Show WILL DIG BIG eijiu fj DITCH PANAMA TASK TO ARMY ENGINEERS ENGINEER 4 I 1 I 1 MJ lesl G W Goe goethals thata if f I 1 engineering corps chosen as head of group of three Thre shreela ela Is a man of much expedience mita george W goethals U S A has haa coen been selected to b oad hoad tho the group of ct three government en engineers 9 fincers who will complete tho the work on the tha isthmus mal maj goethals la Is regarded as a roost most efficient engineer and has had a great deal ot of expert once ence the army anny officers who will have charge of the work will receive more pay than american army officers have evor been given before maj goethals Goc thala as aa engineer in chief will receive 2000 more than admiral dowey the president has haq indicated that ila maj goethals salary as engineer would probably bo be fixed at tho the wheel horse of the force Is what maj goethals has come to be called ili in the army engineer corps ho sets beta the pace for the rest lie ile Is tho the of secretary of 0 war tatt taft anti and the chief of engineers gen me kenzle kenzie the lattee admits he likes goethals but bui will not admit that there are not 50 other engineers in his force all just as good and he will add if 11 the private engineers are worth a hearthen ye year arthen then the cheso so men are worth maj goethals Goetha lH Is said to know knew more about the actual doings in connection with the iho panama canal administration and work than any other man in washington tile tho reason la Is that lie he haa bas been tails tafts special agent for the panama business ho went with the secretary on his trip to the isthmus goethals Is in said to be a six in the he morning man ile he is at it early eaily and late maj goethals was waa appointed to the military academy from new york and was graduated in 1684 later he graduated from the engineer school at willets Wll lets point N Y ho was waa for two years yeara on the staff of gen nelson A miles as engineer officer of the department part ment of columbia where he was engaged on surveys and sanco sance work and under gen merrill at cincinnati in charge of the construction st ruction tion of dams dikes and locks ills ilia next duty was at west point in the department of civil and military on engineering 9 and from the academy ho he w was as ordered to duty as aa engineer in charge of the mussel shoals canal tennessee river where ho he began the construction of the colvert col vert canals designing and contracting for tho the 26 foot lift lock at riverton Rl verton upon the completion of this duty maa Goc thala served for four years in tiro the office ot of the chief of engineers as assistant during tho the war with spain mal goethals was chief engineer tt t tho th first army corps corpa and later lie he was os instructor or of practical engineering at west point lie he wits was in chargo charge of an all engineering work in the newport di dla erict at the time he was selected for duty duly on the general staff in 1903 an which came to him blin solely as aa a result of tho the recognition of his unusual professional ability associated with alaj siaa goethals will bo be two engineers who were glebes plebes when n he graduated from the academy M as D V gaillard Gall lard anti and william L sibert who wore were appointed to the mill tary academy from south caro V 14 U MAJ G W GOETHALS army officer who will build uhe ithe panama canal una lina and alabama respectively and graduated in 1884 had wide engineering experience mal maj gaillard was in charge of the breakwaters and dredging nt at duluth dukuh at the time lie was selected for the general staff four years ago ago ano sibert has spent the greater part ot of his service in the construction of 0 locks and dams on oil the kentucky river and in supervising the erection or completion of about 30 locks and dams along the ohio allegheny and monongahela rivers tho the tact fact that the new chief engi ricer neer Is in the prime of life was a strong point in favor of hla his selection there are older men in the corps of engineers and some who are perhaps better known but it is declared that there thera Is no officer of the requisite health initiative and ability who is tuo the superior of tho the man president roosevelt noo sevelt has selected |