Show PERUNA PE RU NA A MEDICAL WOUND COWEN la any medical compound as much depends upon the moaner manner ini In which it Is 9 compounded as upon the ingredients used first there must be a due proportion of the ingredients ingredient each drug ilithe has its special action to combine any drug with other druga dlugi that have slightly lightly different action the combination must be made with strict ri ference to cheuse for which the compound is intended the drugs may be b well selected as to their efficacy but the compound ENTIRELY SPOILED BY THE proportion in which they are combined it takes years and years of experience to discover this proportion thero Is no law of chemistry of pharmacy by which the exact balance of proportion can be determined experience IS TUB THE ONLY GUIDE in compounding a cat catarrh arrit remedy dr hartman has had bad many years ex in the use of the various ingredients which compose the catarrh remedy peruna he has learned little by little how bow to harmonize the action of each ingredient how bow to combine them into a stable compound how bow to arrange them into such nice proportions as to blend the taste the operation and the chemical peculiarities of each several ingredient in order to produce it a pharmaceutical ceu product beyond the criticism of doctors pharmacists or chemists WE REPEAT THAT AS MUCH DEPENDS ON THE WAY IN WHICH THE DRUGS ARE COMBINED AS DEPENDS UPON THE DRUGS themselves the compound must present a stability which is not affected by changes of temperature not affected by exposure to the air not affected by age it must be no combined that it will remain just the same whether used in the logging or mining camps of the northwest or the coffee plantations of the tropics A complete list of the ingredients of peruna would not enable any druggist or physician to reproduce peruna it la Is the skill aklu and sagacity by which these thesa ingredients are brought together that give peruna much of its peculiar claims as a an efficacious catarrh remedy however much virtue tach each ingredient of peruna may possess the value of the compound depends largely upon the manner and proportion in which they are combined the right ingredients put together rightly is the only way a medical compound can be made of real value |