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Show 1 i Perfection! P',fr3fcJ yif HlVxr FINEST i!!'""X''''' 1 "OURBON YSSS ' J 0 MORE THAN 7 ' S MO YEARS yf ALSO AVAILABLE BOTTLED IN BOND 100 PROOF i $IVANT ADS Ejfc MARKETfPliACE ' Vj 0FMILLI0NS.. Mite fL$r ML 'nil' web ('(!V7 Hys IIave water on tap that's actually -UJ( y softer than rain! Culligan Soft Jpm Water Service makes housecleaning easy and thrifty. Saves soap . . . saves Ogs.-n. you WQrk jn C0Unti0S3 way I Mw,,tkf,P'n r. ATHIN PLUMBING and HEATING 139 NORTH 100 WEST PHONE 93 Authorized Culligan Soft Water franchise In Iron County A more beautiful... with PW seed . . . especially blended for your soil and climate -trfstV PORTER-WAITON'S JViT VELVET LAWN Th best all-around fine texture ' grast for this toll and climate A ... bet teed you can buy. " Thrive well in both tunny and I f rfsX thady tpoti. Give you a lux- IV YU y urioui, deep-green "carpet" for I V. 1 your outdoor living room. 1 lb. carton (owi 200 q. ft.) j PW' "Magic Carpet" brand Vn!LR puhe merion blue W!fffi(lvl 1 New "Magic Carpet" lawn you'v JJiHVH fcard io much about. Save iVl" W lime and work; mow half at J. V often. Saves water, too, and fills i . " " in to keep weeds owl. 1 lb. pkg. (sows 500 sq. feet). . . . $4,95 PLANT NOW FOR BEST RESULTS PORTER rtDHTAl7AtTOM CO. V UjA SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH Leak oinidss' fhs hood S K BEFORE YOU BUY ANY TRUCK . . . M look under the looks. Look for a modern short-stroke jj ' engine. Shorter piston stroke prolongs ring life up to ; ' 53"",,. Your engine lasts longer! You save up to one j gallon of gas in seven! Other truck makers have started I'M ' -tr-- to adopt them. But Only Ford offers four modern y, 'j '"r( short-stroke V-8's-V-8 power right now for EVERY 4 size truck plus a modern short-stroke Six! ; , You've already seen short-stroke V-8's outdate long- ! , ' V 1 stroke Sixes in passenger cars. Now it's happening in I V t 'if trucks. If you buy a truck with a long-stroke Six today, I ' what will its trade-in value be? Play it safe go modern I ' ' go short-stroke NOW1 f f : ' ' ' ; 5 V--".fj-J' xviiX ViXrzlll l -. V V : f::" : ' ' ; .... . l'(w- -v, v. .ra.wvM' -x-i. a Mm JJmt .JMJ. rntrr-rrwinirrfiw 1 ml r-fiiMn ainWiiiiiti ininiin.efcwi .i..nt m -J if Ford Triple Economy Trucks H ' THE MONEY MAKERS FOR '55 ONLY FORD DEALERS SELL "A-l" USED CARS AND TRUCKS TII0RLEY MOTOR COMPANY 18 SOUTH MAIN STREET CEDAR CITY, UTAH. PHONE 78 |