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Show Bright's Disease Takes Life of Urban Van Limb, 82 i v - V ; f ' ' - - i . s- ST'," "" i . -imi(.iu.... 2 t : . . A URBAN VAN LIMB Urban Van Limb, 82, a resident of Cedar City for the past 19 years died Thursday, April 21, following follow-ing an illness from Bright's disease. di-sease. He had been in poor health for the past two years. Mr. Limb was born In Beaver on May 7, 1882, a son of Jorn and Mary Ann Stewart Limb. Engaging En-gaging in farming most of his life he resided in Beaver, Adams-ville Adams-ville and on Buckhorn Flat until 1936 when he moed to Cedar, where has has resided since. On June 1, 1010 he married Georgina Lang in the Salt Lake Temple. He is survived by his widow and six sons and three daughters, William Urban Limb, St. George; Melburn Van Limb, Cedar City; Wallace E. Limb, Cedar City; Mrs. Verda Parkinson, Beaver; Vestel J. Limb, Cocoa, Fla.; Ellis D. Limb, Emmett, Idaho; Mrs. Carol L. Murdock, Beaver; Mu-ran Mu-ran L. Limb, Fhoenlx, Ariz., and Mrs. Ellis Kelsey, Spanish Fork. Also surviving are 32 grandchildren, grand-children, and two great-grandchildren; two brothers, John Limb, Payson, and Clarence Limb Santaquin; three sisters, Mrs. Ettie Littlefield, Beaver; Mrs. Annie Evans, Beaver, and Mrs. Rose Jessup, Adamsville. Funeral services were held at the Cedar Third Ward Wednesday, Wednes-day, April 27 at 2 p. m. under the direction of Bishop Austin Hey-wood. Hey-wood. Farrell Dene Whatcott furnished fur-nished the prelude and postlude organ music. Prayer at the mortuary was given by Norman Murdock of Beaver. Invocation at the services was by Elihu Whatcott. Musical portion of the rites included in-cluded a duet by Mr. and Mrs. Howard Wood, "Sometime We'll Understand"; a vocal solo by Ralph Hafen, "The Lord's Prayer," Pray-er," and a vocal number by the Fourth Ward mixed quartet, " Oh My Father." Members of the quartet were Mr. and Mrs. Austin Aus-tin Heywood, Mrs. R. L. Durrant and Elihu Whatcott. All musical numbers were accompanied by Miss Whatcott. Speakers Included Doyle Robinson Rob-inson of Paragonah, and Leo Larson Lar-son of Cedar City. Bishop Heywood Hey-wood also gave a few brief remarks. re-marks. Benediction was by Max Heap and the dedicatory prayer at the cemetery was by George W. Grimshaw. |