Show Los Los' Angeles Excursion 1 Last call Tickets now on sal sale nt at Elks Elks' club luh The TIn chance of a lifetime only round trip Avoid Salui- Salui lla days day's 1 ru rush h for 01 tickets A A. AV V Hay Ua- bould secretary I 0 I IA I A 3 line clas classified ad all In The Tho Republican newill Re ne- Ite- Ite publican will Sell It It Rent Rent I It or It-or or r Ex- Ex chan e Il co but hut 10 eta ets for Cur each cach 0 I Insertion oi f A line 3 classified ad in The Republican Re TIe- publican will Sell It It Rent It or It-or or Exchange Exchange Ex Ex- Ex- Ex I change chango It costs It-costs costs but hut 10 els for tor each cach insertion T JI I Jh HT ff l fk S 8 5 with ilk rc fe I t. t i. i 17 tf 7 71 1 k If IC a body Lolly trust l a J M i l l T a.- a. a.'s s 's e And Tail fati to J jl I IJ 7 J M M My y a body r ak k a Jy bo-Jy i Please r ro-nt ro rIt 10 o d day 47 CERTAINLY Or we c do it for fir you It Its It's tir business Merchants Merchants' Protective Association 1 Scientific Collectors of Honest Debts Fifth Floor Commercial National P Bank nl Bid Bid- SALT SUIr LAKE Crr lnA FRANCIS CIS G. G bUTtE General Manager Inna cr a Some People Dont Don't Like Us y r r nJ r l r I Bifocal j Iho Ilu Invisible Bifocal al The 1110 Columbian Sp Special r n No lu dl No 0 Cement 1 There Thero 1 Is J No 0 Oilier Half lL as Good Goud Curves Round tho Ja Esc Eje Wo 1 Arc re Sole Sule Agents A Famous EJe Comforter Comfort c or- or r COLUMBIAN J. J OPTICAL AL CO s iY I n Main Street u I Omaha Salt Sau rake Lake city j. j i I J. J |