Show U. U P OFFICIALS CONFIDENT Bellow Bellow- Go Pm Pro t Lines New t cw York Feb 7 In 7 In Union Pa Pa Pacific Po elite cilc circles it is stated that lint the company's cum corn pany's attorneys are unanimously o of tho time opinion that tho he Interstate tate Commerce Com Coin merce commission lon as a n result resul of oC its is would he be unable to In ct Investigation Union Pacific demonstrate that the time Pacto and Southern Pacific roads road were were parallel anti and anI competing Ine lines In consequence beyond looking limb Into Inlo th time tho legal aspect of or the time ca case o made In iii 1 1901 and anti l over ever since sluice this ground watal was wa tal taken en nt cit the tIme time line of ut tC tho thu threatened Keen suit stilt sui In 1903 the tho company had taken talen no stops steps to In prepare defense e for rUI LI I i hypothetical al government lawsuit Tho thie Union Pacific t dop not bele believe VI 1 HIP hF lh Or Oregon on Short blocs Lino's U ownership hll of or I Southern P Pacific life Is Ja likely to le bo be f I with wih ii I by the government I |