Show theford ahng als or promotes digestion cheerfulness and nort lineral VOT NOT OTIC ara seat 44 id W I 1 al 61 jd f tesa 08 a f I 1 remedy non flon sour stomach diarrhoea ness anil and loss OF SLEEP signature of EXACT COPY OF WRAPPER wk wa unk positively by co A RT ERS these they also lettla rills rill va lil tress from dyspepsia in ill ITTLE TT anil too heart I 1 V f F E P eating tor dizziness A perfect causel remedy L p PILL I 1 L drowsiness daa bad 1 la in tho the motten coated I 1 tongue pain in the tha sae I 1 1 TORPID LIV beey irto aba bowels Bo Trela purely Vegetable otoMa ILL PILL SMALL DOSE SMALL PRICE FRICE genuina must bear fae ITTIE IVER pills REFUSE substitutes inmar le waric wibb nd STARCH atlo ennui N r catus cecel 1 t Q A L L S UFFER from tha samo physical disturbances and the nature ii of 0 their duties in 4 many cases quickly drift them thein into mant the horrors horrors of nil all kinds hinds of female complaints organic troubles tion falling and displacements or perhaps or bapp assion causing back backache achet nervousness irritability rit and sleeplessness women everywhere should remember that the medicine that holds the record for the largest number of MRS mra A M 4 HAGERMANN actual cures of female ill j la is lydia E vegetable compound made from simple native roots and herbs for more than thirty years yeara it bum been helping women to be strong r regulating the functions perfectly and overcoming pain itras it haa also proved itself invaluable in preparing aved for child birth and the change of life to mrs A 31 hagermann of ilay hay shore L I 1 writes dear mrs airs pinkham Pin khana 1 I suffered buffered from a a displacement excessive anti and P painful a functions so that I 1 had to llo ile down or sit still roost most of the time lyala Pink liams vegetable cond compound has made me a well ni woman so that I 1 am alle able to attend to mv duties a I 1 wish every suffering woman bould try ivilla 71 ri beget vegetable ble compound anti aad are what relief it will give them mrs Pink liams standing invitation to women women suffering from roca any form of female illness are invited to write mrs Vin kharn n at t lynn masa for advice she is the mrs Pink ringham liam who lias has been advising sick women romen free of at charafa charge for more than twenty awen gars years and before that she assi assisted sVed her roo naother ther ln n law lav lydia E I 1 ham am in advising therefore she Is especially well lilea to g gulde guide ulde sick bonien back to health ill 1 M M TORIA AM t for wants infants and nud children of skin tortured kind you have disfigured babies always bought SHOULD KNOW bear s the THAT signature Sig mature of A in warm baths with 0 use As ot ic wig M M for over ra thirty years soar WE and gentle anoint ings with Cuti cura the OAS ORIA afford instant rel relief lef permit rest and sleep and point to a speedy cure of torturing disfiguring ec zemas rashes etchings itch ings and irritations im of infants and id children when alli all else fails guaranteed absolutely 0 of f this paper dt de READERS s siring iring to buy wy pure and may be used its columns should insist thing upon advertised laving in from the hour of birth what they ask for all substitutes i imitations sold throughout the th world dotsy lanan 27 or Charter howe pr parl 5 HUB dt do la alj HA it cowna A ad 6 sy sydney idi B n it pul ua cr CI T h krajc ni anig co eniy 11 md ltd boklo rumly oteka pt eka arac innon rp town eta ikC liim corp sole e r cropo hesion BH loat druar irta 1 curcura CuU cura book oo 00 wrt car 0 th tea sum sua cold water starch slakes laundry work a ileaure pleas plea iura ure 13 16 oz pair hlo W N U salt lake city no 13 1907 wi n L m im i D 0 U Q L AS AND SHOES blest 0 I 1 nd W I 1 DOUGLAS sa 00 GILT EDGE SHOES CANNOT BE EQUALLED AT ANY PRICE ial SHOES FOR EYE EVEnY DODY AT all mens lues 3 to ill lloyn T 1 l ia shop 4 lip alro wAli Nl rO 50 ills ail lugii lu HW to aloo W L Dou douglad glai shoes are recognized byca by expert ert judges of f boolin r tobo to bo tho the bust best lu in style lit anti anil wear pro fluce inthis country la c part pait ot of the shoo 00 oo anil and every detail of 0 tho la Is looked after nna and watched tl over by skilled shoemakers without regard t to tilie ot or cost it I 1 could tika take you into my rn r cireo trap factories a at brockton mais i is aril ard abow you carefully IN L douglaus L shoes uro are inalle you would wider awby they hold ther sha e tit ni letter coir longer and are of greater value than tiny any other makee IV ittner n rid nil e WM 1 r t on mi wit iHil loin aroi H th hie 1 t mob huh fak IN ahli h th t ta r t ill W I 1 ito futh M ul S INOW N df C J Z W Is a quick and permanent cure for rheumatism cuts sprains wounds neuralgia headache old sores corns bunions galls bruises contracted muscles Mas cles lame back stiff joints frost bite chilblains Ring lione Pol levil burns bums scalds and ALL THE n ILLS THAT FLESH IS HEIR TO three sizes and 1 sold by ul aits Di ts |