Show SMALL TOWNS ARE UNSAFE jews are given warning by bouma nian authorities bucharest As a train conveying peasants reservists from the district 0 of f Tele orman on the danube was proceeding to moldavia it was stopped at tile the town of alexandria by a largo large number of reservists belonging thorp they stoned the train and persuaded their fellow reservists to join them ln in demolishing a synagogue and in completely ruining jewish and greek shops the rioters rioter were charged by caval y and took refuge in a neighboring tood the authorities have warned at all I 1 bews in the small towns and ana villages 0 leave immediately for the sake ot of 1 lafity and large numbers are contin tally lolly arriving here in view of the serious state of af lira airs a number of members of 0 the hamber of 0 deputies intend to pro ose proclaiming a state ot of siege glege I 1 iv the ibe disturbed districts |