Show GREAT a WOLf WHIP DR VE V VV V iN ONTARiO Sportsmen n From American and Can Canadian dian Cities to Take u Part in Chase V V Mich Michi Feb Tf H Sault Ste Marie Mario nI pros pres ent ox-mt nt plans carry the wilds wilmis 11 of it in wI will I this month b 1 Is' Is lh Hi lii nf of it l q M hl wolf volt drive drive The hunt I is hh H Hran ar ir V ran 1 7 T. T L. L O. O 0 c of tho time Canadian Pacific nJ agent nt and an as projected will wH start t rl from rop Des Ds V Sue I t t barats l welly nihl miles mm cl o Ste. Ste Marie Ont Omit lh Feli 9 0 9 The flie fie drive drLe c th wM wi I Ibe be In charge of or old oll wolf a am 1 o of oC ul lm will vill accompany tl ti ll- n. n 1 fore force gul guld l V con nn I expedition n mi rt ft from m New ew York W io 0 Sf rn and Ann n V Chicago Milwaukee nn can cities will tithe lake part pirt t tn will tylli Mr Armstrong and Canada wIl Ito Iho For a lar large larga 8 l contingent I who are arc not not KO so provided ll an outfit Will wil Willbe wilbe I i ibe be furnished subsequently to beconi omil hOll V V the time property properly of or the men made 1110 up ll a a follows V Two pairs aIr ton pound blankets on I Ian knife nn an n i axe avo and holster one holster hoister anc rifle rino gloves gloos mitten that can b bo be hung around th time the neck I It i I. iv v ir over gloves glove snow shooing coa Eskimo J dickey cy sweater buckskin mot mo mol moccasins In iii n case catie of old tan mo 1 thaw ono pair of ot felt folt and five pair pair- of or woolen socks H. H snOwshoes hoes and nth string woolen helmet wUI with wind gu guard uc ammunition am lun- 1 hilt hill ammunition a Sp Special attention hit will wl L bo ho paid to tho tb J shooting so o that th there r mu may be n ii chance shot idiots that will wl reach men mel instead In Instead In in- j stead of wolves The ammunition wi wm 1 sleat and arid therefore bo he specially l prepared special training given in its u use I Mr Mt Armstrong r. r Armstong says says' ys After Ar much mul thought ht It would seem to be bo best t t thol 1 ha have havo the encircling band hunt n ii hi to have a pow low i couples one ne man mon I rifle And nd one a shotgun with buckshot rife cartridge In a case of an n attack atack bj hy wolves which is Ig barely possible th tim shotgun with wih knife and amid axe make maJe two men to fe until help cam cani Rv Every ry man will wIn be required to brin a i laid out compass compa s. s Ills his Ils course win will be for him each morning Following a heavy fall aU of or snow now It possible to secure L would be he quite q le large number of or wolves There Is a bounty bounly on each wolf oI an and It ha has be bee LetI ii of ot suggested that the total amount be divided among nil all 31 bounty accruing the tho sportsmen The pt-lt pt pelt of or each ench V wolf will go to the man nina who shot It as fa far faras faras r wl as Is possible to trace it The hardest work in connection with win wl the drive will wil b done he-done done by hy the lie The sleeping each nl night ht will wl be he donin don cn T hent hente in lii tents tents each of which win will be by a n camp stove store Hunters Hunters taking parin parin par pIn in the emp drive will wil be required to mUK a deposit of 25 2 as af a guarantee anti and t send In their names a week prior to lh- lh Ii organization of or the tie hunt |