Show good humor returns with change to ta proper food for matly years I 1 wasa was a constant oon stant sufferer from indigestion and nervous hess aesa amounting almost to prostration writes a montana man my blood was impoverished the llon was blurred prid and weak eak with miring spots before my eyes TI athla 18 wasti steady dally condition 1 I grew tempered and eventually got so nervous oer vois I 1 could not keep my iny books posted nor handle accounts terlly I 1 cant describe my sufferings nothing Noth ln I 1 ate agreed with me till ono one day daj I 1 happened to notice in a grocery store and bought a package out of murlo curiosity sity to linow know what it was 1 I liked the food from the very first citing bating it with cream and now I 1 buy it by the case and use it dally daily I 1 soon found that grape nuts food was supplying brain and nerve force as rui thing in the drug line ever had done or could do it long ions before I 1 was restored to health comfort and happiness news through the use of grape nuts food my digestion had bad been restored my nerves are steady stead once more my eyesight la Is good again my mental faculties are clear aud and acute and I 1 have become so good natured that my friends are truly astonished at the change I 1 feel younger and better alan y have for 20 years no amount of 0 ui money 0 hey would induce me to sf surrender what I 1 have gained through the of graec nuts nuta food name given bi Pos turri co battle creek theres therea a russom reason rend read the little book the road to Welly ille in j |