Show S r r I I f. f HOUSE CALENDAR CALENO R i i'S S t r I I c t. t II I B. B No I ii G Critchlow Au An An ac act S 4 authorizing cities of o the first class to toS S Create a fire fare fre department and ant a police polee 5 department maintain and control theS tin the tl S same Mme 1 providing for Cor a 0 hoard board of 11 lire S o r- r nn and police commissioners and defining de de- ICS IC- IC fining their and tran transferring S the property of the present lire fire ant and ant S S police olce and prison department In said aft cities over to the board hoart ot of commisSI commissioners commis commis- SI herein provided for and re reS repealing re- re S pealing all nl acts and parts part of acts Ini in i conflict herewith Judiciary S IL B. B No 17 Robinson A A bill h for tor an act to amend Chapter 46 of S. S the tie S Session Laws 8 1 of the thc tate state of Utah Ulah 1901 making making- It I unlawful to wrongfully wrongfully wrongS wrong wrong- J fully and without authority u us use P the tl S name Itle of or officers Insignia nial ritual t 5 or other ceremonies of certain orders and societies and providing punishment punish S S f f ment for Cor the HI violation of the tho proVisions pro pro- S Visions Islon of ot act act Judiciary 5 II I. I B. B No 18 Tolton Tolton-An Tolton Tolon-An Tolon An act acl to 10 r 1 provide pro revenue for the tho support of ut ut'S Ir S 'S the government of or tho the stale state and for forS forthe S the sov several counties of the state slate and andS counte district and county schools for the theS thel S S l fiscal years 1907 and 1908 RevS Rev Rev- fe J S w. cn S i. i t IL B. B No Kuchler Kuchler Appropriating I mone money for the purpose of or c In Sacramento Sacra Sacra- exhibiting Utah's products Scra- Scra c. c mento at atIe Vie yie lime of ot tho the meeting of or S the National Ie Irrigation congress S. S Appropriations S IL Jj 1 B n. ISO iIO Col Cottain tarn f S for building u n bridge over o er the Rio Hlo in county S II I B. B Randall Amending t v Section Revised lc Statutes of i 5 Utah relating t to the collection of or 5 taxes Hi Highways and bridges c II I. I B. B I No 13 1 13 rr aJ Amend i lug Ing Section 12 32 Helsel sed Statutes of Utah r relating tu tu-ho tu the rate rate and anti S time for Cor which liquor licenses eg may be granted Judiciary 1 II H. 13 Ii No 13 lishing a a. boni board borc tl of park commissioners commission lol- lol t ers f'S 15 In cities cites of o oel over el 1500 fn bi- bi 1 tants tant tant in Utah Public funds Cunes S j II IL B. B No o. o 1 14 4 Joseph Jospph Creating Creating S an 1 institution Im for 01 or the minded feeble S youth and anil providing pro for the governS government govern govern- S mOnt ment and control control- of or the thu same Judiciary S r IL H B. B No J Joseph Joseph Amen Amend Amend- i ipg Section 4 4 Article 10 10 Constitution Si eJr or Utah an and an amon amendment to SeeS Sec Sec- S S 3 3 Article Artcle 19 IS of the a H n. n relating to 0 the control location locton S ri rights h. h immunities f 1 li h endowments of th the II 1 rB J coland col cul c and the location locton of oC the tie state r rm Im school respectively S. S H. H B. B No Ni NJ 13 1 Joseph Joseph Joseph Repeal Repealing S n ing ng Chapters 2 and ant 10 Title til tl tl ReS Jle- Jle S Statutes of or Utah Ulah 1898 and Chapters 1 33 and antI 13 i. 13 Laws LawN of oC Utah 1 UI providing for or th the thi government governmentS o S and control of or the university and the tho ane S Agricultural college Judiciary S IL H B. B No 37 Joseph Creating Creating a n commission lo to Investigate the work worl of or tho the Agricultural cole college c th the uniS uni uni- S S the 4 ate school s-chool of ot ml mines nets S. S the state and ant the high I school system defining the duties s and 5 S. S powers and ami m making l ilg a an an appropriation 1 II 1 B. B No 38 bill hll bill bill- hl- hl t l Substitute for fOI II I. I B B. B No 11 I. I b by Benson ien'S Ben ien- S 'S 1 son IH providing vl in for a system o of state c highways anI anti and for Cor a a state stale slate highway 1 I 1 building fund Highways an and j c 1 r Ut 4 bridges l S II jy I. I B. B No Richards Defining i Sn lug ing adult delinquency as as a misdemeanor meanor prescribing the punishment r pS- pS d providing suspension of 1 sentence an and release upon probation yI S t anI and defining the Ow form olm and terms of or S. S S the undertaking in such cases S- S Juc Judiciary II 1 B. B No 10 Holt To To Iol-To To protect the relics of or ancient races Jull Judi Judi- ca ciary dan 5 I 0 t |