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Show lL getting yoWoufl? 10W COST LUXURY by GREYHOUND Air Conditioned, of course. And glare-proof picture windows, restful contour eats, too. SCENICRUISERS offer a complete wtihroom and Raited Observation Level. Set How Yow Save! Des Moines $23.40 Kansas City .. S26.90 New York $48.00 Boston $50.55 Chicago $33.25 Ask Abevt Ormyhound'g fRIt Vacofen PtamnlngI Greyhound win plan your entire vacation . . make all hotel reservations, arrange ar-range for special sightseeing sightsee-ing ... at ao extra coiff Hotel El Escalczntd 189 North Main Phone 794 I I AMERICAN MOTORS OFFERS . lAt L0PUQW NAME THI$ WELDED SINGH UNIT I 00Win . EASIEST CONTEST ON RECORD I t(ft CQSH f A1 fcT Nothing to buy! Nothing to save! Just think of Tf Iv" 1 name that best describes American Motors', o' 2 V better, safer car construction with frame and txf-ti y A. hdy a single, rigid, alt-welded unit. The first . i Pit All I l V name that comes to mind might be a winner! flf 0f ft Get your FREE Entry Blank and Contest Rules At UTAH NASH - 100 South Main - Cedar City, Utah - Phone 43 tJs -is? lite sou IN i924 Charles H. Winn started as a brakeman at be called a tradition. In all, 691 men at the mine, the Bingham Mine of the then Utah Copper Com- mills and refinery "arc the sons of Kennecott cm- pany. Today, as a locomotive engineer at the mine, ployecs. And hundreds more are related in other he still is helping to produce copper. What started ways as brothers, uncles, nephews, cousins and as a job 32 years ago, has turned into a career at in-laws. This family allegiance to Kennecott tells Kennecott Copper Corporation. And two more only a part of the story of careers in copper, generations of Charles H. Winn's family are follow- . . , , ., , ing in his footsteps. Anothcr chapter was unfolded recently, when Kennecott honored 206 employees who had com- His son, Charles E., joined the Kennecott f am- plctcd 20 years of continuous service and 5 1 other ily in 1951 when he started as a trackman at the employees who had completed 30 years of service, mine. He is a dispatcher today. Of Kcnnccott's 6,500 employees, 1,019, or nearly And his grandson, Kenneth W. Foster, started one-sixth, have served 20 or more years, a total of with Kennecott in 1950 as a trackman. He is now morc than 30,000 years! , a payroll clerk. man ong.tmc employees and father- The "like father, like son" history of the Winn son teams serving Kennecott, it must follow that family is repeated so often at Kennecott it can well the Kennecott tradition is careers, not just jobs.' jffi? ITesmecoSi Gitpjtsp Corpoiafos2 U " "A Good Neighbor Hefaine to Build a Better Utah" |