Show commissioners proceedings at a nie meeting eting of t the he board bloard of cou county n ty on monday tho the following afta transacted tiie the petition of citizens for a precinct wai wag granted and nil ordinance enado creating clr mine slid and embracing tho the district formerly known as Meadow meadowville vIlle the old naino of being still B till retained the officers for the new erect follow claud justice of pence om A constable and luthor tufts tuft cload supervisor tile the official bond of thomas daniel as gallond road supervisor of randolph road district no 2 examined and approved approve tile to rich county of the taxable property of nt the rocky mountain 1101 telephone co 9 was further appointed to the different dl precincts of the county its as per of miles owned in each precinct peter mckinnon was appointed jun juia ties alce af the r race peace ace lor woodruff precinct also health officer A local registrar bounty treasurer Tro H J haunera Hau aera report for the last la st audited mill and approved showing ft blanco balance in tile the county of the following were a committee to tn look over the now cload proposition kant Eam and tand south bouth of wood jill mil fr and report at the meeting of tile the board to lo be held sept 10 1907 ieter U C connla it U walton and wm longhurst woodruff john kennedy arcyle john F spencer john y S jones jonea and A 11 snowball edward crowther and willis johnson Jo linson Lake laketown town lehan na earley earlcy round ilund S moffatt Mot fatt meadowville meadow ville and N X INI adi Hd i hansuel atou and pete joh bohrson barden city the following bills billa were allowed too jos F neville surveying etc 1400 14 00 D W bonini Jo nini exit 50 5 W ow kennedy 1 LT T price 47 at 1 bottlo mckannon stamps 00 II if J hati hauer hatier er 1 janice 01 2001 A 11 II deoker He oker Stai rips atel A tri ir ap laer |