Show SAYS PRESIDENT WAS TO BLAME burt Burton of f kansas accuses roosevelt elf of personally prosecuting him abilene Ab llone kan joseph R burton form former er united states senator from Xan kansas sais received a reception it more eai enthusiastic thusia than that given him when he be first returned as senator when ho he returned to ills his home town saturday after five months imprisonment at ironton alo at the chevre theatre lit at night the ex sen ator deli delivered verea hid bla expected speech on the subject why I 1 was prosecuted the theatre which accommodates about persons was packed to its capacity many people standing and many unable to gait gain admittance when air burton without an in or other ceremony rose to speak he was waa greeted by an out burst of 0 applause and ills hla speech was frequently interrupted by applause the ex senator was n nuch u c it affected at alro times and once ho he broke ke down entirely and wept on two other occa during tho the speech ho he was over averi come by his emotions ills his wife who sat on the stage was the only woman in the audience mr burton during the course of hill address charged president roosevelt with being guilty ot of personally ally persecuting sec soc him because as he claimed of fits bis acting independently of tile the president and charged that the pres ident has haa promoted about every man who has helped to convict him |