Show SELF supporting S A W fl ald train 1 clr frac libil li lil t nad plant and harvest for at t to tivi awa arl I 1 loucil I awn mrs mr s 8 Hooth th fair loR syrup va sort tb 4 fru ra 04 ts to reward till th readers relo tl of wi paper w will III be 1 pa d to leini that that mere isar 1 t wass lut line add lie abit b biu beta able to cura tu fit ALI 11 II its if twe at 4 that tbt ll Is c corrll st arrit flails catarrh Cl rrt cure care mt 1 lh a only n po lilT ore cure aw known 1 to th ali di tar I 1 belac I 1 wr k c icum test treatment meaL flails catarrh cures cur I 1 li taken in tor cornally nally acting directly upon the bloam antl and mucous oun arc 0 f afifa tu thereby letroy lc the 6 f of the and ail th lh treno tb by building up rho tb C an anil arlit 1 I 5 t ing nature in n diug if it wort work jhb th bt ha 0 o much mth lu in it lc powers that ahr one hundred dollar for or auy any case that ll it tall hill to cura add 6 FJ F J cheneya A CO TW Tol cilo 0 sold ill 11 TIC ba tall aill fur tea poor paint is expensive it 11 one la 13 rich enough to repaint hi s buildings every year ivr r the pleasure of having a change of color scheme the quality of the paint used may cut littfe figure but ifft if it Is t desirable to cut the painting bills down to the least amount possible per year it is of the utmost im in importance that the paint lie b made of pure white lend lead and the beu bat of linseed oil there arc illta eions in the forin of alleged white lead I 1 eid and there are substitutes in the form of ready prepared paints we guarantee our white lead to be absolutely pure and the dutch boy on the tide bide of every keg is your tafe safe guard look for hirn him SEND FOR BOOK A T alk en ars P yant A babl bl mft later cin ti th t upon remt rl Mt NATIONAL LEAD COMPANY i in aih ar tin follow ing ig hiltl to TT york RI Boi R boiston iton I ti chi chigo go bt 1 P biohn T 1 11 i A bro ua co 1 l ritta trib INUA INU A lead jd oil co 0 mica axle grease bet best lubricant for fay axles in the world long wearing and very ad d makes a beavy toad load draw like lac a biehl one cne save hilt hilf the alie vear wearon on wagon and team and fric increases the earning capacity of your outfit ask aalt your jour dealer for mica axle axil grease STANDARD OIL CO mok G amm THE GREAT durability DUMMY AND waterproof QUALITIES OF orthe THE FISH BRAND ROMMEL POMMEL SLICK SLICKER ER make it first choice of the man who knows know EVE Y 1 ir 1010 DIM beite ro JI t cur ANAND amr r r VOW haat A MH wr arr OH oft sama ampt AND ahll wice TO vil US aaa 50 buttor ryck ry tK t J r I 1 ittis bak to convince any all woman that xai tin itne ariti atio will improve hir her hi r and do LU al we no claim lor for it wo we will send ile her abao cutely iree free a large liu ce trial box of cl ir a at ino with book ot of Ing truo eions and p band 8 en it your namo canto ali aud address on a postal wd card at I 1 canses and heals licals raucous la 6 in m brane at such auch as a nasal catarrh pelvic catan it and inflammation mused caused by ulna ills lIl sore chei sore throat and mouth by direct local loal ment its curative V power over these troubles 0 bibles Is 13 extraordinary and gives mine diato relief thousands ot of women are using and lea ico om mending it every day CO cents at remember howel 1 r IT CUST COSTS I TOTT T HK it 11 PAXTON CO Il hoton osto jaimi j 00 YOU BURN KEROSENE if so 0 get one third snore ith a B ina GLASS COME LAMPOU LAMP CHUCK II 11 SEN the does doitt it they are arc garfit trtat ht common lampi A send your dealers aar name 6 aj iday to dav and fora BIN blit I 1 no I 1 or r 2 rl pour r L paid DING BING CO dept 42 Minson maissl 17 t DEFIANCE STARCH WW k toji AMMON the best X in the land is is not fy always the most bostl costly Y 13 A I 1 I 1 N li rw li R 25 ounces for 25 cents U is i the purest and most efficient baking j help in the country ica it s a waste of money to lo pay more for fo r baang powder pot not half so n good I 1 K C baling bowde e Y is made ani and guaranteed by 10 januss g co 00 ja chicago chiago I 1 |