Show BUTTON THEIR OWN maisti WAISTS new york women have surmounted great obstacle marvelous Mirve loui in ai it may inay seem beem new york tork women have hare lately discovered a fastening their waists up the back without calling for assistance thought not lacking in generosity they became so eo tired of the outstretched palm of the chambermaids that they now feel that it t estime la time to guard their pockets bocie ts the botham woman dikeov erod alered that if she ehe put her blouse on hind bind side before with the sleeves hanging tree free it could bo be fastened from top to bottom with the excel alon of the hooks cooka at the neck and aten turned around and the arms slipped lipped into the sleeves without un duly straining the fastenings so vim pie so strange that no one eve had thought of it before or isit la it possible other women have used the plan and viv meanly artly kept it to themselves vea wll I 1 the alle waist that buttons in the baat now have a new lease of life llafet |