Show VOLCANO USES TELEPHONE the cr crater ate r 0 of f K 11 aue 2 connects connect with hotel honolulu song writers have tallied talked of telephoning to heaven and fiction writers havo have sought bought to make use of 0 the telephone in fit other plots but none thus far ar has been so bold as to suggest iele telephoning phoning to tho the infernal fires ot of the worlds most gigantic active volcano but this his Is tho the daring plot which has been undertaken by george lycurgust the manager 0 of I 1 the volcano house on the island of 0 fl hawaii awall he he to la hail having g a telephone line strung from the fhe kilau ullalea kilauea ea volcano house down into the crater of Kilau kilauea ea across the floor of 0 this wonderful place to the very brink of the tho the pit of fire where the flames and smoke and steam and fiery lava ol of ame mme dwelling place are cen scantly in activity the idea to ir tt tc haid davd the telephone strung from the volcano house to tho the edgo edge of the ph or ot fire a distance of 0 between tw and three miles so that constant corn com muni cation between the outside work woric and the dwell dwelling ng place of ft alme pele the Hawal laii goddess of 0 fire can W b |