Show cat saves girl from fire kokomo kokomos Ind Tom it a household cat saved tho the life of miss alsa lies siti jones a niece of mrs mra carl spangler when tho the home of tho spangler family burned miss jonos jones had a n escape crom roin death in the clarn flan rii just UR an tho the root an am floors floora fell in bli turned on oil a roaring fird in the kitch hitch en stor intending to out at aa attack of tho the grip but s 0 seq wita waa awakened by tho the cat at pu pulling cullina la at her dress drees the MO dooin ads hied with and the burning wood crackled with the flames larned she ran ni to ti a dinall balcony but finding the dla dim tinco tance too great to jump threw bod bj clothes clot liPH over her head anti and palmed along the burning stairway bilelo she found her exit barred by doors sho she herself had bad fastened wilty severe injuries to herself she dashed through a window tho the cat without a scratch 4 |