several months mouths S James D D. D Sword mana manager er of oC the thc Big ng rl Tiger er mine at al Crescent celt Nov cv is in iii tho ho city William Thornton manager of the Imperial Mining company came caine from rota AHa Alia yesterday lie le the ike letting of or a u. contract for fot tunnel work by y his company in i its property southwest st of oC thc the J Consolidated Consoli Consol Consol- dated in iii Little Lille Cottonwood canyon lid e expects to make mako a good o d showing In tho lie next low few lii In Inthis n this ProPertY 11 lii months On tiis BoiL Bort Jenkins Jonkins wont to lo Alta AHa yesterday yester day a on mining business I Time The stock of tho lie Utah Uth Copp Copper r company com corn puny any is to lo bo ho listed Haled on un the time N Now New w York stock exchange In Iii II the time next few Cew dl days dilys yg accor acco according to 0 advices received yesterday yester day dy by Pollock Co of the Tho The meeting of ot stockholders of Utah Copper company compan to authorize authorise the Iss c of GO shares of a New capital stock nr and their thell sale lo to stockholders stock stock- to be held hold holders at 25 a sharo share Is iii lt n Now New York Feb 19 Th The right of stockholders to subscribe for Ol tho timo new Hew March Marcim 1 stock will wi about 1 Tho rho Eureka Swansea Ext Extension Mining company compan will wi hold Its Us annual meeting In this ef city on March llach 4 A AprOpO proposition linn lit lii iem romu m u tIme C company to tu lr Ir vo o If lit to I be vl voted 11 u on S. S |