Show v YN TOA W WEEPS AS SHE TELLS 1 Of BITTER LIfE BEFORE i f p Court ourt and arni Spectators Shocked by Rehearsal of Atrocious AcS Actions Actions Ac- Ac j S of Stanford White as Learned From FromI I Lips of Witness 1 I t r OPENS O ENS SOILED PAGES AGES TO SAVE HER hEll HUSBAND k t f Told old Harry of Relations With Ar Architect When H He Po Proposed ose 1 to toJ toA r A J J. J Her in Paris Shocking Paris P Shocking Details Brought Matters I f liv to toe Crisis ri s i s I l' l If t. t k V ti B y fly William Hosier Hoster TA New Ne cw York F Fe Feb b. b 7 t i Mrs Florence nce Evelyn E Thaw revealed a aston story to of ot hu- hu h z today tollay that fixes an nn anIt anIt It i t indelible mark of oC shame hame upon our J civilization T Stanford White hll happily In hi his grave rne died fifty years yar ars too late lalo Harry K Kendall Thaw Thaw sHuck only en nil all the grievous wrong had mai been heen done ui f S. S and his reason ann had revolted at tlc the S spectacle of Whites White's atra- atra i cilles s fhe The crowning wonder Is that I Ii I i n survived uI to toll he mie I story S A mere girl with the grief grid of or ages ageR ag n.- n. r In mn her stIll winsome face fac face face-a 3 a child who has bas not lost yet YeL simpering graces f r. r 01 oi of the school room which clashes t tragically ih tho allous mannerism m or oC of the woman of if lie Iho world world world-befort 1 a spell bound cOUIl court room loom told lold in sim- sim plo R a story lor of diabolical j-In j Jn 2 that staggers the Imagination S J Il It was d ts her own story too ton tOIl the thes s story lory of of if wrongs visited upon her hor by a aman man In the guise of a protector more murl I than twice her years rich rih gifted famous fam fum- am- am ous who Wh cunningly lured her to his hIM sumptuous s lair lall With golden promises anti and disinterested tl attentions won mothers mother's e esteem and even n encompassed em passed her absence from the city cil that the daughter might bo be utterly Ily under unde his control anti and then that that Is th th stor story that types refuse to 10 pi Print int I is not to 10 be bo told bit In full tull outside hc of or the i I burled burUd r 2 of oC t time the 1 courts courts Q a 1 rv that made mude world old men t r UH and 1 a S. S i Ci ld af nt nil 11 at nil an nuy b Jt i n n tI p J t h I C lI g m I IL L r q l 1 S pI S Ani An A A i t was wa yn J Thaws Tha plan pian 1 tody th the mute Tl lips ot of hint who vl hr had h heard tut It It all before not ntH brood brood- I li Ji over it it had hud wiped out the th ic- ic s count with tin Uw blood of the tha S tP 1 the th depths th of a LL cU In the tho prison languishing th hr r re on a n 54 5 of I minder 11 the man na who 5 knowing all hall hail given n her liet hl his name ron dame ronan Irne an On appeal I which none nono hut but she siH could a ans I. And Abil thru throwing a aside all sty modi-sty l and pride MInkin sinking lI l y feeling to t woman dear ilear baring her bleeding art In-art to cm I the woi Id I g n Thaw Hung Hung- wide open th the book bool of h her r tragic Lift life that oJ S S all nil might read It t wu a u a u soul crushing Sacrifice awl and a n j Hut But In the hour of her deepest woe elf the wife girl of Hurry Harry Thaw has haq thIs consolation which will be he all t S nut cut hahn balm to lo her broken heart be hc has probably ahl raved the ii life o of her S husband Never before has court room benthe been ben S. S the ho scene ceno of or such l a a. simple tragedy Wo AVe had waited long for il we w we had I pictured d the scene imagined the tho swiftS swift moving chapters pondered upon the time timeS j S denouement ment It topp o over topped Ll everything everything everything every every- S thing that thai had been expected d Like all tragedy when one comes face to face with it H this too loa was common common- place Ilace Rut But it tl had hall a simple grandeur 4 4 as n well Picture of ci Girl irI on Oil Stand A A. like child figure n ur upon the th witness witness wit wit- stand stand attIred In simple blue a abroad aIr nc ness about her hll throat while collar broad Ir a u modest black blad hat adorned with violets Iolet over o her black blach hair hull which and was va vaL hung down don over ovel the neck neel drawn together by a black bow o L She ie i-ie folded her ier hands hand In h her r lap In which artists ha had Her drawn face found clas classical outlines h held d an once of nr resignation and amI aban aban- expression blue eyes oyes red nt Her great underlined underlined underlined under under- and deeply rimmed with tears lealS lined with wilh black circles looked out out upon o ti serenely confidently of oC faces of 1 people that thai crowd eager the Iho Hood of or awaited the opening gates gales which she the picture That was ol 01 stand stand-a stand a picture the lie on lU painted victim ready read Co for or I tin thi the the sacrifice hi hl Thaw fixed his eyes upon Hat Harty from behind lh tu wife wiCe as she the appeared the truth tell lell it lo to wore swore box aiR and jUl Jury his gaze nevel JW that thai mInute and front from he had got ot halan halan hal h her r face left with her hel story tear an hour along alon the cheeks checks of oC tin th down Iowa were wet coursing prisoner r Hushed flushed anti and grew rew pale lale b Ills His face clenched hi hf his hiM hands were turns tha drawn wn his e eyes bloodshot Between the tho 1 Two 1 0 I of Love Lote on fine filled passed lie between tween then them Glances were rhe anti amI with love e S on these and 1101 S her and fattened And i her courage coura-c grew re time the of oC aces while the story on and tears under the of the women wo- wo O cheeks checks down doe the the- of Justice S and even een the eyes I men time the jurors and 5 to lo avoid a show of thell gaze on un- un She kept c direct b S r. r In simple all and 01 could itt hen 1 flOS now flO In a olce that eyes lyes down down- rOll Cd face S. S 1 with out quick and 2 and words that came caine told that tto heats she he JS sharp liI mcart lY hy stanford stan stan- of her stor and antl L of which ford White the thc liet bus hus- the and st cled his arm to toJ bands t J hout In every word vord conviction J ft- ft oIn cyniCS l 4 hot her to conce and demanded a 11 diet die ii t I t tS tL L S 5 I IJa play imlay of ot emotion emotion the they asked foi for tears 1 1 anti and lenra teara from flom a woman In whose 23 2 3 years of life have hC been 1 pressed all the agony of a q life time Little It I Loft Lift In III Her I Long ong before E CI n Thaw was vas wasI cat called ed upon to 10 make i this final I tic lle au all the emotion of lie her nature had b been i Jj crushed d out She appeared ard ardI upon that witness s rand today a n aman woman wo wo- I man from whose eyes t evel every tear hail harl been drawn r wn lung long before berm fe fell I under tinder the avenging bullets bullet i of Harry r Thaw In Tn the f flu first l' l t half hour she told toll all all all- all that a woman would give live her life to conceal Emotion after that Tat Tenis when she he had emptied her hI heart henrt ht ort of if all that remained to live ll for fOl Evel Evelyn n Thaw Timas- took tonk the witness Is stand as one Who vimo hall had un undergone the hue hue- pil thriving Influence of d Whiles While's brutal passions pa sc I 0 n-a n all 11 the lime 1 more brutal because of nf I their heir voluptuousness voluptuous II ness s 's and ith slit she told 1111 her hr story In tIme the manner of a world world-i world tired Ired woman u. u with JUt hut one OIW remaining mission ml lon in life life life- old lold It like Ilk a child wonderingly In- In with a startling matter maliN of or I One can m merely Jely judge judg from the UH standpoint lall of the tho average man mall but InI to In th the average man maim her hI story lor went vent to I th time the heart wIth heart with conviction with a certainty that she mU must 1 have suffered agonies I And the juryman man is an average nail man I The Itself Itself Itself-It It Is of or a n young sill girl ring rinE In him her Imer childhood hI her childhood all Ih the die pangs s o of ot pO tj the life lire of oC n a family In lii a single room th the tho of or bread brad thu I Mt Jt 1 Of it the lime u th his notice h 1 jj hC I i Li re o are nrc nl t b lir Ui V 9 I 1 foe foe- W 1 n M i I K- K t. t o tiro I tp t tg g up p her cr nc nm- nm oi il 11 1 Ideal h g developing de the ravages oC ot want V We Ve saw ow h- h her the U studios s In 11 1 Philadelphia M her hI herace face ace and her form om to keep tp lh the gnaw gnaw- In logs 1 of hunger oin fi-oin rom coin her mother and little brother She h told It with a ch childish h grace grace grace- like the grown glown sister Fl tel repeating a fairy fairytale fairytale tale lall to her hel brother Next we Wt aw j-aw her in III the full bloom 1 Philadelphia of hearty beauty leaving Ia and entering the lh great hard cruel New York York the the Iron city cHr 11 tIme the city of Stanford White who imo en erected handsome handsome hand hand- some monuments of stone to conceal in Ln them monuments mon of sin anti and ini in 1 Michael Delmas one of or rhawN counsel led leti the girl like a father that father that rich and marvelous voice gently framed the questions which put her to as aR much ease taMe as one could coul possibly bo bp In iii this his situation lIe He soothed her hel smoothed time the Va way for her hell helped her hr o over J th the rough places while Jerome sat sal his face fac stern no not nol 1 lug hig noting noUnS budding up UI the line hue of questioning which for COl or her imer will be he a an anew n new w inferno when ien she hl is he turned over 1 for cross e S. S loiter 1 us a a n Chorus Girl Ohi The scene sene shifted shifted We Ave were plunged Into the whirl ad swirl of tho the life Ufe of or studio and stage We e saw Faw Flor Florence barely 16 years old oltI placed In the chorus of time the famous Florodora company A giddy weman woman wo wo- man mun friend served to pave the way ay for Stanford White He lIe had hiatt peen the tho child from the orchestra and anti his foul mind craved possession With him that was the beginning of the end There followed a thinner dinner althe at al atthe atthe the studio t White the woman friend one other man and Evelyn EvIn There through dark si streets reels lo to a dingy lUng e Evelyn had been ledI ledI ledI led I wanted ranted lo to see it she said Up dark stairways before doors door that opened of or their thell own oun volition up still more mOlo stairs to a a. door doom opened h by bythe bythe the architect himself and Into a a. room sumptuously ly furnished with all the tIme refinements of life lifo on every ry Hl side e. e Picture lat later I this modern sat satyr In Ina a a. aroma room above this studio eng age engaged this famous architect If you ou plea please e swinging Evelyn Eveln and lice her friend Whiles While's friend rather in lii an Oriental contrivance each motion of which sent their theil fe feet fet t spinning spinning- to th the coiling colling where whre they the touch a a. big bIB r I Japanese e fan i While the lit I IIo lIu t. t dinners followed followell While hIto was wass always the ho host l. s White sent nt the girl presents and finally having convinced l the lIme P. P mother that he was waN a grand man s lg suggested that she he could vI visit vilt lt her home In and leave la Evelyn In hi his charge The mother went That same mornIng mornIng morn- morn Ing lug Stanford White had Evelyn visit a I studio where she sho posed for a series o of photographs for him lie He tried to force his as assistance l tane upon her In iii dressing She repulsed hIm Moving o craftily stalking his prey pty allaying her fears ears Inspiring lid her WI confidence con con- fi he lw plans now a new dinner at t which Evelyn Is 14 to lo some friends Unsuspecting she goes oes to lo once oneo of his I studios and finds him there alone alono The Th other guests have h thrown them down When she 11 on leaving he reassures re- re assures lice her gives her het some olne fruit in In In- vies her lice to limped his rooms beautifully fully decorated apartments rich In Iii hangings i In antiques In paintings S and a bric IJ c-a-IJ c. c She Site plays for 01 or him 5 S 2 i iI C Continued on page image I I l- l I. I 5 S S-i S t 4 S. S S 3 1 Y wit S S r i. j Jar t EVELYN THAW THA WEEPS AS SHE TELLS HER STORY Continued from page 1 He lie le soothes her calms her tears fears cars al- al 10 most t Imperceptibly leads Cacs her to lo his sh sleeping room and anc thieve there this man who vho has constituted himself elf el E Evelyn 1 NN Nesbit's protector gives 8 lien her drugged vine wiH Is U It I any an wonder that when Harry proposed ll marriage to Nesbit and she he had hat rejected him and nna andle lie he le Insl Insisted led on knowing the time reason ronson lad hud heard heald this tills whole story tory that tho he thoe seeds eods e s of madness were then lieu sown She Site f at hlll From Lire bile It I was v in Iii Paris that lint she hc revealed rc it ito I to o him ilium in broken I sentences just as aN ashe she he hc told it I toca today All Al night long ong he ac sat up UI with wih her hI pacing the tIme ragging dragging the details elnis front from lom her alter alter- aler- aler 1 natI placing hl his hands hants on her hr shoulders boulders and ald looking with wih fixed gaze I Into nto her eyes and ant clasping clasping his head in iii inIs his Is hands and mumbling It to 10 himself Ills his Ils love u e surmounted all al this They were werl ere m married her mother molher and amid anc his tint aunt aUrl attending the lie the ceremony She Sime lad had hat cast casl Stanford Stanfold White hiI out nul o of Jn JH lien r I life fo but bul with wih Thaw the lie p memory was a I al always y pr present ent t Wo Vt came caine caul to lo the th night of the time shooing shoot shoot- Ins ng the lie dinner in lii Martins Martin's time the cn- cn f o of tf While am and the tIme writing of oC time tho into loll h hy by J The contents of that no nOt nor W we an uie to have ha e before time the trial s Is s 41 over It I probably contains the time gerni geniti l of if th tue thought that o rca reason O when he lie sue suddenly enl came call ip up 10 lo three hours later laler All 1 this she told part In the mornin morn- morn in session eSlon part art In iii the time after after- I noo 1 d the time f 1 is not yet ct S Dc Dolmas nas wn Jha lorn on row I r tn tum t it 1 vittI 1 ie he heno no toO l be eJI ve yn hu hits has told mid her whole story tOly In full After that lint tIme the ul tH cro cross examina R ion lon We Wc e can n but hope that lint Jerome wi till vill be merciful Only Oll Details She Told loiti rim Thaw did wonders again agin today It I was vas through his ingenuity that this story was got before th the lie jury Mark Marl you Evelyn Nesbit is not telling time the tragic ragic details of her lien betrayal direct she sIte I IK is giving the lie the jury the Iho things that slitS she w told lold harry Hani Thaw haw and ami which the thc defense say throve drove him mad I I All Al that thai sh she NhE has to might lie he c false fols hut but still tl if she told it to I would woul still be he effective ff as af at- fording the lie ground plan on which the lie ma may construct its IN theol theory o of I In ti i y Harry Thaw haw is being tried fried for fOl murel mur mum tier der el- el eland and amid his defense is that lint he lie was waR at 01 time the time tho lie crime was committed In Insane le because o of events I In n. n the th life of Stanford Stanfort White and Evelyn Nehl which deprived ed CIHI him o of if his reason The Fhe great trial reached its Is tragic height t today tOllay TIme The girl wife wie told her story There was but ut one sentiment in the court room roum when she dragged herself into at al tho the hour of oC |