Show i i AND ANDS S fREIGHT SERVICE S Y IMPROVES 5 5 S 5 t t S That runt tho hO freight service at BIng BIngham BingS Bing- Bing n ham Is being greatly grety Improved since S S the tho Rio Grande's Grandes Sk Sky line we went t Int Into Sm S S commission Is the tho cheering news which Lafayette Hanchett general manager manage 5 Boston Doston Consolidated brings of- of the brIng S of from tho time camp cump The rho fuel situation is 5 5 s partIcularlY particular I also materially Improved t. t I at tho the mine In B Beaver eye l' l county S the most keenS keen keen- was the tho shortage hortage where re S j I IY b felt The Tho Cetus Cactus CactuS mill mi will wi ru run S S S S S through about 1000 tons of or ore a aS S 5 S S day until rUl March 1 1 when the tue plant wi will wi cn be b brought up to i Its capacity 5 5 of or 1200 tows toils a day c r r I S f 5 i H S r i |