Show rall rg ll y J laj ljj T i i byj II 11 mil I 1 M I 1 1 aji wili honor 1 R fulton america m rica to make display Bordeaux at maritime exposition washing n there Is every Indic indicted tel uon tion in the opinion of the s elate tat department part ment that congress will a answer n awer the appeal made by the depar department amen t to the president and by him to the senate and the die house and appropriate prop for the governments representation at the international maritime exposition at bordeaux Ilor deaux this surn summer mer the will be opened ion may 1 the exposition is the centennial of the ibe invention of steam navigation by robert fulton nd his name will bo be q iven given great honor the family of of fulton will urnah urn fh some of tho the great I 1 inventors riven tois models and some of aho relic rel lesof his workshop we it Is expected that at least ono one american warship will be sent to bordeaux during the exposition many of tho the great nations include mg K russia great britain japan italy belgium and mexico will send exhibits and in some cases men of war this government hnit has in mind the of a pavilion irwill bo be very and not cost moie than or which Is in regarded sufficient for the purpose As aa soon ari congress has made the desired up atlon alton a commission will proba bly be appointed to a gather from mu beuma and other places relics worth sending to the exposition the exposition to Is being promoted by the french maritime league under the guidance KUl dance of the ministers of marine and commerce of tho the french govern ment |