Show raffled HAF RAFF FLEa LEi COW TO BUY LEO LEG scheme of a mari man disabled by a train ai K thern la onoro than ono way to alfil thin a cat hao Is certainly corta laly more than ono one way tit in which to acquire it a cork log tho the usual way Is 13 to parn earn money and buy it says tho the new york world the way adopted by julius who lives at af glens falls lit in to let a cow raise herself and then radio tier her oft for or a ae leg 9 wua was hit bit by a railroad train about a year ago and whon the doctors tors cut off lita his loft ion log a disease of tho ali bono ono sot rot in tho the injured matt man was taken lionie borne whore where while he lay 1 ay iy on a n his hack back waiting for the bone to heal ho cast about fur somo some mean incani s whereby ho be could procuro procure a cork leg teeing muli Viled with little tit in the way of at tho the worlds goods thorn was waa forced to use hla his ingenuity from a neighbor ho he bought for a couple of dollars ft n sickly calf less leaa than a month old this he raised orf on skimmed milk provided by another neighbor who rondo his own butter and in time alino the calt calf KOI got strong enough to be turned out to pasture grazing aro aenid while tho the calf was growing and fatton fai toning liiK mado baskets cat might havo have enough cash to winter the ai aln roal ninal dy by tall fall he had earned enough to more than do this and recently ly lie he started a raffle all lils ilia falonda took tickets and when the drawing takes place thorne thorna will cole cele brato by wearing hla his now new cork leg i Town townsends sends enamel cream aci towel to fo Hir lri it u in bol rr 1 I orloo SO ont you calit pot get an ag ROOI by niall mall in fri the mutter matter or of jewelry or an if you callett in per on drop us um M line flue MAIN sri SALT LAKE CITY UTAN PIANO m WEBER UPRIGHT GASH CASH salt SALE POR FOR information ADOR MR WM ANDE nGON TH 41 POST 00 DRAL Oft ivany |