Show 1 0 Pic pickiest kiest A woman writer says saya marry a jaan anan with a good digestion anti and no norvea nereca it if you want a pearl of 0 a hus bagdi all at thy the seven deadly loa illy sins sine do not mileto il A man na as hadid to live with as als a genuino genut no well developed caso case ot of uror ilter choose therefore as aa a husband a 1 man who la Is hearty and husky and who can eat three square aquaro nuala a day A preferred pre forred type of at this man la is the one inne who tn is frankly fond ot of good eating and who his has a welsh rarebit recipe and annl a special way ot at making salad balad dressing grab a man like that tho the very first opportunity you got get tor for as ft he la is lovely live lice sentinel |