Show JEWS BEING MASSACRED outbreak in roumania Rou manla assuming proportions vienna according to a telegram received hero here from an austrian town close to tho the boundary ol of moldavia Rolin iania advices advises have bavo been received there hero front from the austrian frontier police i stationed tation ed at and kuczawa Suc that the anti jewish outbreak in Rou roumania manla la Is assuming ser folli proportions peasants Ica gants have attacked and plundered jowa jews at who are over the frontier to itz 1 kani about 2000 fugitives mostly moate women and children already baw the frontier other reports declare that further serlona disturbances havo have occurred at where tho the peasants have set fire to the houses of oc jews and as a result almost the entire town la Is n flames the hebrew alliance of vienna la is preparing to take care of the roumania Rou munia fugitives |