Show TWELVE MEN CAUSE STRIKE not a single streetcar street car Is running in butte butte mont the butte street rall rail way system suspended all operations tuesday midnight in consequence ot of a walkout ot of track and repair men thus tat fat no negotiations for a settlement havo have been made ono one hundred and fifty motormen and conductors aro arc thrown out by tho the strike ot of the bar barn men who number only twelve tho the latter ask an increase from 3 to per day for eight hours work these men belong to the workingmen 3 union the strongest in tho camp next to tho the miners their demands nunda dL havo have been gi granted anted by tho the telephone companies by the water works ii tho the lumber men and by minor companies but the city the tha gas gaa company and tho the street railway company will not pay their demands the membership 13 mainly composed of common laborers |