Show i DURING TVIS MONTH i excellent advice which our 00 reader aders A will ill benefit by e now is the time to get the rheu rhett little poisons and foul acids from the and system states an eminent minority who says bays that rheumatism ind kidney trouble are caused by the blood which often becomes sout fram excessive adds acids and also aleo tells what tc ta do to make it pure and healthy get from any good prescription pharmacy one halt half ounce fluid Ext extract raol Oan dandelion dellon one ounce compound kargon three ounces compound syrup sarsaparilla mix by shaking in a bottle and take a teaspoonful teaspoon ul aft afeei meals and at Ped bedtime time just try this simple blood cleaner and nd tonic at the first sign ign of rheu matl sin or it if your back aches or you teel that the kidneys are AIU not acting right any one fan can easily prepare aws mixture at home sheep raising in australia the greatest industry of australia as a sheep raising mainly for the sake of the wool but also in part of course tor for the meat AuA australia ralta now ranks second among the great sheep raising countries argentina bein beani isling arst r t with sheep australia t t second with and russia third with only a few ears aap australia ws first pos poa no DO less than head bead of sheep that was in 1891 prolonged droughts were the cause of the destruction of many millions of aus tr allan sheep but since 1902 there lias haa been an annual gain yet these sheep were not indigenous to australia they were first introduced in 1797 being of the spanish merino species detectives detective parable Parn ble hilary K adair the well known do da aas was complimented in galves ston iton tex on an arrest that he had made the arrest had been mystery husir achieved and mr adair was wa to explain t L this though he refused to do there ther e are so many ways of catch I 1 ing IIII criminals he said laughing you know what the old man told his wifel she first said to him doat talk john you cant say I 1 ever ran after you true the old man assented and 1 you cant say the trap ever runs after the mouse either but it gathers him la ill just the same |