Show TOOK FOUR SHOTS A NERO THUG R. R B. B Martin Marln Wanted to Save One Bullet Bulet for Emer Erner- gency at nt daylight robbery rob rob- A daring ul attempt bery her was frustrated l early Thurs Thursday a mOlln morning by In R. R B. B Martin consulting chemist for or the Pittsburg Suit Lak Oil 01 company compan Martin lu had I just reached the laboratory of or the company located althe atthe al at the corner of Fouth West Test Yet nn and Tenth South streets when hen he he noticed a 11 negro o 10 on the front porch of oC the build I ing Ingo rig When the tho tl negro negin o saw W Martin approaching approaching ap ap- ap- ap ho lie drew Ihl Ihla a revolver from from frum hi his pocket and dropping from the tIme porch ran Ian around to the thu rear el of tl the I house e. Martin Marlin I quickly drew trew his own r revolver and took Ids his hi station at the tho IheI moat 10 door of time the house houe hOl e noticing as ns he lie I did so so that the gla glass In II the tho door was broken Because of or the th sea of or water back hack backof I of or the tho house hous the negro could not escape in that direction so o he ho soon appeared and Martin opened lire He lie le shot four foU times and Is of the opinion that tho t one of if the iho thE shots hots took tool effect as C th the tho negro foil fell I just as tie ho lw reached the thc wire wh surrounding the place loft heft In hisgun his hisgun hisgun With Ith but hut one name nore shot lor gun Martin MartIm allowed the tho negro to toe e escape c p rather ruhel than face tace him as ho know that the th negro was al also o armed Time The police were el notified and amI Detective Detec Detec- tive t l Shannon wn was ras sent sont to the scene of oC the thic tw robbery but lut no trace tract of or th tho the woul would would-be h. robber rohber was found lcm Man Ion l About noon word was wa received at tho th station that Officer Daniel Sullivan Sulli Sul- Sul van n had hul all all' arrested a n 1 negro answering the tw lle description of the supposed burglar burglar burlar bur bur- glar lar anti and the tho wa wagon ol was soul sent out to liming bring him Inh In h The fhe prisoner 1 refused ed to give his h his Is name anti and said aid that chat 1 he had gone put cut to Limtt part alt of oC town lown to fish In the Jordan Jor Jor- nun dan river ilver which was vas shown n ho b by a t number of or hooks hook and lines hues Ile which were found in his pockets When hen Martin was notified of the arrest arreH ho went to th the station elation lalon for the purpose e of Identifying I. I the mal man maim orly to find that It was not lint the thC same s-amo negro No o trace of or orth th the he ort offender has been boon obtained though tho entire police poll forde forOe e are aru on th the thC lookout I ro k i u t. t |