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Show - The Rich County News PUBL18HED WEEKLY FOUND HE COULD MAKE TIME. button their own waists. One Call for Phyaiclan That Mat with Quick Reaponaa. New York Women Hove Surmounted Great Obstacle. UTAH well-know- n not-meni- mobs, but at his expense. In olo times, says Travel Magazine, travelers were attended by their own servants to wait on them. The modem custom echoes the ancient The traveler no longer carries with him a retinue oi servants, because he can hire tempor arily those of the landlord. The cus tomary fees are the payment. Tc avoid feeing is really to cheat the servants, who need all they can get heaven knows. A chambermaid at the best hotels receives as wages only about dollars a month. Tipping servants in America is a regrettable imitation of the European custom, without its resting on the reasonable basjs of the foreign institutions. to i : American Chivalry. Toward women the American mans attitude is fine. She is neither his deity nor his doll. He simply treats her with deference. His chivalry hat as little to do with saccharine utter ances, scraping feet, and bended knees, as has his patriotism with hysterical shriekings and the waving oi ensanguined Sags. He is stronger in his silence and apparent submission to the ladies of his household than the most blatant vulgarian who prates oi domestic domination. " Place aux Dames is more .than a phrase to the American man. ftis inborn respect for ier "rights often causes him to sacrifice his own privileges Upon the face of the earth or upor. the waters thereon,- says Minna Thomas Antrim In Llpplncotts, exlsti no more chivalrous being than the American gentleman. - God-give- n Again comek a statement going to show the great access of prosperity that has come to the farmers of the country, notably- - ia the west, from a succession of big crops: The receipts from this source have enabled the farmers to .jay off an enormous amount of mortgages and to put great sums of money In the banks, whlct explains the abundance of funds It some western quarters and the lacl of need of drawing on the east for t supply. .The latest movement by the farmers Is toward forming a combination, or trust, for maintaining and regulating prices. Is it possible that the lair of the octopus Is to be re moved frogj. Wall street and other re sorts t of high finance and located on the boundless prairie? , We want him to come over and take a hand in a game of whist. Oh, thats different. The servant disappeared, and reappeared a moment later. The doctor says hell be over in ten miutes, sir, he announced. FIFTEEN Terrible Itching Prevented " I had eczema nearly fifteen years. The affected parts were ray hands, arms and legs. They were the worst In the winter time, and were always Itchy, and I could not keep from scratching them. 1 had to keep both hands bandaged all the time, and at night I would have to scratch though the bandages as the itching was so severe, and at times I would have to tear everything off my hands to scratch the skin. 1 could not rest or sleep. I had several physicians treat me but they could not give me a permanent cure nor even could they stop the Itching. After using the Cutlcura Soap, one box of Cutlcura Ointment and two bottles of Cutlcura Resolvent for about six days the Itching had ceased, and now the sores have disappeared, and I never felt better In my life than I do now. Edward Wore!, Band 30th U. S. Infantry, Fort Crook, Nebraska. Varnish Secret Lott. The Cremona varnish disappeared ablet 1760, and so far the recipe has aot been rediscovered. Whether it was a gum or an oil or a distillation from some plant or a chemical, is not known, nor how It was mixed. Many theories regarding it have been advanced from time to time, and Dod, who died in 1830, claimed to have rediscovered it. He employed others to make his violins, but always varnished them himself. His varnish is very superior, and his violins command high prices. The varnishing and polishing of a violin are done usually by a woman. It requires time and practice, for the finest Instruments are gone over as often as 30 times. 1 March Circle. Tip to Prodigals. 'T takes notice, philosophically said old Brother Dinger, who was a great hand to cogitate, dat in dese days, whilst we are dess as glad as we ever was when a slnnah refawms, we don't make so much fuss about it as we used to. We respects and his action as much as we evei did, but we don't shout so loud. Nowadays, de prodigal bring along his own The burning of the art treasures In calf; if he dont hes ll'ble to butt John Wanamaker's home, of manu- up agin dlgapplntment. Wea a heap script Lincoln and Washington letters, mo for solid business, dese times, of rare books and pictures impossible' and lota less for noise, dan we used to was. Yassah! Puck. to replace, is a public as well' as private loss. Of such objects no man British Foreign Shipping. can be mqre than a trustee for posterAt the close of the year ended Jon ity, remarks the New York World. 30, according to Lloyds' Register of The loss. of the manuscript letters re- British Foreign Shipping, 10,065 mercalls the burning of Major Lambert's chant vessels registering over 19,000,-00- 0 tons gross held classes assigned collection of similar treasures In the committee of Lloyds' Register. Philadelphia only a short time ago. by Mr. Wanamaker had reason to sup TWO YEARS IN BED pose that he had protected the greater part of his collections' by a fire-wa- ll Williams Pink Pills Cured Stubcutting off the art galleries from the Dr. born Rheumatism When Other rest of his house, but the galleries Treatment Gave No Relief. went with the rest when the blazing Dr. Williams Pink Pills have been wall of the house crashed through curing the most stubborn cases of their roof. rheumatism for nearly a generation and thousands of patients The .amazing thing in connection have given testimonygrateful that cannot be with the endless chain system ol ignored. Mr. Robert Odbert, a machinist, livprayers, begging letters, etc., which cause so much annoyance to their re ing at 201 Cameron Street, Detroit, Mich., bad a very distressing expericlplents and to postal authorities is ence with rheumatism for about two that anyone can be influenced by the years. He makes the statefollowing dread of 111 fortune befalling trim If he ment; About the year 1887 1 felt the fails, to obey the Injunction to con- effects of rheumatism, which gradually tinue the chain by writing nine other grew worse until I was compelled to give up work forth time. The years letters. . The simple and effective way of 97 and 98 1 was to my bed of stopping the nuisance is for the most of the time. I confined was under doctors to recipient drop all such mall lntc treatment but found no relief. My the waste basket and then to forget legs were swollen from the hips down' ward and red blotches appeared all . It ' over them. Frequently they pained me so that I had to bind them tightly Consul' M. K. Moorhead, reporting with strips of linen. This sometimes from Belgrade, says that minister ol relieved the pain but at other times agriculture has presented- to the failed to do so. At times I had to two crutches. Skupshtina, or national assembly, for crawl to my work, using 1 suffered greatly ratification a concession to be granted During these spells from pain around my heart which I atto an English company for building a tributed to the rheumatism. "At last my mother wrote me and packing plant at Paratchin, about IOC miles south of Belgrade, on the rail asked me to try Dr. Williams Pink Pills. I did and in a short time I road to Constantinople. . found myself getting better and have There is in Pitsburg amagistrate had no trouble since. I may here add who thinks mince pie is likely tc that I consider myself perfectly cured. I have not had the least sign of the make people commit crimes. Why disease since and feel better now than does he overlook the I ever did. For these reasons I recommend Dr. Williams Pink Pills properties of the Welsh rarebit? to aay one affected the same as I was. Dr. Williams Pink Pills are sold by The tailors that eve- all druggists, or sent by mail, postpaid ning clothes 'must pe either blue or on receipt of price, 50 cents per box, Oxford gray. Hat, shoes 'and .linen six boxes for 12.50, by the Dr. Williams Medicine Co., Schenectady, N. Y. should inform, of course. s . . crime-breedin- have-decree- g d In order not to lose sight of your abject In' life, it may be well to have ne that is not too far away. : tOMgmiTIH KM? I KTJSB wls traits, s sore poultry MUbeno pay Serf health Purest water. No fartuirr No pedaling. Plant and harvest for voS rear. tOOin.iall-oientSafe tor women with fan'tle,. Wn'etnfaml-- a rWi-lear- . a. her, twia-cmi- m , in Me ibis e- - . no-on- e To-Da- y ready-prepare- d Sleep and Legs Affected -- Cutlcura Cured in 6 Days. Hands,' Arm "r'nl , - YEARS OF ECZEMA. , t t There is always room for a man of force, and he makes room for many. Marvelous an It may seem, New York women hare lately discovered a Mr. WIbiIow'i Soothiaf Sjrrvp. For children teeth Inn, BOfteaa the fuma, red nee way of fastening their waists up the flammauoa, allay pnm, core wind ooUu. 25cbottln back without calling for assistance Thought not lacking in generosity, they The average woman makes a stren-nou- s became so tired of the outstretched effort to discover her husband palm of the chambermaids that they faults for the purpose of hiding them now feel that it is time to guard theii from other people. pockets. The Gotham woman discov ered that If she put her blouse on ' A Natural Remedy Garfield Tea! It is bind side before, with tbe sleeves made of simple Herbs. Take it for constiit regindigestion, " hanging free, it could be fastened pation, Poor Paint is Expensive ulates the liver, purifies the blood, brings from top to, bottom, with the excep Good Health. ' If one is rich enough to repaint hi tion of the hooks at the neck, and buildings every year for the pleasure then turned around and the arms Slept with His Dynamite. of having a change of color scheme, A French contractor of Salem, Mass., Grant us Thy sign to guide aright slipped into the sleeves without un the quality of the paint used may cut to in Our boat through alt the worldly strife. bed his duly straining the fastenings. So slm slept with his dynamite Proclaim the way and lead us on ' little figure. But if it is desirable to So strange that It from freezing. had , pie! keep Toward the Everlasting the painting bills down to the least Cut Is of It before. Or It possible thought amount possible per year, it is of the Found Out for Himself. other women have used the plan and That- Remember utmost importance that the paint be Doubts being entertained as to tbe WI1! meanly kept It to themselves? made of Pure White Lead and the of St. Michaels of the steeple the waist that buttons In the back stability best of Linseed OiL There are imitarector tbe church, Bath, England, now a new have of lease life? . Courage leads a man to Imtions in the form of alleged White climbed it and investigated. He is an mortality, but fear to oblivion ' Lead, and there are substitutes in the mountaineer. DURING TfHS MONTH. enthusiastic and death. form of paints. In a Pinch, Use ALLENS FOOT-EASWe guarantee our White Lead to be Excellent Advice Which Our Readers A powder. It cures painful, smartabsolutely pure, and tbe Dutch Boy Will, Benefit By. ing, nervous feet and ingrowing nails. on the side of every keg is your safeIts the greatest comfort discovery of Uncle By Daily, Love Story., , guard. Look for c Now Is the time to get the the age. Makes new shoes easy. A him. He had been worried and cross for and foul acids from tbe certain cure far sweating feet Sold poisons a week and she had allowed her wire bood and SEND FOR system, states an eminent oy all Druggists. 25c. Accept no subof discord to short circuit his cable authority, who stitute. Trial package, FREE. Adsays that Rheumatism BOOK S. A. dress twice during the breakfast hour. He and Y. Olmsted. Le Roy, N. --A Talk on trouble are caused by the Kidney Paiat, had waited but a moment for her to blood, which often becomes sour from give valuable iaior matton on the paint come for her morning kiss, before excessive Nervy Reggie. uhjert, Seal Xrta acids, and also tells what tc Look here, young man, thundered upon request, taking his train for business. She had to to make it pure and healthy. the old gentleman as he came down not come promptly and he had gone NATIONAL LEAD COMPANY Get from any good prescription pharthe stairway three steps at a leap. i whichever of the fotttm away without the usual token of af- macy one-hal- f ounce Fluid Extraot ing oitus 4$ nearest you t I tell you if ever I caught you Didnt fection that marked their daily partNew York, Boston, Buffalo, Cleveland, Dandelion, one ounce Compound around here again I would play footCmoiuneti, Chicago, St. Louis, Philadel ing. T. Lewis A Bros, (jo.)j Bittetrargk three ounces Compound Syrup ball with phiatJohn As a result she had been unhappy you? (National Lead A Oil Oo.) Mix by shaking in a Sarsaparilla. I think you did, replied "Yes, and nervous all day. An hour before bottle and take a teaspoonful aftei the calmsir, time for his return she had donned meals and at bedtime. youth. And yet you have the cheek to call the dress he liked best and was playblood cleanei this Just simple try ing on the piano a love song they had end tonic at the .first sign of Rheu- again? Oh, yea, sir. You see football is often sung together. When the train matism, or if your back aches or you now out of season. whistled she wreathed her face in feel that the KlUur)s are Uul acting smiles and took her place at the hall i Best lubricant . for axles in the Any one can easily prepare right. $100 Reward, $100. door to surprise him. world long wearing and very adthis mixture at home. The reader of this paper will be pleased to learn But she waited without his coming. that there la at !eai one dreaded disease that science hesive. has Its Is cure to able la all beta and that staxes, Then she began to imagine things.' Catarrh. Halls Catarrh Cura Is the only positive Sheep Raising in Australia. Makes a heavy load draw like a now known to the medical fraternity. He had been killed! She was positive Catarrh The greatest industry of Australia cure being a constitutional disease, requires a conatlta . light one. Saves half the wear on of it, and she threw herself on the is sheep raising, mainly for the sake tlonal treatment. Halls Catsrrh Cure le taken internally, acting directly upon tbe blood and mucous sofa and wept bitter and wagon and team, and increases the of the wool, but also in part, of surfaces of tbe thereby destroying the tears. Eight o'clock struck and she course, for the meat. Australia now foundation of the system, disease, and giving tbe patient earning capacity of your outfit by building np tbe constitution and assist rushed madly down to the telegraph ranks second among the. great sheep-ralsln- strength Ask your' dealer for flica Axis lng nature In doing Its work. Tbe proprietors have o much faith !u Us curative powers that offer office and wired the office where he countries, being One Hundred Dollars for any case that Itthey Argentina falls to . Qrease. was employed, hoping to catch the first with 92,000,000 sheep, Australia cure. 8end for list of testimonials. Address F. J. CHKNKY CO., Toledo, O. STANDARD Sold by all Drugglata. 75c. janitor or some one who might know second with 72,000,000, and Russia Taka Hail Fill for OIL CO. Family constipation. of the accident. Then she returned third with 70,000,000, Only a few home and Cried softly in her handker- years agp Australia was first, pos Another Silent 8enator. chief and waited. sessing no less than 106,260,000 head In substituting Major Frank O. Suddenly her mood changed to an- of sheep. That was In 1891. Proger. He was trying to pay her back; longed droughts were the cause of the Briggs for John F. Dryden New Jerhe was staying down town merely to destruction of many millions of Aus- sey will send another silent senator to congress. It is said that Major Briggs punish her. It was cruel of him and tralian sheep, but since 1902 there heartless. She would retire and go to has been an annual gain. Yet these has never made a speech or written a public document of any kind. sleep! She would show him that she sheep were not Indigenous to Auswas not to be humiliated in this man- tralia. They were first introduced in Nor has he had any legislative exTHE GREAT DURABILITY For a long time New Jerner! 1797, being of the Spanish merino perience. senin WATERPROOF the sey has been represented She scarcely had touched the bed be- specie. ate by men who have not displayed fore her grief and remorse returned. QUALITIES ETHE Mr. Kean, who is forensic ability. Detectives Parable. and the tears came so freely they wet FISH BRAND deK. now the his second Adair, term, has Hilary serving the pillow and still he did not come. senate as In never Calves in j. tecllTe' debates.' complimented participated Then she heard a strange step' on the sidewalk. It was the messenger to tell ton, Tex., on an arrest that he had A Big Bargain for 12 Cents Postpaid. her of the accident, or a friend to made. The arrest had been mysteriHake it The Mr. was and year of 1906 was one of prodigal achieved Adair ously break gently the news of his death! plenty on our seed farms. Never before First Choice to This he though, explain - With a great did vegetable and farm seeds return such outburst Of sobbing, jmed to do. of the man refused enormous yields. she arose and answered the bell herWho Knows ' There are so many ways of catch Now we wish to gain 200,000 new cusself- She could hardly muster courage rvrav amcnt tomers this year ana hence offer for 12c 'lng he OUANANTCCO criminals, said, laughing to pull aside the curtain of the door postpaid old man "You the his told know what you ocALt it our 1 if and peep through the glass. Garden 10c Beet pkg. City OF FISH AND, Dour 1 10c Earliest Ripe Cabbage Her worst fears were realized. wife? She first said to him: CHANBt YOU MIND. HAVt 1 1 You 15c urn John. Emerald o seno Doat cant eer Earliest Cucumber.... nten talk, say There in the dim light she recognized ALNO FAKC ro vs. 1 La Crosse Market Lettuce 15c 00t Mr. Haskins, a mutual friend. He was ever ran after you. o YZLLOW BLACK 3.30 . 13 Day Radish 1 10c eeirev us a. Ay rewiA True, the old man assented. And 1 15o Blue Blood Tomato embarrassed. cant say the trap ever runs after 1 10c Juicy Turnip "My dear Mrs. he began. you , the mouse, either, but it gathers him 1000 kernels gloriously beautiful flowYour husband 15c seeds er To eonvlnee any What has happened? - Tell me! 7 in just the same. woman that Pax-ti- n Total she begged. 11.00 Antl.eptlo will Democratic Danish Statesman. ' 'All for 12c introorder in to Improve her health postpaid I am very sorry, but Ed 'asked me and do all we claim The Danish minister of agriculture, duce our warranted seeds, and if yo to see you personally and tell you Ole for It. W will will send 16c we will add one package of Hansen, Is one of the most popusend her absolutely free a large trial that he has gone to St. Louis on busi- lar and Berliner Earliest Cauliflower, box of Faxtine men together with book of lnstruo-tion- s democratic of the public with our mammoth plant, nursery stock, and genuine testimonials. Send ness. Was called unexpectedly and he of his country. , His daughter, desir-tu- vegetable name and address on a postal card. and farm seed and tool catalog. your did not like to trust to a telegram for to learn practical housekeeping, This catalog is mailed free to all incleanses fear it would be delayed and you and heals with her father's consent, to tending purchasers. Write Box La Seed A. Salzer mucous John would be worried. At the station 1 decided, V, Co., start at the bottom of the ladder. Crosse, Wis. m e m- met Wiggsby, who is buying some and went to Berlin brane af Therefore, she such as nasal fections, me for pelvio catarrh, I and and property got so took a position as cook at a modest caiarrh and inflammation caused by femiNew for Danger 1 Burglar. Interested in it. forgot all about the ills sore nine sore ; of a small govhome throat and at the eyes, stipend A phonographic device that will call mouth, by direct loeal treatment Its curmessage until I had retired for the ernment employe. Her employer for ative over Is these extratroubles power the police by telephone adds a new night Then I came over just as a long time had no suspicion that the hazard ordinary and gives Immediate relief. to the dangers of the burglars Thousands of women are using and quickly as 1 could. Ill send around a cook was a daughter of a minister of It every day. co cents at profession. When an attempt is made big box of candy and If you state. druggists or bv mail. Remember, however, to a force or window door with which COSTS YOU JT NOTHING TO TRY ItI tell Ed I forgot his message. I'll I'll -- HK R, PAXTON CO., Roston, Mae. the proper connections have been GOOD NATURED again. do something dreadful. made an electric current operates a Never mind the candy, Mr. HasReturn with Change to phonograph In the garret. The makins, and 1 wont tell. Indeed I wont Good Humor v chine calls up central aqd asks for 00 YOU BURN KEROSENE Thank you very, very much. Proper Food. the police station. The phonograph t If so get And a weary, nervous but - rewith a BINS s las then Informs the officers of the roblieved little wife returned to her bed .For many years I was a constant LAM CONE PBU1NEI. The rlasttot does it. They are to vow that she would never, no, sufferer from indigestion and nervous bery, giving street and number, and refit common great this Information lamps. as peats long as the never! quarrel with her husband ness amounting almost to prostration, Send your dealers name receiver is down. Meantime, the inaud25cfora PINOagain, no matter how much the wires writes a Montana man. or 2 poet paid. S' re No. all unconscious that an alarm "My blood was impoverished, the truder, got crossed, BURNER CO. BING Det. 42, Miaameetia, Mias. , vision was . blurred and. weak, with has been rung in, virtually walks into a trap, and if the call Is promptly re moving spots before my eyes. This By the Way. ' . V.'.1 DEFIANCE starch ponded to is soon in the lockup. condition.' Was'a I dally steady grew 8t Peter wonTpay much "attention and eventually got so to printed biographies when he makes nervous I could not keep my books the final judgment. Ed Howe complains because west- posted, nor handle accounts satisfacern tailors make pants too long. torily. I cant describe my sufferings. "Nothing I ate agreed with me, till Thats so you can turn up your one day I happened to notice Grape-Nut- s Ed. trousers." in a grocery store and bought And now, in New York, there are is a package, out of curiosity to know men who instruct professional lovers,, was. what , it young women how to make love. ' I liked the food from the very first, costly. Seems to me this would be a nice it with cream, and now I buy qatlng business if a fellow could pick the It by the case and use it daily. I girls. soon found that Grape-Nut- s food was Half the trouble of the world Is caused by people quarreling over supplying brain and nerve force as nothing In the drug line ever had done something about which they dont or could do. really care a snap of their finger. It .wasnt long before I was recontradict Never your wife before to health, comfort and happistored ounce centm company and never let her contradict ness. the use of Grape-Nut- s Through not even If likewise you, you have to food my digestion had been restored, take her down and sit on her. This the purest and most efficient nerves are steady once more, my baking my will not in you injure performance the in the Is good again, my mental fachelp ItVa eyesight of waste friends more country. than the yes ff. your ulties are clear and acute, and I hare contradiction. to pay more for baking powder money so that my A . man who has a good wife that become not half so good! K C Baking Powder are friends fool a to truly astonished at tbe is can cook quarrel with her I is feel made and guaranteed by younger and better About the hirsute Integuments of the change. than I have for 20 years. No amount Martians! of money would induce me to surrenJaques Tifg. Co der what I have gained through the Chicago. use of Grape-Nut- s food. Name given byPostum Co., Battle Creek, Mich. Read the little Theres a reason. book, "The road to Wellville, in pkgs. Life is such a constant rush to a physician that to secure a BYINCLE to recourse little recreation .he has "Tipping in Europe. ruses. A visitor called one night, and According to immemorial usage, Eu- began a speech to the servant: Still Nother Prayer. ropean servants are entitued to tips I want the doctor to come over a? Thi- - outward, wayward lite we see; The hidden springs we may not know! W an assured part of their ineomq quickly as he can. At ' the hotels the theory 'Is that ' the "He cant ilo it!" the servant an- God grant us peace In hidden springs-- . He left orders that he was Beneath the darksome rivers flow, landlprd furnishes a guest a private swered. room and the use of the public rooms bo busy that unless it was absolutely Orant currents reassuring us Of Tliee, a blessed undertow! heat and light, food and dishes, bul a matter of life and' death he couldn't at all out this go evening. ' Give us the grace to own our heart service. For convenience said the caller, It Isnt IllAmid the fluods of sin and lust, he keeps at hand a corps of servanti nessBut, And, free from guile and selfish ways. at all. who will respond to the guests sum Give us an undertow of trust! What then? RANDOLPH PUTNAM FADELESS DYES cost but cents per package and color more good faster and brighter colors. 10 n rheu-'IflXtl- Kar-gon,- ., T Mica Axle Grease grief-stricke- n - well-know- n - POMMEL SLICKER c- g to-da- 7 one-thi- rd y 1 The best in the land not always the most 17 (f? BAKING 1P' POWDER 23 good-nature- d for 25 more-ligh- |