Show wages wage good shelters smellers Sm ellers elters earn there are several trades which provide men and women with good living simply because they enjoy an exceptionally keen sense of smell enabell says the london world Scent makers for or example need some one with a very delicate sense of smell to aid them in mixing tho the ingredients of perfumes in proper proportions queen favorite perfume violet costs 10 per ounce bottle and it has to run the gauntlet of five professional fess ional lonal a sm ellers before it Is passed as being corr correctly e aly blen blended d ed a and nd ready tor for her maje use some ot at the tending leading firms of 0 perfume makers pay their Is sm ellers from 14 4 to za 7 a week contractors tor for the lighting of streets large public buildings and pleasure grounds very often engage a sm ellers to find escapes of gas one shilling being generally paid fo for each escape reported some of these theao men frequently make mahe over 13 3 in a single week the result being that in many cases the fee has been reduced to ad per escape reported |