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Show hX ?-4 a3 Vit i' ; China Ridge n V (Restaurant :: City E w (MV ' ' fi 5 . LUNCH 5 SPECIAL Monday - Friday !' yy 11:30 a.m. -3:30 p.m. nJL-" 88 Roll, Chicken Chow Mein, Nv yy' Prok Fried Rice iy $2.95 sjA Take out available mini boKk servk. H XZlfl Cut CoU7 Ijffl K?-v ificciaCi-zing in.... f5fi L We.cU.Lngi. cascading fcxidal Bouquets, J2g jJrQ flowcl fiair. wtatli, JSeL aicfUx and gazebos ISP- Frl.-Sat.10-6 Sun.-Thurs.12-6 jB Located next to Mt. Air Cafe Shape Up (prospector w 'athletic club Yes No I 1 1 i Are you out of breath after climbing I l the stairs out of Janeaux's? Yes No ii ri Is your longest yard from I 1 1 I the sofa to the refrigerator! jXi 2- Do restaurant managers lock their 1 1 doors when you show up for their All-You-Can-Eat Brunch? If you answered YES to any of the above... Come Sec Us Today! NEW CLASSES Skiercize Body for Men Dynamics Ski conditioning class designed for MEN! Tough For those who work-out includes stretching have a 9-5 job. and flexibility, strength. . aerobics and weight training. Body Dynamics is for YOU! If you want to get in shape . TOTALLY, this is for YOU! M?;Wo i'c " 7: 15 to 8: 15 a.m. Mon., Tues., Thrs. 7:45 to 9:00 p.m. Body Dynamics Monday thru Thursday: 5: 10 to 6: 10 p.m. and 6: 15 to 7:30 p.m. Tuesday, and Saturday 9:00 to 10:30 a.m. Bring this coupon in for a tour of the club and enjoy our facilities and class of your choice on us!! I Must be 18 years or older j Vl I Only one per person. I JL X j ONE FREE VISIT j OFFER EXPIRES at prospector square OCT. 8, 1983 I 649-6670 AMFM i Stereo Cassette Recorder PRICE ta 3033. M9800 $SAIUVO svo -Rl AMFM Stereo Radio "TO GO" ! r "Largest y ; stock in "w""a ' f i town" of ' CXsy' Sanyo j Television Stereos ' ' Others u-Jy RP55 SALE PRICE TYPEWRITER COMPANY 777 South State (Across from Sears) Phone 328-4941 Monday through Friday 9:00 a.m. to 5 30 p.m. Saturday 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m Calculators Cash Registers a Dictation Equipment Office Furniture Supplies Video and Sound Equipment |