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Show Hettie Anne Jones Wed in Home Ceremony By Nora Lund t Miss Hettie Anne Jones became Mrs. Rodney Bentley in an impressive im-pressive double-ring ceremony performed by President W. Clair j Rowley Saturday, April 23 at 4 p. m. The wedding ceremony was performed at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Jones of Paragonah. Parents Par-ents of the bridegroom are Mr. and Mrs. Deward Bentley of Par-owan. Par-owan. The radiant bride wore a gown of French lace with bodice tapering taper-ing into circle peplum which tpped the ballarina length skirt of lace and nylon net. The high neck line was trimmed in shimmering shim-mering sequins. Her aura of gossamer gos-samer veiling of fingertip length was lace trimmed and was caught with a crown of seed pearls. The bride's attendants, in pastel pas-tel gowns and carrying nosegays of vanda orchids, were Mrs. Mel-vin Mel-vin Jones, sister-in-law of the bride as matron of honor; Shirley Robinson, Mary Etta Stubbs, Pat Frandsen, Adele Iverson, Eloise Lamoreaux, Jannine Manzione, Beverly Gillins and Brenda Bentley Bent-ley as bridesmaids. Petite Misses Lucille Jones and Debora Bentley Bent-ley were flower girls. Standing as best man was Ber-dell Ber-dell Bentley, brother of the groom. The young couple were honored hon-ored in the evening at a reception recep-tion held at the Paragonah school auditorium. In connection with the reception a program was given giv-en which included vocal numbers from the following: Mary Etta Stubbs and Jackie Ward, Janet Jones, LaNoir Asay, and a male chorus consisting of Amasa and Allen Stones, Karl and Harold Mitchell, Wm. T. Davenport, Scot Haycock, Ronald Mortensen and Clair Rowley. Special flowers for the occasion included approximately 300 orchids or-chids brought from the Hawaiian Islands through arrangements of I Mr. and Mrs. Alvln Kieffer, A beautiful array of roses and daffodils daf-fodils were brought to the wedding wed-ding by relatives from Henderson, Nev. , A huge, five tiered, elaborately decorated wedding cake was made and presented to the couple cou-ple by Mrs. Ray Englestead of Cedar City, an aunt of the bride, j Kay Richards played a piano jSoio. Mrs. Lollin Orton gave a reading and Mrs. Maxine Kief- fer danced a Hawaiian number. Gifts were arranged by Linda Mitchell, Marsha Miller, Delores Thornton, Joan Lamoreaux, Emma Em-ma Frandsen, Lois Englestead, and Mrs. Kieffer. Refreshments were served and the evening was climaxed by dancing. |