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Show BSSI' The tire of today and tomorrow! Stronger, safer... distinctively beautiful! All-Nylon Cord I .!, WAIl TUBELESS DOUBLE EAGLE I Vy Put tuMrss Double Eagles on your present car and you'll r ., .. 1 put them on every car you ever own! Yon get all the time- - proved advantages of triple-tempered 3-T All-Nylon Cord f and exclusive Crip-Seal construction . . . plus all the sensn- ...s tional new tubeless benefits! Enjoy the tafety of its Hesist-A- vrmnc vm n ikid tread (lesiKn. "Velv.-t Hide" comfort, even better blow fj J Vr Vvm, n ut ami puncture protection, distinctive beauty! LOSS TRADE-IN PLAN! Regardless w . . . . . of the condition of your present tires, Tour old fir., may make (h. down paym.nf. we11 Bow you ,h(ir ( Vhue w,)pn Pay a$ little aS $1.25 a WEEK! , traded on tubclcss Double Eagles. MORE PEOPLE RIDE ON GOODYEAR TIRES THAN ON ANY OTHER KIND I LUNT-IIEYWOOD TIRE & RECAP CO. f'l (u 33 SOUTH MAIN CEDAR CITY, UTAH Phone 33 HUNTER HARDWARE VflQw OUTBOARD BOATING'S GREATEST ADVANCEMENT,,. xTgS now yours in a. complete line of new 7 Outboard Motors IL"K- I VsV5 Quiet's the word in outboards these zj EVJ days! And here, from Evinrudc, . ' ffi IZ T arc the smoothest, quietest motor Xj5cfeT--2ESZ3 CVCr built-thc rcsuIc" rK'i"mmi J f 10 years of cnginccr-f cnginccr-f IX"j H ng research, with principles frPlfl f Proved by millions of miles Cf L Vv. I owner satisfaction. I J Come in and see the complete J"-f" line you'll find great new quiet, f,!A' - vibrationlcss Evinrudcs in every . uimTii power class! Come in and make a c" t i 1 1 date for your demonstration ride! HUNTER HARDWARE GO. m through r ra mm With the extra tr actiot''v of its 4-wheel-drive, the 'Jeep' Sjr ' Truck will take you through ' IT -r-V "l Tj"" . spring mud and muck. It climbs grades 1 LT'-'t MpJ up to 60 fully loaded. Q jvvi -U Dual purpose carries j , both passengers and cargo. . ofyyJ IIas ovcr 100 CU ftt "vC of cargo space. Wide rear doors admit STATION VAGOfJ bulky loads. Interior is washable. MADE BY WILLYS WORLD'S LARGEST MAKER OF 4-WHEEL-DRIVE UTILITY VEHICLES CEDAR MOTOR COMPANY 145 North Main Street, Cedar City, Utah |