Show why Is my test so irregular finking Min king perhaps that some of our citizens wonder how it is that their tott at tho the creamery Is so irregular mr A 0 barton bus kindly furnished us ua with tho following facts which may prove bene fical to those interested he IIo says 1 I have never stopped to think but this month before I 1 let my angor anger uris tinsel e I 1 am going to think tho matter over carefully car fully ardsee and seo it I 1 cant think ot of t that at happened to my milk or cows that might ml havo have caused the chango chanan in tho the fl drat rs t place it would bo be no benefit for tho the creamery orca nory man it bullets but lets seo see did my boys always milk those cows dry did they let tho the calves haye tho first of the mil milk k or the last did my cows lie out without being milked bow many times did john set tho the dog clog alter after my cowa und and cause them to b be restless rest lass tind and perhaps hold their muk mik wits was my milk always tak on care of as a soon is as we got through mil milking kirg am ain I 1 sun murt that my iny milk was not churned into butter when it reached the creamery creA well neighbors I 1 uni am not sure but next month I 1 am going coln to watch a little closer and see that it my fault und and I 1 believe tile tha creamery man will do ills his part to make it fare so I 1 think by working together we in a few months can remedy the cause it is the glorious prerogative of the ampire of 0 knowledge thal th ui what it gains it never loses on the contrary it increases by the multiple of its own power all its ends becomes means all its attainments help to new conquests webster I 1 11 ll |