Show application for foe patent no U M aj ai att states land offlie gei bildt la utah alio lilt 1007 notice li is hereby given that astor it 11 Drad loy ot ounla massachusetts gal anil big Coci co almant hobart a H bradley ot of beverly ly kin essex county massachusetts by thelt heir t authorized authorised Q thuri zed agent and ami altru r tu in fact dautel dante 1 0 I jawett whose hoi icat address is il sage county lr mailo mado iiii gioi tor for a states Ia intent tent for tho the lorino lode mining claim situated 1 tu buor district hicl county eting of cl 3 hoper tift foet of said loda aud tact arey no 6 mai nad and described to ID the beta n foloi noloi tea anti and plat let 0 of I 1 the suri sur I ou u ille in athla ulber with a I 1 jad broeg 0 bat al follow I 1 at corner no 1 whence atif riar south line of lit it orli ciol 5 ter is r sec lection t ion calno r on TI T r N tit R IF budrin boar N 94 vou 8 win 1 I 2215 feet distant anil S 1 13 3 dg 02 8 2 min W V tot abt to corner N u i 9 throes N X 17 JK dog CU 68 mill W COO fek fe nt k tu to corner no 3 thence N 13 deg 02 inin E CM 3 ret t k corner no NA N A t S ta itan 58 min inan IS wo ctet to contal contain iva a tta arra area of 8 ah front from which the lb area acres cretin in counley with paula lodo is 1 beroby sud exclude ll a net hroar and area arc of u acres tilleI tor cor tito coure aull janst I 1 of 0 the boin of lodo ito hn to t ill as shown ablio lt the it 1 plat of survey salil said lutier lnita alahn forms a portion of anition 8 T TI 1 it 11 14 H 1819 8 b 9 L a and ad it I 1 ji U utah stid mid ina location aina c tt f record is I 1 the obice of the vo co anty Ite corder at aa It andolph lu gitirich county the inear ij known locution being aforesaid conflicting him claim aud and eUon id loda no I 1 direct that this notice bs t published in the inch county na new 2 at Ran raaph Ph utah t alio newspaper published the said mining claim car ir a ratio ot of B qute sk se D R thompson register it I 1 nam claimants Ilal manti Atto ruti first fint calion daood june JUD 31 29 1907 |