Show EIGHT MIN MEK ARE BURIED ALIVE BY 01 AN all AVALANCHE were caught by mammoth slide of snow and four were dead before belr comrades could dig them out bellingham wash eight miners minera were burled alive in an avalanche ot of snow at tile the Dritt anta mine on ilowe howe sound bound forty miles north of vancouver your four were taken out dead four were wera rescued two Japa japanese neso were wens in the group and one wa was killed the men had been working la in tho the logging camp owned by the copper company securing material to timber the mine about 9 a storm e over 01 er the mountain and the workmen started down the incline to the mine they had not proceeded far when a huge mass of snow swept tho the side of the hill bill burying the men in its path fellow workmen rushed instantly to the scene and began digging out their their comrades the first mauta man taken out was alive but unconscious the rescue party next caught sight bight of 0 a pair ol of feet spread apart and sticking up out of the snow the men worked as fast as possible but for some time it was not known how many men had ben covered by tile the slide several hours had elapsed bo be toro fore last body was recovered the rescued japanese who was wa the last of the men to bo be brought out had been burled tor for alms almost t an hour under thirty feet of snow none of the rescued men it la Is be ildved cleved will die as a result of the accident |