Show NEWS SUMMARY the german gaman steamer hern has bail been mink til in th tho 0 north sea with the losi id a lot fit twenty ona end lives tho the upper house of 0 tho the danish diet has passed a bill carrying tho the adoption of the metric system of measures in denmark the tha Ilus Itus stun evacuation ot of manchuria Is complete tho the last battalion of russian troops left thursday of last week thirty woman suffragists were arrested wednesday afternoon for tit at tempting to force nn an entrance into the of commons Com mona six former fori nr or present attendants atten danta of tho file state hospital for the insano insane at cleveland oveland Cl 0 were indicted last week for fop alleged attacks on oil pati olits As the result of a collision between i 2 train and a freight train at Turu Ft station atlon seventeen persons were killed hilled and thirty five in juica mrs lira james tolbert wife at 0 former mayor tolbert of I 1 fairmont alamont ga was brutally assaulted and her 2 mouth month old baby was murdered by a negro at their home Sicre secretary tary tatt taft und party which la Is to accompany him to panama Cu cuba baand and porto will RO go on tho the mayflower which the navy department liaa has placed at ab their dispo al peasants have again invaded botos hahnl aarni and set mt fire to different parts at 0 tho the town especially the jewish quarters troops intervened and several of at tho the peasants pea sauta were killed or wounded every man la in fort bodga iowa between tho the ages of 25 and 45 years must become a married man or pay a hue fine as aa tho the result of an ordinance introduced by mayor bennett and passed by the city council count arco in hla big wireless telephony tele phona tone experiments says bays a berlin dispatch has haa succeeded in obtaining distinct ex changes ai of words in it a tolerable natural voice at FL a dI distance stanco ot of two miles anile by using poles harly thirty teet feet high two corps of western pacific engineers are arc surveying tho the proposed poe llna between ely bly nevala und and tho the main line ot at tho western Paci pacific ftc it and nd will complete their preliminary work within tho the next thirty days mrs fred delasco wife at 0 tho the senior partner of the alcazar theatre and known on oil the stage under the name of 0 juliet crosby tied died suddenly in san salt francisco and an hour later M L alader mr De Delis lascos cos bartner Dirt Dart ner died of 0 tho the shock E edward dward howell one of tha most influential fluent ial negroes in southe southern rit ll mississippi issis and president of tho the peoples bank of 0 hattiesburg Hatt lesburg miss was shot la in the back anti and killed while on ills hl way homo home lato late at ritz lit no motive Is 13 known A santa fo fe freight locomotive holler boler exploded at cal killing fireman J D kerr and fatally scalding engineer P barnum Ura kenian J I 1 ll mcelery cElery was badly hurt batir cars cara were vero demolished and tho the track blocked with wreckage A murder trial presenting features ot of unusual interest began at carmet ills monday when jennie durch burch a fourteen year old girl will bo be called on to answer the charge of poisoning wilbur winship a two year old child whose nurtis nurs 0 she was president daer of 0 the reading hall road company has boon been authorized by the board of 0 directors of his company to advance tle ago age limit of 0 employees front from 35 to 15 years this la Is lit in line with the recent action ol at the pennsylvania railroad company when mrs levi jott jett ot of ashland ky was bathing her infant sho all binl dy donly denly was ana seized with a pain lit in tho the head it is said and fell dead the babo babe fell front from tho the lifeless ninis arms of its mother into a tub 0 of hot water titer w and was scalded to death governor folk of missouri has signed the bill passed by tho the last legislature making it a delory to operate a bucket shop in this state the penalty clause also includes tiny any telegraph ui lie telephone company which furni information to a bucket diep arthur dean bean killed hilled Us ills wife with no an ax a at north baltimore 0 and them computed suicide by shooting himself dealt bean had bad forbidden hla his wife visiting her family she visited her parents at night and lie he induced her to go homo home and then murdered her the court of inquiry appointed to the cause of the explosion at 0 march 12 11 on tho the battleship lona lena decided that the disaster was caused by a spontaneous explosion of ID U powder duo due to decomposition and tho the elevation of the temperature of the mag adlue major C W V of the twenty fifth infantry has been acquitted ot at the chargo charge ot of neglect of duty preferred against him at the instance of president roosevelt for alleged conduct in connection with ho shoot ingup ing loc up of brownsville Browns ville te tex by nep cro soldiers Bold lers princa hermann von viceroy of alsace lorain h has as arrived at berlin to mako make a pir par bonal rial report to emperor william on tho the mino disaster at forbach Fr bach the cause of the explosion bychich by which sev sav enty four persona lost their lavea has bot act yot yet ben been d decided |