Show BOY 19 AND AUNT 67 ELOPE send note telling of love and asking harrison Harr nob neb wilber herbert 19 years old son of a ranchman william herbert living southwest of liera here near tho the wyoming line and miss jessie Wit wetherbee berbee hla his aunt who la Is 67 57 years ot of age a RC eloped from the home of 0 the young mans father the fact act became ben mi known only today and they are husband and wife it if their plane havu have not miscarried young herbert sent his father a note after ho be had left home telling jelling him aha bo be and his bis aunt were in love with each other and had gono gone away together to get maI married ed lie ho asked forgiveness the father know knew that bis son eon and his bis sister ln in law had bad disappeared but ho be did not suspect that they had eloped until ho received young note today to day herbert la Is a good looking intelligent young man and ills his father had sent cent him away to school with the idea of preparing him for a professional mo if miss witherbee was wan not regarded as a handsome woman she taught school for many beare yearn |