Show TWO YEARS IN BED dr williams william pink pills pill cured elul born barn rheumatism when other treatment gave no relief dr williams pink pills pilli have been curing the most moat stubborn cases cam ot rheumatism for nearly a generation and thousands of grateful pit pa lents have given testimony that cannot be ba ignored mr robert odbert a machinist living at cameron street detroit alch had bad a very vary distressing experience with rheumatism for about two years lie makes the following statement about the your year 1887 1 I felt the effects ot rheumatism whick gradually trew crew worse until I 1 was compelled to sive five up work torch foru time the yeara ot of 97 and 98 1 I was confined to my bed of the tine time I 1 wa was under sunder doctors treatment but found no relief my less legs were vero swollen from the thol hips lips down ward and red blotches blotcher blot ches appeared all over ever them frequently they pained me so BO that I 1 had to bind them tightly with strips of linen this sometimes relieved the pain but at other times failed to do so at times I 1 had bad to crawl to my work uslie two crutches during these spells I 1 muttered ferl tuf L etiny from pain around my iny heart which I 1 at tri trl buted to the th rheumatism at last my mother wrote trio an and asked me to uy try dr williams pink pills fills I 1 did and la in a short time I 1 found myself getting better and have bays bad no trouble since I 1 may here bere add that I 1 pon consider sider myself perfectly cured I 1 have not had the least sign of the tha disease since and feel better now than I 1 ever did for these r reasons I 1 recommend dr williams mrik pills to any one affected the same hajne as aa I 1 was dr williams pink pils are sold by all druggists or sent cent by mall mail postpaid on receipt of price SO 50 cents ants per box six boxes tor for by the dr williams medicine co schenectady N Y |