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Show I msfctoKi IfL.T. The secret of RICH COUNTY NEWS. WRITTEN WISDOM IN AND OF-WISE A EEAUTIFUL WOMEN. s sng-sKg-- COMPLEXION JeKMIHMLBY A Box. Publisher add Proprietors. XeRoy Shelby.' Now Revealed For "July Brides FREE More peopU are pediculous on acThe Mrnijrhty never leaves His mesJBffitor A Business Manager. count of assjmed viituea than through sage to the tender mercies of chance. at tha Randolph, Otah, Poetofflc real fault. Train up a et.lld in the way be SiSaacnd ClaM matter November 2X, 1902. sorrow knocks at the heart of s'e-ulWhen go and when he is older he will aWlUhad ararr flatartfajr, at Randolph th wise man, he lets her in. Bhe is 1m I others In it. What beauty is more dedrable than i CBaaty, Cub. often only Joys messenger, an exquisite complexion aud elegant Love is a good logic in any langum jewel. It is better to over estimate your Mxtb or ScaacairTiOM. 1'be ii ark of a royal man U that he An worth than to waste your time Oaa jraar aaab in advance St.00 djpportunlty for every rob i IlillHi-lat W ga tin a or ia proituaa 31.24 will ba charged enjoying that of other. woman to obtain both, fur aj limited time only. Sana roa Advkktisuio. The man who i afraid of being first Allot our yesterdays were once e BaotaaaUaal Carda par month 81.90 The direction and recipe for obtainFpofeeeional Carda, wbaa paid ia adraaaa can be sure wf one thing that he will morrows. ing a faultlere complexion is the secret KM par Jraar, not be last in Ui list of failures. long guarded by the master mind of Cal Nnataar too aaota par Una (or flrat in aar Pretty Novelties In Solid Silver Souvenir Spoons j I on j 4aa d Bra aaota par liaa (or each aubaaquaat iaaarttoa. Lapa Notieaa taa aaota par liaa aaab inaartioa Bataa for 'display advertiaing mada known on appliaatioa. All local work mart ba paid for bafora bainc taboo (run thia offlaa All aommaniaa tiooa ahoald ba addraaaad t Yba Nawa, Randolph, Cub. SATURDAY, Aug. 10 Just A Little 1907 hereby decrease the value of yaur.property. burro stepped into a store cne day and asked for the pro prietor, who walked out of his private office to meet him, but wks surprised to see such an animal in his store. Why are here?" he asked know "You you this is no place for a burro. I am here, said the burro, bt cause I saw your advertisment on the fence which surrounds my pasture. I know that you, too, mast bs a member of my family or you would have pin cecl the advertisment in a live.news-pdpewhere it would be read by people, not burros. Being lonesome oday, I thought I would btf neighborly and call on you. -- Ex.. A A a r To joke a little more, Laugh a llttl? more, And swear a little let To sleep a little more, Eat a little more And drink a little less. To earn a little more, Have a little more, And spend a little Try to make a live enterprising place out of Randolph, and when working for its institutions or speaking well of the tfwn and country, remember you are accomplishing all the more for. yourself. Dont be fholish enough to idle away valuable time predicting failure auu To think a little more, Hay a little more And talk a little let,. it. To see a little more, Hear a little more And tell a little less. Why Is My Test So Irregular? .What a Snap. Kansas exchange says: "Jiow and then some cheerful individual remarks to us: Well, now that the paper is out, I sup pose you can take it easy for thi-eor four days. Yes, how delightful it is that the country editor has nothing at all to do press days. Business runs along automatically. When paper biils come due money drops off the trees with which to pay them. Subscribers vie with each ether to see who can pay the fttibett In advance. Advertisers beg for additional space, And the way the news hunts up the editor is also pleasant to contemplate. There is something ttaoge about the way news item act. When the paper ia out the' editor' aimply goes to bis desk, leans back in his easy chair; looks wise and waits for the next week press day The day before press day the people line up before the office door and theff file past his desk and tell Mm all the news of the week. it up in fifteen 1 or twenty minutes, then takes it back and hangs it on the hook. The compositors take the copy, shake it over the type cases, say a few mystic words, ' the type flies into place,' and after a few passes by the forearm the forms areYeady for the press again. And the editor goes down and A e be-wee- n 'ballad States Land Notie - ill No M. A, Offlaa luor-ganiie- ia thrcatalogne: Now if the edit r'eould do away with press ddybis joy would be complete.' anuMuJj-aiju- . it' Evanston, 4 2.00. We are still in the Business Vf mail you thia lieautiful complexion recipe free when your order is received for ring and 2.09 in money order, stamps or bills. Get your order in before our supply is exhausted. This offer is made for a limited time only as a means of advertising and Introducing our goods. Send y before this opportunity is forgotten. Everything in Hardware, Furniture, Farm Machinery etc. We are in a position this year to handle your business in the above lines, to to-da- T. C. MOSELEY, 12 women Ad selling y our mutual advantage. We have lately received a fine stock in all departments. Come and see us if you can. If not, write us: Correspondence . East 23rd. Street, New York City. To for collecting names our noreltiea, wa give end your namo BIC PREMIUMS new plan of BIQ PROFIT! promptly attended to. for our with little work. Write Address Premium department Street, New York Ulty . ... C. T. MOSLET 3 E. 3rd D; NOTICS. I I protest or contest within the time specified, will be considered sufficient evidence of the character of the tracts, and the selection thereof, lieing otherwise free from objection, will be recommended for approval. eg E United States Land Office. Salt Lake City. Utah. Juna 19, 1907, B. Bradley Peter that Notice is giren of Hingham. Plymouth County. MassachusRobt S. Bradley, of etts, and his liererly,, Essex County, Massachusetts hy their Agent and Attorney in fact, Daniel G. e address is Sage, Jewett, whose Uinta County, Wyoming, has made application for a United States Patent for the Anck-aree- , Sionx, Nes Perce, Cheyenne, Osage, Uintah, Ute, Uchie, Mandan, Pawnee, Absar-oka- . Arapahoe, Piegan and Blackfoot lodes mining claims Consolidated, situated in unorganised Mining District, Rich County, Utah, consisting of 1509, 1499 9, 1499.8, 1495.6, 1500, , 408,2 PerC fret ; from corner No. I No. 1 f 32, .T.P' 12 1! fl'0 33 el ' otDsagereid b.r.Ndegreea,3,ItTom ,aid arner be.?. Nntm; Cii,tah Jm5 ,ro corner - E- No ?" smith 1 '' fret. ,0M- - quarter corner of sec- s 7 deg, 09 mis W N R 8 E boar From corner No 1 of Post-Officsou h quarter corner of section 5 Uchie, said bears N 45 degrees 11 min E 258.8 feet; From corner No 1 of Mandan, indentical with corner No 1 of Pawnee, the west quarter corner of section 33 1 8 N R Tp, E, bears S 61 degree, 56 min E, 1270 fret. From corner' No I of Absaroka, tl.e S E corner of section 32, Tp. 12 N R 8 E hears S167 degreea34 min E 690,1 fret. From corner No 1 ofArnpnhoe, indentical with corner No tSOO, 7499.7, 1600, 1500, 150 T, 1499.8, 1500, 1436, 7 I of Piegan the south quarcor of sectibn 3 Tp' and 1498.S feet lespectirely of said lodes aud 1 N R 8 E, bears N 22 degrees, 14 min, E 416,8 shown upon the plat of Sur-ra- feet, and from corner Ho 1 of Blackfoot surface ground loda baiag Sarny No. 5590 and described in ther elaim, tha S E wurner of section , Tp, It, N R r 4W netae iab plat-e- t tkvslsul- - Surrey aa t, baareNtMsfcflkmia, , 3791,4 ft 4,t. - Wyoming. STEN l Say! me repretent two large Tailoring concerns and the samples tor Fall and Winter are in and ready for your inspection. We a fit in every instance; Suits from 15 to 45 $ $ The Ashton Company The Store that does Things General Merchant Woodruff, Utah. B non-miner- al RED STREAKS OF HONESTY E. D. R. Thompson, Register, Exist in' Everybody in,1'ntil with the S. E. cornr7 .'V.'" Cheyenne, N. R. 8E. bears 8. eidpg from corner No 1 Co- are In doubt, whether you are getting your goods at the right prices, ask for OUR prices on anything you may need, wo will be glad quote you and know It will be to your advantage. Ssis;stS5 - r J If you fr JtTl Notice, No M. A. 4217. - Evanston 7 Application For Patent- ... Mcrchantile it " at the old stand. a T doors West P. O. It is a genuine rose cut diamond ring f sparkling brilliancy, absolutely imrran teed, very dainty, shape-- like t Belcher with Tiffany setting of 12Kt. gold shell, at your local jeweler it would cost considerable more than J'Z' He-write- s deposits some more money in the bank. It is the greatest snap 2 Look for the big watch sign flla in this efflta, with magsstie rariation at 17 degrees 40 ' myites salt, ay tollcws: Beginning at Corn if No. i, a comer tha Arickarte Claim of this Srw;,-whe- .-,. TorSvhunvTt May Concern: y, waat quarter corner of Sue. II X. P. v' R rj Notice Is hofeby given that the 8tate 8 K. bears S. 7. Dag. Ou Min. E. 4US.2 tv! j of Utah has filed in this office a list of running-The- nse N. 15 Deg, 5( Min. E 1300 to corner No. of Arickaree. Thence S- - fact lauds select4?d-i)the said State ss ir i, 49 Mia. E. 600 Feat to cornor No. I of Ariel.! School Lands, under bsc-tio- n ' Indemnity Thanca S. 14 Deg. 54 km- - W. ljuo fot lu 6 of. the Act of Congress, July 16th ner No. 4 of Arickarea. Tlisnca S. 37 1894. The following tracts embraced Min. W. 1499.9 feet t0 corner No. 3 nfs,',,..' Thence S. 53 Deg. 16 Mm. w. 1499,8 id said list, are found to be within six fMt corner Na.l of Ne. Psrce. Thence S i3 .aW mllai roni a mining location, claim or 44 Min. W. 1499.6 feet to cor.er so. 2 viz: entjy, 22 S. Thence enno; Deg. 7 Min. W. 737-1 to intersect line Hi SWi Bee. 29, T. 9 N., R. 5 E., of Uintah. Thence S. 60 Deg, 00 Min. E. Jo 3 259.) f,,., (ptate'No. ner 1 of Uintah. Thence S. 19 peg of said list, so far as relate 1500 feet to corner No. 4 of ropy Uintah. Thenreu 13 Deg. 15 Mio. W. 23W.7 feet to said tracts, hy descriptive subdivis-on- s to eorn.r l Uchie. Thence N. 60 Deg. 00 Min. V cm Jjfts been conspicuously posted in to corner No. I of Uchie. Thence N ,.! tfihl office for inspection by 1, 15 Mil-- . E. any person 999.7 foot to comer No 1 interested. no by the public generally. Thenco N. 19 Deg. 9 Min. E. Vxi feet-- .. . No. 2 of Uintah; Thence N. 22 Within the next sixty days followw.r.a'r Deg 7 Mln' 1500 feet to corner No. t of the date of the first publication of Osare Tk nc ing N' Dog. 44 Min. K. 1458.5 feat n this notice, under departmental -2 of Abaarokai Thence S. 64 Deg i Mm'w of January 10, 1906, protests 362.6 feet to cornor No. 2 of Arapahoe or contests against the claim of the S. 16 Deg. 9 Min W. 1M0 f,ot t0 of Arapahoe. Thence S. 17 Deg 51 u-State to any of the tracts or subdivisW- 1436.7 feet tooorner No. 4 of ions hereinbefore described, ou the S' 28 Deg. 58 Min. W. 1798,2 feet to cornel ground that the same is more valuable Thence N. 77 Deg, Blackfoot; 5g ir No;4f mineral than for agricultural purfeet to corner No. 3 of Blackoiit . n. 'a " ' 600 Deg. 58 Min. E. 1498 fee, to will be received and noted for poses, , ' Blackfoot; Thence N. 17 to the General Land Office at si w ,E' 1438-report feet tooorner No, 3 Piegan I). C. Failure so to Washington, Uwf-Mlu- , v'' jour old Friends Edholm & Akin Co. United States Land Officst, . Salt Lake City, Utah. May 27th. 19o7. 3,11 Lakd CDs, Utah. June 19th. 1907. Notice ia hereby siren that Pater B. Bradlojr, of Hinghain. Plymoth County. Maaaackuaett Robert 9. Bradley, of sod hli Berarly, EaeX County, Maaeachuaette, by their outkorixed agent and attorney in fact. Daniel addreu is Sage, G, Jewett, whoae Uinta County. Wyoming, haa mado applies tioo (or a United Statu Patent, (or the d Lorine lode mining claim, eituated in Mining Diatrict, Kick County, Utah, consisting of OS 3 liuear (net of aaid iode aud surface ground 600 faet wide, being surrey No. MBS, and described In the field notoi and plat of tha official snrwy on file in thia office, with magnetic rarlatiou at 17 degrees 40 minutes east, as follows: Beginning at corner No, 1, whence the Quarter section coiner on south line of snriion 5 T. P. U N. K. 8 E. hears N. 64 Deg, 28 mm. h 2215.8 feet distant. And running thanes S. 13 deg. 08 min. W. 684.3 feet, to corner No. 2, thence N. 77 deg. 58 mill, V. 600 feet to corner No. 3, thence N. 13 deg. 02 min. E. 684.3 feet, to corner No. 4, thence S. 77 deg. 58 min. E. 000 feet to beginning, containing a total area of 9.44, from which the area 0.273 acres in conflict with, Paula loda unsuryeyed is hereby expressly excepted and excluded, leering a net area of 9.151 acres hereby claimed and applied for. The presumed cour.e and length of the rein or lode line is as shcsa.n apOh the lode olaiin forms plat of Surrey. Said Lorine 11 a portion of section 8 T. P, N, R, 8 I1,. 9. L and B. A M. Utah, said lode location mining K, 1509 frelT;.reneD v elaim, being of record ia the office of the Co- Aropahoe; Thence N. 64 Deg. 14 VJ V0 unty Hecorder at Uandolph, iu Kick County, eat to corner No. 6 of Ahiamt.' ih.E N Utah. Tha nearest known locations being 18 Dog. 1 Min. E. 3773 fret to re aforesaid Conflicting Claim aud Dunnellon loda, Surrey No. 5599. 1 direct that thia notice be published in the Rich County News at Randolph, Utah, the laW newspaper published nearest the said miniug feet to corner No 3 f claim, for a period of 9 weeks. " Deg..07Min E ,4,9, . E. D. R. Thompson. Register R.E. Rnss. Claimant's Attorney. First Publication dated Juna 29, 1997, . poat-oliic- e see ring- - rot Patent- ton don't fail to call and ihe expense of creams, cosmetics, bleaches, and forever give you a beautTo read a little more, iful and free your skill complexion, Learn a little more, from pimples, bad color blackheads, leas. a And lit little tc. to you many It alone is worth " To help a little more, timetlu- - price we ask you to send for Boost a little more, he genuine diamond ring of latest And knock a little lens. Pobt leslgu, We sell you this ring as one small times did John set the dog after profit Above manufacturing cost. The what others my cow and cause them to be price is less than one-ha- lf charge. The recipe is free with every restless and perhaps hold their - Thinking, perhaps, that some mijk? Was my milk always tak is en care of as soou as we got that their test at the creamery through milkirg? Ain 1 sun Is so irregular, Mr. A. G, Bar- that my milk was not churned ton has kindly furnished us into butter when it reached the with the following facts which creamery? benefical to those may prov Well neighbors. I am not sure; interested. He says: but next month I am going to "I have never stopped to think watch a little closer and see that but this month before I let my it isnt my fault and I believe anger arise I am going to think 'the creamery man will do his the matter over carfully and see part to make it fare. So I think If I cant think of something that by working together we, in a happeaed to my milk or cows few months can remedy the that might have caused the cause. change. It is the glorious prerogative In the first place, it would be of the empire of knowledge that no benefit for the creamery man what it gains it never loses. Ou to change it, but lets see Did the contrary it increases by the my boys always milk those cows multiple of its owu power. All dry? Did they let the calves its ends becomes means; all its have the first of the milk, or the attainments help to new conlast? Did my cows lie out withWebster. out being milked? How many quests. Application ' Evan the ORIENTALS and, GREEKS. This we obtaiued after year of work end at a great exjiense. It ia the method used by the fairest and moat beautiful women of Europe.' Hundred of American women who nowxseit have expressed their delight and satisfaction. Tha secret Is easily understood and ini pie to follow, and It will' save you Less. To work a little more Play a little more And loaf a little lee. When in i ot. The presumed course and of each rein or lode line ia aa shown upon the plat oi survey, Said Consolidated iode claims form a POrtio 'ach of options 32 and 33, Tp I N, E 8 E aa1 5 nd - Tp. II N B 8 E, S, L, Utah, said lodes, locations, mining claims being of record iu the office of the County Recorder at Randolph, in Rich County Utah, Tho nearest known location! being the Cherokee. lboctaw. Chickasaw, Seminole, Tuscarora.i .Shawnee, Shoshone, Banna-Dunnellon, Surrey No, 5699 lode mining claim. 1 direct that thia notice be published in the Rich County News at Randolph, Utah, the newspaper published neureet the said mining claim, for the period of nius weeks, E D, R, Thompson, N' . Turn in your claim. Dont bs ii couraged. Never too lste. The man who pays a bill when its 80 years old feels good about it. If you gst the money you will feel good about it, too All honest debts should be paid Everybody says so,' Turn iu youi claims k, Register, R, E, Rosa, Claimants Attorney. First publication dated Jane, 2V, 1907, . ' MERCHANTS PROTECTIVE ASSOCIATION SCIENTIFIC COLLECTORS OF BAD G. LURE, General Manager.' Fifth floor, Conmercial Nat'l Bank Bldg-- Salt Lake City, Utah Some people don't like us' DEBTS-FRANCI- . |