Show 0 american chivalry toward women the american mans attitude Is line fine she la Is neither his deity nor his doll ile ho simply treats tier her with deference ills ilia chivalry valry hat ha as little to to do with saccharine utter ances scraping feet and bended kneib as aa has ills hla patriotism with hysterical shri ekings and the waving ol of fladd ito iio la Is stronger to in his silence and apparent submission to the ladles of ma ills household than the most blatant who arakes ol of domestic domination place am ails dames la in more inore than a phrae a 9 to the american man riia ilia inborn reaped for her or rights often pauses causes him to ta sacrifice hla own gol atvea privileges upon the face of tho the earth or the waters thereon says minns minna thomas antrim in no more chivalrous being ix ine than tbt american gentlemen Bentle nian if i |