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Show PULLMAN OBSERVATION 1 Sleeping cars, latest patterns, urn j being operated on D. & R. G. trains No. I 4 Ogden to Denver, vJa Colorado Mid- j l:!d.-;. Thfi-wury throngh Denver sleep- I r on that train. Write to L. II. Hard- General Agent, Salt Lake, for fold- j ra an information. 1 " 0 $1.00 TELEPHONES , For residences twenty calls allowed. $2.00 TELEPHONES, , ; Unlimited service for residences. ' Itocky Mountain Bell Telephone Co. The people's bank, tested and proved to be the safest and securest of all dime banks. We. invite rigid scrutiny as to merits, and will explain its workings. work-ings. SALT LAKE SECURITY & TRUST COMPANY. INFORMATION WANTED. SITUATION. Information is re- I quired of the present whereabouts of Patrick Staunton, formerly of Seskin House. Ballyraggett, County Kilkenny. Ireland, who left home in 1S32 and was last heard of in Denver, Colo. He is a son of the late Henry Staunton, J. P., and his widow, Margaret Staunton. Write to M. M. Murphy. Solicitor. Kilkenny. : --9m I A new device for accumulating I money. You cannot spend savings. Begin Be-gin with a dime or upwards, (.'all and I see. i SALT LAKE SECURITY & TRUST I COMPANY. The Mannish Shirt Waist H An exclusive novelty much in vogue. We "jir have pold. hundreds of them. The shirt icaists WfK are swell , Only forty in the lot. To close m them outL Friday and Saturday your choice rM can be had at vfo : 'HALF PRICES W . $1.95 for .... . $ .98 fj $2.45 for .... $1.23 KM $3.45 for ; . . . . $1.73 W Sizes, 3 If, 86 and 38. WM , TEA Our $2.00 a pound tea is put up in 1-4 lb pack- QA ItM$ 1 ages. Price for package Friday and Saturday ...UC mnj ; . SOAP . '" B Castile, Glycerine and Tar toilet Soaps, C for Siic, or one cake DC Two Idaho Attorneys Pay Their Stenoo- -Sp. rapher $146 When We Persuaded Them. lIpB Two Boise City attorneys owed V" ""V , F Mrs. B. F. Scarborough, a stenog- paSW ,7 rapher, $146 and wouldn't pay. She ' 'C'V placed the claim with us. We ap- 'j-- y plied our persuasive powers. She Jf X has just acknowledged receipt of -r.i X her claim, and it didn't take long. ifii If anyone owes you arid won't pav ZWffi$'iMQ send the claim to us. We can col- iW&JmlwW'rf ' '' lect yours like we. have hundreds WWMW S of others. ' T THE - MERCHANTS' PROTECTIVE ASSOCIATION SCIENTIFIC COLLECTORS OF BAD" DEBTS. FRANCIS G. LUKE, General Manager. Top Floor Commercial Block. Some People Don't Like Us. mmmwm-- WALKER'S STORE. f ; - : : : Graduation Dresses One-Third Off. t This is an elegant assortment of white dresses for misses, It to 1 vear's. i old. An excellent -opportunity for those ahout to graduate. Materials-Brus- sols net. Point d Ksprit. Paris Mu&fins. Organdies and Swisses, Trimmed 1. Lace and Swiss Embroideries knd Tucks. All the newest models. Every one a heauty. Prices, $12.00 to $25.00. Reduced one-third Children's Wash Dresses reduced one-third. French ginghams. Madras and linens, sizes 4, 8 and 10. Only $2.00to $8.00. and one-third off these prices i $ i . j FURNITURE M l 0UALITY I 'i Pi . i I - ' ' ;"" . I H. DIRJWOODEY I j : . FURNITURE CO. I H f h I Utah's Largest and fflost Reliable p Home Furnishers. . $ . j "i ' A-1 4 J B . j loTABLIS'HED ibcr ONE. PRICE. TO ALL NEVER ? ! ' -nr,, - A Record-Breaking j j 30,000 Pairs of Simps at prices that han l.v c.v.-r ihe .-..,t f r!ic I I leather. This juniouiicenient tells a barjrain Nry -in -i; a i- sekiom ! i met willi. There must he a complete cleanup ( cur entire -tur-k of S 1 Slices owinfc to the change of management. To tins i n-1 prire, h;iv '. reduced beyond all vestige of profits and IO.imio p;iirs of Shoes are B ;! to be sold this week at prices that barely cover the of the f ; , leather. ! j TJIKSK QUOTATION'S CTXC'II TIIK AKtiCM I'.XTS. j -r I Infants' Shoes Youths Shoes 1 2 Soft soles, black or red 4 n youths', calf sh. ..- wi'li Ivaw s..l & worth 4V. Sale price f CC jmd he-l. sizes i to J. Sale Vrn 5 Infants' black riongola button er for one week 1 1 ft lrice. hard sole, worth ui to 7;"ic onlv ... Si U fHtO ir1.!?.'?!8. 39C . Youths' Solid i,.,. ,-;of S.-M ,deSS B Infants' i,ox calf shoes, good ror tuTt"' what"" hJ 'wnnt 7'.r M general wear, worth 9oc. hale ,...,.:., r., , , .. n fi ;Zis!'?: 64c sat-- price i-35 pi have a number of broken lines n i v I is all styles, worth up to $1.2.r.. we BOVS OllOeS 1 M will close out at S2f1m . , , , ! Eg (sizes 1 to 5) .. ....... OVU Hoys salm ralf 's. kivy m H ... and heels, a shoe f..r w-ar. Sizs g J Children's Shoes ?-35 y (Sizes '3 to S.) Boys- box calf serni!- sh. g I" made for solid wear. Siz- s LMr to Child's kid shoes, red or black, v ale 1 K Z W worth 51.25. Sale 7SC 'price .'. '"' S Child's extension sole shoes, with I o Hioe' Qhnoc 3 dongola kid ufpr, value 4 ft tS LaUICD OHU C 3 ?J Jl.. Sale price m MJ 3 ,-.-. ,,f i. M A large lot of sample shoes for Hh "r ? Tlr? a-d f-'et 8 children in fancy colors and put- h,; 'i,v ,1,,.' Weli known H :"! 38c gif 1 i ' Misses' and Child's Shoes phx'" a '"'3,75 $ Child's kid shoes with extension t' " ' '' ''; ; '." 'tVe'r ' i .il I sole, worth $1.K. sizes 0? " ' ' l d , , h, A off W SL. toll. Sale price U5C -"hoes on sale tin.- 2.85 fi Child's kid shoos with light soles. WCCK at on J worth S1.75. Sale "1 oi- ii price, sizes to 11 I Z J bllDPGrS s5 Misses' kid shoes with light soles. "r .. . Ti worth 52.25. Sale f en Ladies' eicht strap i:itet:t er o price -. i9U kid sandals, worth $.-. 3 45 A (Sizes 11U to 2.) go this week at ' t (1 Narrow widths. Ladies' fancv beaded or p;irty s!!p- H 3 oers worth 5-t.'"1". O C i Little Boys' Shoes ? v.:'" p All Ladies . Mens . M.--v- Jj fi Little boys' satin calf shoes, a jrocd Yuths and Children's tf!i;-:"-rs tint a i a , solid shoe for school Qftf oxford's S at sacrifice l-rf-s t"!S U : A 'wear. Sele nnce -? Ulr . t u ; Ej . (Sizes 8 to 13t2.) j i Little Gent's Seamless It Will Certainly Pay Yon J j ii ChnP to visit our shoe department th-s U ;i j , ' ' OllUeb ' ' week and look over r! h..c a- ( j i Will never rip. sizes -f q f tables, us we h.iye t-iis -i.i .3 Ij ?. ) -! 8 to 13?ts. Sale price i . iU bargains not advertise. n . j Little Boys' Dress Shoes T.l I - 1 Tatent tip. very stylish, f great offerings in the sli 'O tj - . sizes 8 to 13. Go at 0,nv. V j . J v IT'S UP TO YOU! ; r I We Have Your Spring Suit- I ! I tmmmf Your Size, Your Favorite Fab- U (j wMm ric and Pattern, at a Price You j - IQillr ' Feel Like Paying. 1 ; 1 I i BM4V It's UP to you to come and get it. It j I lfilSpil will make you feel as if it were really ; j , . made for you. That's a peculiar fear ; j U 1fo ture of our garments; once you wear ;; . l$gji M them and you're next to the fact that ; . MM KfDj nothing else can quite equal them. I tymi ' fMi Better annex your favorite before U a : ' llll some other fellow does it, ! PI "" In Prices :. j M $io, $15, $18, $20, $25, $30 jj 61-63-65. T) i Ml IVain St ROYCROFT tj ' L-;- - MmZS - .u,T I j i . j Main and ""J1 Jr--;asr-L s ij I I r- e 1 1 rtrtrjoS CLOTHES A I a Granite Sts. .nn1 , - u- n j Butte, Mont. 61, 63. 65 MAIN STREET. - fj (ij afiMWii'lrti-iwlWi T i nnnfr m MiairngaJu8iriJ-'i'-a",-CT ' ' ? Mi |