Show tipping in europe according to lin immemorial memorial usage E kit sel servants are entitled to tips is B ad an as assured ared bartot part ot their income at the hotels th theory la Is that llie tb landlord furni furnishes she s a kuest guest a private room and the use of the publio public rooms room beat and lightfoob light food and dishes but not menial service per for conven convenience ln ot he keeps at banda hand a corps of who will respond to the guests sum bum mo ha but at hla bla expense in olo ola times sayi says travel magazine travelers tia velera were attended by their own ser servants vanto to wait waft on thorn them the modern custom echoes the ancient tho the traveler no longer carries with him a retinue ol of servants because lie he can hire temper arlly those of the tha landlord the cus bogary ternary faett are are uio tile payment tc avoid feeing feeding Is really to t cheat the who need all hey can get heaven knows A chambermaid at the best beit hotels jec elvion as aa wages only about two do dollars allars a month tipping servants ser vanta in Ar Is 1 a regrettable imitation 0 ot the europe Lu rope in custom without ity its resting on the reasonable baias bals cit the foreign institutions |